单词 | fly |
释义 | flyWord family nounflierflybackfly ballflybaneflybeltflyblowflyboatflybookfly-by-nightflycatcherfly halfflying buttressflying doctorflying fishflying foxflying officerflying picketflying saucerflying squadflyleafflymakerflymanflyoverflypaperflypastflypitchflypitcherflyposterflypostingflysheetflysprayflytrapflywayflyweightflywheeladjectiveflyableflyawayflyblownfly-by-wireverbfly , Birds, Insects Airfly1 /flaɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst flew /fluː/, past participlepp flown /fləʊn $ floʊn/) 1 travel by plane 乘飞机旅行 [intransitiveI]TTA to travel by plane 乘飞机 She’s flying back to the States tomorrow. 她明天乘飞机回美国。 Will you take the train there or fly? 你去那里是坐火车还是坐飞机? Maurice is nervous about flying, so he usually travels overland. 莫里斯害怕乘坐飞机,因此他一般走陆路。 fly to The prime minister will be flying to Delhi later today for a three-day visit. 首相将于今天晚些时候乘机飞往德里,展开为期三天的访问。 fly from/out of/in etc He was arrested at Heathrow after flying from Brussels airport. 他从布鲁塞尔机场飞抵希思罗机场后被逮捕。 Lewis stopped off in Jamaica before flying on to Toronto. 刘易斯在牙买加稍作停留,然后继续飞往多伦多。 2 move through the air 在空中移动 [intransitiveI]TTA if a plane, spacecraft etc flies, it moves through the air 〔飞机、航天器等〕飞行,航行 The plane was attacked as it flew over restricted airspace. 飞机在飞越空中禁区时遭到了攻击。 3 control a plane 操纵飞机 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TTA to be at the controls of a plane and direct it as it flies 驾驶(飞机),操纵(飞机) She was the first woman to fly Concorde. 她是第一位驾驶协和式飞机的女性。 The pilot was instructed to fly the plane to Montreal airport. 飞行员接到指令将飞机开往蒙特利尔机场。 Sonny learnt to fly when he was 15. 桑尼15岁学开飞机。 4 send SB/STH by plane 用飞机运送某人/某物 [transitiveT]TTA to take goods or people somewhere by plane 空运〔货物或乘客〕 The injured boy was flown by air ambulance to the Royal London Hospital. 受伤男孩由空中救护车送往伦敦皇家医院。 fly something into/out of etc something ► see thesaurus at take US planes have been flying food and medical supplies into the area. 美国飞机一直在向该地区空运食品和医疗物资。 5 use air company/service 利用航空公司/服务 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TTA to use a particular airline or use a particular type of ticket when you travel by plane (乘…)飞行,航行 We usually fly economy class. 我们乘飞机一般坐经济舱。 Millions of passengers fly British Airways every year. 每年有数百万人乘坐英国航空公司的飞机。 6 cross sea by plane 乘飞机越过大海 [transitiveT]TTA to cross a particular ocean or area of sea in a plane 〔乘坐或驾驶飞机〕飞越〔某一海洋〕 Who was the first person to fly the Atlantic? 谁是飞越大西洋的第一人? 7 birds/insects 鸟/昆虫 [intransitiveI]HBBHBI to move through the air using wings 飞,飞翔 The mother bird will feed her chicks until they are able to fly. 母鸟将喂养小鸟直到它们会飞。 The evening air was clouded with mosquitoes and other flying insects. 夜晚,空中到处是蚊子和其他飞虫。 fly away/off/in etc At that moment, a wasp flew in through the open window. 就在那时,一只黄蜂从敞开的窗口飞了进来。 The robin shook its feathers and flew away. 知更鸟抖了抖羽毛飞走了。 8 move somewhere quickly 很快移动到某处HURRY [intransitiveI] a) to move somewhere quickly and suddenly 快速移动,疾驰 fly down/across/out of etc Ellen flew across the room and greeted her uncle with a kiss. 埃伦从房间那头飞奔过来,给了她叔叔一个吻。 Rachel’s hand flew to her mouth. 蕾切尔连忙用手捂住嘴。 fly open/shut The door flew open and a child rushed out. 门忽地打开,一个小孩冲了出来。 b) to move quickly and suddenly through the air 在空中快速移动 There was a loud explosion, and suddenly there was glass flying everywhere. 一声巨大的爆炸声响起,顿时玻璃四处飞溅。 William hit Jack on the head and sent his glasses flying. 威廉一拳打在杰克的脑袋上,把他的眼镜打飞了。 The ball bounced off the wall and went flying into the garden next door. 球从墙上弹出去,飞进了隔壁人家的院子。 9 kite 风筝 [transitiveT] to make a kite fly in the air 放飞〔风筝〕 In the park people were walking their dogs or flying their kites. 公园里,人们或在遛狗,或在放风筝。 10. (I) must fly spokenLEAVE A PLACE used to say that you must leave quickly (我)得赶紧走了 Examples from the Corpus (I) must fly• To keep your pilot's licence you must fly 5 hours each year minimum.• He is expected eventually to rule that the Union flag must fly, and he called the row unnecessary.• With me on his back he must fly down to the Gruncher.• If Jerba was picturesque, Nefta is magical and I regret that I must fly home in a week.• What is more, it is able to tell others what direction they must fly in order to get food themselves.• As a scheduled operator, Virgin must fly its 400-seat jumbos even if there are only a handful of passengers on board.• Second, it must fly swiftly away from the nest and alight some distance from it. 11 move freely 自由移动 [intransitiveI]MOVE something OR somebody to move freely and loosely in the air 自由移动,随风飘拂 Harriet ran after him, her hair flying behind her. 哈丽雅特追着他跑,头发在身后飘动。 12 flag 旗帜 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]ATTACH if a flag flies, or if you fly it, it is fixed to the top of a tall pole so that it can be easily seen 飘扬;悬挂 After the invasion, people were forbidden to fly their national flag. 沦陷后,民众被禁止悬挂他们的国旗。 The flags were flying cheerfully in the breeze. 旗帜在微风中轻快地飘扬。 The government ordered that all flags should be flown at half mast (=halfway down the pole, in order to express public sadness at someone’s death). 政府下令全国降半旗志哀。 13. fly the flag to behave in a way that shows that you are proud of your country, organization etc 为自己的国家[组织等]骄傲 Examples from the Corpus fly the flag• And take it down: Hotel is told it can't fly the flag.• Elsewhere, Orrell are flying the flag for top flight northern rugby in their own, inimitable style.• The monk is alleged to have flown the flag from the roof of the monastery.• That power can be exercised only with regard to vessels flying the flag of the member state concerned or registered there.• The hotel has been ordered to apply for approval to fly the flag, or take it down. 14 time flies (also the hours/the days etc fly)PASS/TIME PASSING used to say that a period of time seems to pass very quickly 时间飞逝 ‘Is it midnight already?’ ‘Well, you know what they say – time flies when you’re having fun!’ “已经午夜了?”“是啊,正所谓快活不知时日过!” time flies by The following weeks flew by, and soon it was time to leave. 接下来几周过得飞快,一晃又得走了。 Examples from the Corpus time flies• Is it 5:30 already? Boy, time sure flies!• Is Richard eight already? Doesn't time fly?• There are so many diversions here that the time flies by on wings.• Dearest Jeanette How time flies especially when one is meant to be writing lots of letters.• Think how time flies in periods of intense, purposeful activity.• "Hasn't the afternoon passed quickly?" said Carol. "Time flies when you're having fun." 15 fly into a rage/temper/panic etc to suddenly get extremely angry, extremely worried etc 勃然大怒/突然大发脾气/突然惊慌起来等 Rebecca flew into a rage when she realized no-one had been listening to her. 看到没人在听她说话,丽贝卡勃然大怒。 Examples from the Corpus fly into a rage/temper/panic etc• Maclean immediately flew into a rage.• Mitch was going to fly into a rage.• The Collector had flown into a rage.• Whenever Stewart showed signs of rejecting that outlook, Joe would fly into a rage.• I flew into a rage and quit.• I was made to feel like a petulant child who has flown into a temper because his favorite toy was removed.• Mary's natural tendency to fly into a temper probably did not increase their chances very much.• He flew into a rage with him and brained him with his lute. 16 fly off the handle informalANGRY to suddenly get very angry 大发雷霆 Calm down – there’s no need to fly off the handle. 冷静一点——没有必要大发雷霆。 Examples from the Corpus fly off the handle• Linda called me back and apologized for flying off the handle.• He just flew off the handle.• Some people always fly off the handle, and often their anger is totally out of proportion to the problem in hand.• Lila flew off the handle and she realizes that.• If last night hadn't happened, would she still have flown off the handle, sooner or later ...? 17 let fly (something) a) SHOUTto suddenly start shouting angrily at someone 大声怒骂 SYN let loose The prisoner let fly with a torrent of abuse. 那个囚犯突然破口大骂。 b) ATTACKto suddenly attack someone, especially with bullets or a weapon that is thrown 〔尤用子弹或投掷的武器〕突然攻击,突袭 let fly (something) with The soldiers let fly with a hail of machine-gun fire. 士兵们突然用机关枪猛烈扫射。 Examples from the Corpus let fly (something)• He located running back John Fuqua 20 yards downfield and let fly.• Sit it on a hill and wait till the enemy is within half range and then let fly.• The Bashers tightened lips, hunched shoulders, and let fly.• You have only to come close enough to my hide and I let fly.• It seems that the Battler and Rico let fly at somebody who was coming out of the back door of the Regal Arms.• Kimberley let fly at the dangling men from a hopeless range.• And there all the time, a line of kneeling archers, letting fly from behind their ranked shields.• If the threat still persists, he will let fly with one or both hindlegs. 18 fly in the face of something OPPOSITE/REVERSEto be the opposite of what most people think is reasonable, sensible, or normal 违反某事〔指人们认为合理、正常的事〕 He likes to fly in the face of convention. 他喜欢和传统习俗对着干。 Examples from the Corpus fly in the face of something• Whatever the riddle is called, it flies in the face of 3,000 years of logical philosophy.• Neill triumphantly flies in the face of a long line of buffoon kings on film.• Eysenck's claim flies in the face of all the evidence.• I find this hard to believe since it flies in the face of all the principles of wrestling.• Anita Roddick has made a virtue of flying in the face of business convention.• It flies in the face of commitments made at the Earth Summit to reduce consumption.• But strong biological determinism flies in the face of experience.• Award-winning entertainment that flies in the face of gravity lands in Tucson for two nights only.• This flies in the face of the cautious nature of the Bush administration. 19 escape 逃跑 [transitiveT]ESCAPE formal to leave somewhere in order to escape (从…)逃走,逃离 SYN flee By the time the police arrived, the men had flown. 警察赶到时,那些人已经逃走了。 20 be flying high to be having a lot of success 蒸蒸日上 The architectural firm has been flying high recently. 那家建筑公司近来生意蒸蒸日上。 Examples from the Corpus be flying high• I was always happy to be flying high.• The Rams are flying high after winning the Super Bowl.• He was now on to the mid-irons and these were flying high and true.• Like the other Salomon executives, Massey was flying high in 1985 on the back of a series of record earning quarters. 21 fly the nest a) if a young bird flies the nest, it has grown old enough to look after itself and is no longer dependent on its parents 〔小鸟长大后〕离巢 b) if a young person flies the nest, he or she moves out of their parents’ home in order to live independently 〔年轻人〕另立门户 Now that the kids have flown the nest, I’m thinking about taking a job abroad. 既然孩子们都已经离家自立,我在考虑去国外工作。 22 plan 计划 [intransitiveI] American EnglishAmEUSEFUL a plan that will fly will be successful and useful 成功;有用 News is that the plan for the new hotel isn’t going to fly. 有消息说新酒店开不成了。 23 fly a kite to tell people about an idea, plan etc in order to get their opinion 试探舆论 In my latest book, I wanted to fly the kite for an unfashionable theory. → kite-flying(2) 在最新出的这本书中,我想试探一下人们对一个不合潮流的理论有何看法。 Examples from the Corpus fly a kite• And, let's go fly a kite.• This he duly did while Eric and I were out flying kites.• We explored dry creek beds, burned mesquite wood for campfires, flew kites, and swam in lakes.• In 1986, Kent cigarettes launched an ad campaign which depicted two people flying a kite on a page.• Let's fly a kite or blow some bubbles up into the sky. 24. go fly a kite American EnglishAmE spoken used to tell someone to go away, stop saying something, or stop annoying you 走开;闭嘴;别烦我 Examples from the Corpus go fly a kite• And, let's go fly a kite. 25 rumours/accusations etc are flying SAYwhen a lot of people are talking about something, saying someone has done something wrong etc 谣言/责难等四起 Rumours were flying as to how the fire started. 关于火灾的起因谣言四起。 26 fly the coop American EnglishAmE informalESCAPE to leave or escape 离开;逃走 All my children have flown the coop now. 我的孩子现在都已经搬出去住了。 Examples from the Corpus fly the coop• The Tomahawk cruise missile, born in 1972 and built here ever since, has flown the coop.• Then Deutschlandsender made their announcement yesterday that Hess had flown the coop and I think that clinched it for them.• Plus it discourages funds that have already flown the coop from changing course and heading home again.• All my children have flown the coop now. 27 fly by the seat of your pants informalGUESS to have to deal with a situation by guessing what to do, because you know very little about it 〔因对某事几乎一无所知而〕凭感觉处置 SYN wing it Sometimes you’ll get back and find that things have changed, so you’ll be flying by the seat of your pants for a while. 有时候你回过头来发现情况又变了,就只好暂且见机行事了。 28.fly at somebody (also fly into somebody) American EnglishAmE phrasal verbphr v ANGRYto suddenly rush towards someone and try to hit them because you are very angry with them 〔因非常生气而〕冲向,扑向〔某人〕 → the bird has flown at bird(8), → as the crow flies at crow1(3), → sparks fly at spark1(6)Examples from the Corpus fly at • Excuse me for that one, but remember we are flying at 13,000 feet.• We laughed at this point, because our H-l9s flew at 80 knots.• The ferry's flag flew at half mast as the probe went on at Cork's Ringaskiddy port.• The planes flew at high altitudes, so that we had no warning.• They will fly at low level for two hours, with many men suffering the effects of air sickness and dehydration.• In actual practice they flew at one or less.• It seems that the Battler and Rico let fly at somebody who was coming out of the back door of the Regal Arms.• Noodle or Blueboobs would have flown at the kid to avenge Crackpot. n Grammar Fly belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object. You can say: He flew the plane across the desert. In this sentence, ‘the plane’ is the object of fly.You can say: The plane flew across the desert. In this sentence, ‘the plane’ is the subject of fly.Examples from the Corpus fly• My mother never liked flying.• Brenda's learning to fly.• I flew Aeroflot out of Moscow.• This is when the pilots who have been hibernating during the winter months get their gliders out and start flying again.• The bus was flying along when suddenly the driver slammed on the brakes.• Papers were flying around in the wind.• Fighter jets fly at incredibly high speeds.• Stop flying before it becomes too windy to move or fly the glider.• By the end of the year he had converted to twin-engined fighters, joining 252 Squadron to fly Blenheim IVFs and Beaufighters.• The number of training sorties flown by its pilots had dropped 7. 8 percent a year for nearly a decade.• We'll be flying from New York to Munich.• Stan flew helicopters in Vietnam.• His company flew him to Rio to attend the conference.• Her long hair was flying in the wind.• Medical equipment and food are being flown into the areas worst hit by the disaster.• Some kids were flying kites in the park.• We're flying nonstop from Milwaukee to Orlando.• I managed to roll clear just as it flew off into the air, never to be seen again.• Are you going to fly or drive?• Flocks of seagulls flew overhead.• As I slowed down another car flew past me and turned to the left.• Her fa-ther stood up, and the magpie, delighted, flew round and round with a marvelous clatter.• Lindbergh was the first man to fly the Atlantic.• They were forced to fly the country in 1939.• The ship is flying the Dutch flag.• Her heart broke and her soul flew to heaven.• I'm not allowed to fly visitors into the National Park area without permission. fly from/out of/in etc• Because I did not fly out in a high royal rage, and demand heads?• A more serious issue centers on the noise made by the Hunter and other remote-control planes that fly out of Fort Huachuca.• Absolutely irresistible, they're tipped as the sensation of the year and will fly out of garden centres this spring.• It catches the wind and flies out of her hand.• The molecule heading this way does not bounce off; instead it flies out of the balloon.• She spent the night at the Fairmont Hotel and was expected to fly out of the city early Friday. fly something into/out of etc something• But by the next day they were flying in and out of another nest box nearby on the pole by the fireplace.• His sons' friends came from the office or drove all night to be there or flew in from out of town.• The big black cluster flies come out of the same cracks at night if they see my light next to the bed. fly away/off/in etc• It peeked in, but then flew away.• Oh, now he's flown away.• Aikman even flew in a Dallas country-and-Western band to play at his 10-year high-school reunion in 1994.• I remembered that they had never flown in a light aircraft before today.• He flies in a private jet from concert to concert.• Many of the Minpins who had flown away a short while before were now returning on their birds.• Dust was flying in all directions, but I would have known that mug anywhere.• However desirable, that might fly in the face of everything the 1984 decree was about. went flying• Several of his cousins and brothers went flying.• So then I reached out and Katie went flying.• Diana pushed Raine, who went flying and fell forward on to her knees.• The doll and blanket went flying, bounced off the far end of the block, and fell into the make-believe river.• It tripped on a book and almost went flying, but it just succeeded in remaining upright.• Spit went flying, seen by millions. at half mast• The ferry's flag flew at half mast as the probe went on at Cork's Ringaskiddy port. going to fly• Make sure that you are familiar with the systems in the aircraft you are going to fly.• Mitch was going to fly into a rage.• If you're not going to fly, remove it and store it in a dry spot.• However, if you are going to fly solo, refusing is the only sensible thing to do.• If Amelia were going to fly the Airster, she wanted to learn how to take it through all its paces. , Clothes, Other sports, Baseball Insectsfly2 ●●● S3 W3 noun (plural flies) [countableC] 1 insect 昆虫HBI a small flying insect with two wings 蝇,苍蝇 There were flies buzzing all around us. 苍蝇嗡嗡地在我们周围飞来飞去。 2 trousers 裤子 especially American EnglishAmE (also flies [plural] British EnglishBrE)DCC the part at the front of a pair of trousers which you can open 〔裤子的〕门襟,前裆开口 He quickly did up his fly. 他迅速拉上裤子的门襟。 Your flies are undone. 你的裤子门襟没拉上。 3. somebody wouldn’t hurt/harm a fly informalKIND used to say that someone is very gentle and is not likely to hurt anyone 某人连一只苍蝇也不会伤害〔指某人心地善良〕 4. be dying/dropping etc like flies informalMI used to say that a lot of people are dying or becoming ill 许多人相继死亡/纷纷病倒 Examples from the Corpus be dying/dropping etc like flies• Our kids are dropping like flies.• The men were dying like flies, of fever.• Grocer profits While other retailers are dropping like flies, supermarkets are making fat profits.• They should be dropping like flies, but that hasn't been the case. 5 a fly in the ointment informalSPOIL the only thing that spoils something and prevents it from being successful 美中不足之处 The only fly in the ointment was Jacky. 唯一扫兴的人是雅基。 Examples from the Corpus a fly in the ointment• There had to be a snag, of course, a fly in the ointment. 6 be a fly on the wall to be able to watch what happens without other people knowing that you are there 做墙壁上的一只苍蝇,做不被察觉的观察者 I wish I’d been a fly on the wall during that conversation. → fly-on-the-wall 我真希望自己能神不知鬼不觉地偷听到那次谈话。 Examples from the Corpus be a fly on the wall• I wished I could be a fly on the wall.• I wish I'd been a fly on the wall during that conversation.• You should be a fly on the wall and hear him sing your praises.• Oh, wouldn't I like to be a fly on the wall when you tell her the latest! 7. there are no flies on somebody British EnglishBrE spokenSTUPID/NOT SENSIBLE used to say that someone is not stupid and cannot be tricked 某人很机灵,某人不会上当受骗 8 on the fly a) technical while a computer program is actually running 〔计算机程序〕在运行过程中 The code is translated on the fly. 程序运行过程中会进行编码转换。 b) while dealing with a situation, rather than before dealing with it 在处理过程中,在进行过程中 So far, policy is being made on the fly. 到目前为止,政策都是在进行过程中制定的。 Examples from the Corpus on the fly• Sometimes you have to make decisions on the fly.• This root is then stored and may be accessed in the lexicon at run-time rather than determined on the fly.• Taco Bell: The burritos and fajitas are among the easiest foods to eat on the fly.• Java applets are capable of handling a wide variety of graphic formats as well as creating graphics on the fly.• Lee Ann took all her clothes off and lay down to sun herself on the flying bridge.• Some one more determined could probably find some flat back-road routes, but doing it on the fly proved beyond us.• This time, I got it there on the fly.• Some systems still rely on a batch pagination method while others, like Interleaf, do the whole thing on the fly.• The run-time code is loaded on to a real processor and translated on the fly into the chip's native instruction set. 9. fishing 钓鱼DSO a hook that is made to look like a fly and is used for catching fish 假蝇钓钩 10. baseball 棒球DSB a fly ball 腾空球,高飞球 Examples from the Corpus fly• The sun was very bright; flies and insects buzzed on the littered veranda.• There might be bees, but there are clearly no flies on old Mel.• Their heads were the size of flies and moved to and fro as they presumably spoke to one another.• There are three ground pegging points at each bellend and one on either side of the fly.• There was a moment of indecisive silence, then rising voices, then the flies again.• The flies were swarming around the garbage cans.• Real fishermen know how to tie flies and cast them so that they dance over the water.• Your fly is unzipped. Baseballfly3 verb (flied, flying, flies) [intransitiveI] 1.DSBto hit a ball in baseball high into the air 〔棒球中〕击腾空球,击高飞球 →5 see picture at 见图 insect →5 see picture at 见图 fishing Examples from the Corpus fly• This is when the pilots who have been hibernating during the winter months get their gliders out and start flying again.• Stop flying before it becomes too windy to move or fly the glider.• By the end of the year he had converted to twin-engined fighters, joining 252 Squadron to fly Blenheim IVFs and Beaufighters.• The number of training sorties flown by its pilots had dropped 7. 8 percent a year for nearly a decade.• I managed to roll clear just as it flew off into the air, never to be seen again.• A revenue passenger mile is one paying passenger flown one mile.• Her fa-ther stood up, and the magpie, delighted, flew round and round with a marvelous clatter.• Her heart broke and her soul flew to heaven. fly4 adjectiveadj 1 informal very fashionable and attractive 时髦漂亮的 Wear something really fly for your Friday date. 礼拜五的约会要穿得漂漂亮亮地去。 2 British EnglishBrE old-fashionedINTELLIGENT clever and not easily tricked 机灵的,聪明的,不易上当受骗的 He’s a bit of a fly character. 他这人挺机灵。 Examples from the Corpus fly• Of course you'd expect to find fly ash at any period since people began burning coal in quantity.• What makes fly fishing different from coarse and sea fishing is the way you cast.• If you go fly fishing you are normally wanting to catch either trout or salmon.• When fly fishing you only have the fly tied on the line.• When fly fishing you use an artificially made fly.• Mmm, that Sharlene is one fly girl. From Longman Business Dictionary flyfly /flaɪ/ verb (past tensepst flew /fluː/, past participlepp flown /fləʊnfloʊn/) 1[intransitiveI]TRAVEL to travel by plane From Belfast, British Airways Cargo flies to London Heathrow, Manchester and Glasgow. Mr McGovern always flies economy class. 2TRANSPORT [transitiveT] to take goods or people to a place by plane It was more cost-effective to fly the chemicals direct to each country. A waiting helicopter flew the president to his next meeting. 3[intransitiveI] American EnglishAmEMARKETING if a product or idea flies, it succeeds We were never confident the system was going to fly. A product which the market has clearly rejected cannot be made to fly 4fly in the face of something to be or do the opposite of what most people think is reasonable, sensible or normal A sales tax would fly in the face of EU moves towards greater standardisation of indirect taxes. She made a virtue of flying in the face of business convention. 1. Old English fleoge 2. (1800-1900) FLY1 fly4 (1800-1900) Probably from FLY1 →20-28 →n GRAMMAR1fly2 nounfly3 verbfly4 adjectiveadj |
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