

单词 draw up

draw up

draw up
phrasal verbphr v 
a) LIST/CONTRACT ETC draw something ↔ upSCLB to prepare a written document, such as a list or contract 起草某文件,拟定〔名单、合同等〕
 Draw up a list of all the things you want to do.
draw up plans/proposals
 He was asked to draw up proposals for reforming the law.
 The contract was drawn up last year.
b) VEHICLETTARRIVEif a vehicle draws up, it arrives somewhere and stops 〔车辆〕到达某处后停下
 A taxi drew up at the gate.
c) draw up a chair to move a chair closer to someone or something 把椅子拉近
d) draw yourself up (to your full height)STAND to stand up very straight because you are angry or determined about something 〔因生气或下决心而〕挺直身体站立
 He drew himself up and said, ‘This has gone far enough.’
他直起身子说道: “这已经很过分了。
e) draw your knees upBEND to bring your legs closer to your body 曲起双膝〔让腿靠近身体〕
 Ruth sat, knees drawn up under her chin, and waited.
draw up a plan/scheme
Local authorities have drawn up new plans for waste disposal.
draw up a proposal
The European Communities were drawing up proposals to control the export of chemicals.
draw up a list
They drew up a list of suitable candidates for the job.
draw up guidelines
A committee of teachers has drawn up guidelines for schools on how to deal with difficult students.
draw up a report
Environmental organizations have been involved in drawing up the report.
draw up a contract/agreement
Some people draw up a contract when they get married.
draw up a timetable/schedule
They haven’t yet drawn up a timetable for the elections.
draw up a programme
A small team has drawn up a programme of action.
draw up a constitution (=set of laws and principles that govern a country)
The first Czech constitution was drawn up here in 1920.
draw up a budget (=plan of how to spend the money that is available)
Each year business managers draw up a budget.
Examples from the Corpus
draw up at draw1(PHRASAL VERB)




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