Rust-coloured patches indicated where air tankers had dropped retardant to stop the fire's spread.
The rust-coloured gantry running along the wall up there leads to the tunnel system entrance at the east end of the room.
The rouille, a rust-coloured creamy sauce, made with breadcrumbs, olive oil, garlic and chilli, gave an extra layer of interest.
Dressed in rust-coloured raw silk bustiers and matching chiffon skirts, the bridesmaids included Majella's daughter Siobhan and Daniel's niece Patricia.
A rust-colored pig rooted in the grass outside the tobacco barns.
He unzipped his jacket to reveal a rust-colored linen shirt.
Along the edges of the creek are rust-colored deposits.
In the male, the rust-colored belly and throat are interrupted by a black breast-band.
Many households complain of brown or rust-colored water coming from their faucets.
Great rust-colored stumps stand like tombstones.
The most pervasive environmental threat comes from mining dust, a suffocating rust-coloured cloud of debris that coats everything in and around the mining triangle.
The man, with a rust-colored mustache, was utterly unsmiling and miserable-looking.
She wore a great big rust-coloured jacket and in one hand she carried a large, bulging plastic bag.
The building material is the local rust-coloured sandstone, but this is often rendered with grey mortar to help keep out the weather.
The attacker ran off with her green and rust-coloured bag, containing £60 and a cashpoint card.
Vast herds of goats and camels are grazing by the rust-coloured lake, creating an otherworldly buzz.