clean somebody/something out phrasal verbphr v a) clean something ↔ outCLEAN to make the inside of a room, house etc clean or tidy 把〔房间、屋子等的内部〕打扫干净 We’d better clean out the attic this week. 我们本周最好清扫一下阁楼。
b) clean somebody out informalEXPENSIVE if something expensive cleans you out, you spend so much money on it that you now have very little left 用尽某人的钱财 Our trip to Paris cleaned me out. 我们的巴黎之行把我的钱都用光了。
c) clean somebody/something out informalSTEAL to steal everything from a place, or all of someone’s possessions 把某人的财物/某处盗窃一空
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