

单词 crack


Word family adjectivecrackedcrackerscrackingcrackbrainedcrackjawnouncrackercrackbraincrackerjackcrackheadcrack housecrackpotcracksmanverbcrack
Related topics: Colours & sounds, Crime, Computers
crack1 /kræk/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  
1 BREAKbreak 断裂 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]BREAK to break or to make something break, either so that it gets lines on its surface, or so that it breaks into pieces (使)破裂,(使)裂开
 Don’t put boiling water in the glass or it will crack.
 Concrete is liable to crack in very cold weather.
 He picked up a piece of rock and cracked it in half.
 She fell and cracked a bone in her leg.
 He cracked a couple of eggs into a pan.
see thesaurus at break5 see picture at 见图 damage2
2 LOUD SOUNDsound 声音 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]C to make a quick loud sound like the sound of something breaking, or to make something do this (使)发爆裂声
 Thunder cracked overhead.
 He cracked his whip and galloped off.
 Dennis rubbed his hands together and cracked his knuckles.
4  See picture of 见图 HOLE
3 HIT somethinghit 击打 [transitiveT]HIT to hit someone or something hard 重击;猛击
crack something on something
 I slipped and cracked my head on the door.
 She cracked him over the head with a hammer.
4 LOSE CONTROLnot be able to continue 无法继续 [intransitiveI]MICRAZY to be unable to continue doing something because there is too much pressure and you do not have the mental strength to continue 〔因压力太大而〕崩溃,失控
crack under
 Some young executives crack under the pressure of having to meet tough sales targets every month.
 He cracked under interrogation and confessed.
5 VOICEvoice 嗓音 [intransitiveI]EMOTIONAL if your voice cracks, it starts to sound different because you are feeling strong emotions 变嘶哑
 His voice cracked slightly as he tried to explain.
6 SOLVEsolve/understand 解决/懂得 [transitiveT] to find the answer to a problem or manage to understand something that is difficult to understand 解决〔难题〕;理解〔费解之事〕 SYN solve
 I think we’ve cracked the problem of the computer crashing all the time.
 It took them nearly two months to crack the code.
 This new evidence could help detectives to crack the case.
7 stop SB 阻止某人 [transitiveT] informalDESTROY to stop a person from being successful 阻碍,阻止〔某人成功〕
 Political enemies have tried to crack me.
8. open a safe 打开保险箱STEAL [transitiveT]SCCSTEAL to open a safe illegally in order to steal the things inside it 〔为偷窃〕砸开,撬开〔保险箱〕
9 computer 计算机 [transitiveT] to illegally copy computer software or change free software which may lack certain features of the full version, so that the free software works in the same way as the full version 破解〔计算机软件〕
 You can find out how to crack any kind of software on the web.
10 crack it British EnglishBrE informalSUCCEED IN DOING something to manage to do something successfully 做成某事
 I think we’ve cracked it!
 He seems to have got it cracked.
Examples from the Corpus
11 crack a joke JOKEto tell a joke 说笑话
 He kept cracking jokes about my appearance.
Examples from the Corpus
12 crack a smile to smile, usually only slightly or unwillingly 勉强一笑
 Even Mr Motts managed to crack a smile at that joke.
13 crack open a bottle British EnglishBrE informalOPEN to open a bottle of alcohol for drinking 打开一瓶酒
 We cracked open a few bottles.
14 get cracking informalFAST/QUICK to start doing something or going somewhere quickly 抓紧时间
 I think we need to get cracking if we’re going to catch this train.
Examples from the Corpus
15. crack the whip informalWORK HARD to make people work very hard 逼手下人努力工作
Examples from the Corpus
16 something is not all/everything it’s cracked up to be informalDISAPPOINTED used to say that something is not as good as people say it is 某事物不像人们说的那么好
 I thought the film was OK, but it’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
17crack down phrasal verbphr v STRICTto become more strict in dealing with a problem and punishing the people involved 严厉打击;制裁;镇压
 The government is determined to crack down on terrorism.
 The police are cracking down hard on violent crime.
Examples from the Corpus
18crack into something phrasal verbphr v to secretly enter someone else’s computer system, especially in order to damage the system or steal the information stored on it 侵入,非法进入〔别人的计算机系统〕 hack
 A teenager was accused of cracking into the company’s network.
Examples from the Corpus
19crack on phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal WORK HARDto continue working hard at something in order to finish it 继续努力干
 I need to crack on with my project work this weekend.
20crack up phrasal verbphr v informal 
a) crack (somebody) upCONTROL to laugh a lot at something, or to make someone laugh a lot (使)(某人)捧腹大笑
 Everyone in the class just cracked up.
 She’s so funny. She cracks me up.
b) CONTROLto become unable to think or behave sensibly because you have too many problems or too much work 吃不消,精神崩溃
 I was beginning to think I was cracking up!
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Colours & sounds, Drug culture, Computers
crack2 ●●● S3 noun  
1 THIN SPACEOPENgap 裂缝 [countableC] a very narrow space between two things or two parts of something 裂缝,缝隙
crack between
 He squeezed into a crack between two rocks.
crack in
 He could see them through a crack in the door.
 She opened the door a crack and peeped into the room.
see thesaurus at hole5 see picture at 见图 hole1
2 BREAKBREAKbreak 断裂 [countableC] a thin line on the surface of something when it is broken but has not actually come apart 裂痕,裂口
crack in
 There were several small cracks in the glass.
3 weakness 缺点 [countableC] a weakness or fault in an idea, system, or organization 〔观点、制度或组织中的〕缺陷,缺点
crack in
 The cracks in their relationship were starting to show.
 The first cracks are beginning to appear in the economic policy.
4 sound 声音C [countableC] a sudden loud sound like the sound of a stick being broken 爆裂声,劈啪声
loud/sharp crack
 There was a sharp crack as the branch broke off.
crack of
 We could hear the crack of gunfire in the distance.
 a crack of thunder
5 JOKE/REMARKjoke 玩笑 [countableC] informal a clever joke or rude remark 俏皮话;粗鲁的话
crack about
 I didn’t like his crack about her being overweight.
 He’s always making cracks about how stupid I am.
6 CHANCE/OPPORTUNITYattempt 试图 [countableC] informal an attempt to do something 试图,尝试 SYN shot
crack at
 I’d like a crack at climbing that mountain.
 The competition’s open to anyone – why don’t you have a crack?
7 DRUGdrug 毒品 [uncountableU]MDD an illegal drug that some people take for pleasure 强效可卡因
 crack addicts
8. body 身体 [countableC] informal the space between someone’s buttocks 股沟
9 a crack on the head HITa hard hit on the head 头上的重击
 You’ve had a nasty crack on the head and you need to rest.
10 a crack in somebody’s voice EMOTIONALa change in someone’s voice because they are feeling very upset 〔因情绪激动而引起的〕某人声音的变化
 He noticed the crack in her voice as she tried to continue.
Examples from the Corpus
11 the crack of dawn EARLYvery early in the morning 大清早,黎明,破晓
at the crack of dawn
 We were up at the crack of dawn.
Examples from the Corpus
12. computer 计算机 [countableC] a piece of information or computer code that lets you illegally change free software which may lack certain features of the full version, so that the free software works in the same way as the full version 〔非法使用正版计算机软件的〕破解信息,破解码
13 a fair crack of the whip British EnglishBrE informal the same chance as other people to do something 均等的机会,平等的机会
 They feel they haven’t been given a fair crack of the whip.
14. another spelling of craic / craic 的另一种拼法
Examples from the Corpus
crack3 adjectiveadj [only before noun]  
1 GOOD/EXCELLENTwith a lot of experience and skill 优秀的,经验丰富的,训练有素的
 crack troops
 a crack regiment
 a crack sportsman
2. crack shot SHOOTsomeone who is able to shoot a weapon very well and hit the thing they are aiming at 神枪手,神射手
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin crack1
Old English cracian

→PHRASAL VERBS1crack2 nouncrack3 adjectiveadj




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