

单词 burn


Word family noun burn burner burnsideadjective burning burnt verb burn adverb burning burningly
Related topics: Power, Computers
burn1 /bɜːn $ bɜːrn/ ●●● S2 W3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp burnt /bɜːnt $ bɜːrnt/ or burned)  
1 PRODUCE HEATproduce flames and heat 产生火和热 [intransitiveI]
a) if a fire burns, it produces heat and flames 〔火〕燃烧
 There was a fire burning in the fireplace.
 An average household candle will burn for about six hours.
b) if something is burning, it is producing flames and being damaged or destroyed by fire 〔某物〕燃烧
 Parts of the building are still burning.
2 DESTROY WITH FIREdestroy STH with fire 烧毁某物 [transitiveT] to destroy or damage something with fire 焚烧,烧毁
 I burnt all his old letters.
 Cars were burned and shops were looted during the rioting.
 The Grand Hotel had burnt to the ground.
 Make sure the iron isn’t too hot or you’ll burn the cloth.
 He dropped his cigarette and burnt a hole in the carpet.
3 injure/kill SB with fire 烧伤/烧死某人 [transitiveT] to hurt yourself or someone else with fire or something hot 烧伤;烫伤
 I burned my hand on the oven door.
 She was badly burned in a road accident.
 Sixteen passengers were burned to death (=died in a fire).
 A family of five were burned alive in their home last night (=died in a fire).
 Heretics were burnt at the stake (=burnt in a fire as a punishment).
4 sun 太阳 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] if the sun burns your skin, or if your skin burns, it becomes red and painful from the heat of the sun (使)晒伤 sunburn
 I burn quite easily.
 Don’t forget you can still get burnt when you’re swimming or when it’s cloudy.
 Her face and neck were quite badly burned.
5 food 食物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to spoil food by cooking it for too long, or to become spoiled in this way 烧焦,烧糊
 I’m afraid I’ve burnt the pizza.
burn something to a crisp/cinder
 The meat was burned to a crisp.
6 chemicals 化学物 [transitiveT]DAMAGE to damage or destroy something by a chemical action 烧伤,灼伤
 Quite a lot of household chemicals can burn your skin.
7 fuel 燃料 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]TPUSE something if you burn a fuel, or if it burns, it is used to produce power, heat, light etc (使)〔燃料〕燃烧
 The boiler burns oil to produce heat.
 greenhouse gases caused by the burning of fossil fuels
8 fat/energy 脂肪/能量 [transitiveT] if you burn fat or calories, you use up energy stored in your body by being physically active 消耗〔脂肪或热量〕
 Taking a brisk walk every morning is a great way to burn calories.
 a fat-burning exercise
9 SHINElight [intransitiveI] if a light or lamp burns, it shines or produces light 发光,照亮
 A lamp was burning in the kitchen window.
 The hall light was still burning.
10 feel hot and painful 感到热和痛 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]FEEL HOT/COLD/TIRED ETC if a part of your body burns, or if something burns it, it feels unpleasantly hot (使)〔身体部位〕灼痛,(使)火辣辣地痛
 The whisky burned my throat as it went down.
 My eyes were burning from the smoke.
11 BE EMBARRASSEDface/cheeks/面颊 [intransitiveI] if your face or cheeks are burning, they feel hot because you are embarrassed or upset 〔脸因窘迫或生气而〕发烫
 I could feel my cheeks burning as I spoke.
12. CD 光盘 [transitiveT] if you burn a CD or DVD, you record music, images, or other information onto it using special computer equipment 刻录〔光盘或数字影碟〕
13 be burning with rage/desire etc STRONG FEELING OR BELIEFto feel a particular emotion very strongly 满腔怒火/满怀强烈的欲望等
 She was burning with curiosity.
14 be burning to do something WANTto want to do or find out something very much 渴望做某事
 I was burning to know how he had got on in New York.
Examples from the Corpus
15 be/get burned informal
a) to be emotionally hurt by someone or something 感情受到伤害
 Take things slowly – don’t get burned again.
b) to lose a lot of money 遭受巨大损失,亏损巨大
 The company got badly burned in the dot.com collapse.
Examples from the Corpus
16 burn your fingers/get your fingers burned informalHARM/BE BAD FOR to suffer the unpleasant results of something that you have done 〔因自己做的事〕吃苦头,吃亏
 I tried a dating agency once, but got my fingers badly burnt – I’ll never do it again.
17. burn a hole in your pocket SPEND MONEYif money burns a hole in your pocket, you want to spend it as soon as you can 有钱烧得慌,有钱就花光
Examples from the Corpus
18 burn your bridges/boats informalDECIDE to do something with the result that you will not be able to return to a previous situation again, even if you want to 破釜沉舟,自绝后路
 I’m really tempted to take up that job offer in Washington, but I don’t want to burn my boats with this company.
Examples from the Corpus
19. burn the candle at both ends informalWORK HARD to get very tired by doing things until very late at night and getting up early in the mornings 一根蜡烛两头烧,起早贪黑而疲惫不堪
Examples from the Corpus
20. burn the midnight oil informalWORK HARD to work or study until late at night 挑灯夜战,开夜车
Examples from the Corpus
21 it burns somebody that/how etc American EnglishAmEANGRY used to say that something makes someone feel angry or jealous 使某人心生怒气[妒意]
 It really burns me the way they treat us.
22 GO FASTgo fast 快速行驶 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] informalFAST/QUICK to travel very fast 疾驰
burn along/up etc
 a sports car burning up the motorway
Burn belongs to a group of verbs where the same noun can be the subject of the verb or its object.
You can say:
You’re burning the toast!
In this sentence, ‘the toast’ is the object of burn.
You can also say:
The toast is burning!
In this sentence, ‘the toast’ is the subject of burn.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 3: to hurt yourself or someone else with fire or something hot
be badly/severely burned
His face had been badly burned in the fire.
be burned alive
The animals were burned alive when a farm building caught fire.
be burned to death
Anyone inside the truck would have been burned to death.
be burned at the stake (=burned in a fire as a punishment)
In those days witches were burned at the stake.
to be burning 在燃烧
burn to produce heat and flames 燃烧
The fire was still burning.
A pile of branches was burning in the yard.
be on fire if a building, car, piece of clothing etc is on fire, it is burning and being damaged 〔建筑物、汽车、衣物等〕着火,起火
Before long, the neighbouring houses were on fire too.
be alight especially written if something is alight, it is burning 在燃烧
By the time the fire engines got there, the whole building was already alight.
nThe candle was still alight.
be ablaze especially written if something is ablaze, it is burning with a lot of flames, so that it is seriously damaged 在熊熊燃烧
Twelve hours after the bombing raid, many parts of the city were still ablaze.
nThe two hundred tonnes of straw were now ablaze and firefighters struggled to get the fire under control.
blaze to burn very brightly with a lot of flames and heat 熊熊燃烧
A big log fire was blazing in the fireplace.
smoulder British EnglishBrE, smolder American EnglishAmE /ˈsməʊldə $ ˈsmoʊldər/ to burn slowly and continuously, producing smoke but no flames 〔没有火焰地〕阴燃,闷燃
A cigarette smouldered in the ashtray.
nThe fire in the chemical factory was so intense that it was still smouldering a week later.
nflicker if a fire or flame flickers, it burns with an unsteady light that appears and disappears quickly
A welcoming fire flickered in the grate.
Inside the shrine candles flicker next to statues of saints.
to start burning 开始燃烧
catch fire to start burning accidentally 失火,着火
We were worried the house would catch fire.
nTwo farm workers died when a barn caught fire yesterday.
burst into flames to suddenly start burning and produce a lot of flames that cause serious damage 突然起大火
The plane crashed into the side of the mountain and burst into flames.
ignite /ɪɡˈnaɪt/ technical if a chemical or gas ignites, it starts burning 〔化学品或气体〕点燃,起火
The compound ignites at 450 degrees Celsius.
nScientists could not explain why the gas had suddenly ignited.
to burn something 烧坏某物
burn to damage or destroy something with fire or heat 烧毁,烧坏;烫坏
She lit a fire and burned his letters one by one.
set fire to something (also set something on fire) to make something start burning so that it gets damaged 点火烧毁某物
Vandals set fire to an empty warehouse.
nTeresa wondered if the burning log might set fire to the curtains.
nThe Vikings attacked villages along the coast and set them on fire.
nSparks from the fireplace could easily set the curtains on fire.
scorch to damage the surface of something by burning it so that a dark mark is left on it 烧焦,烤焦
Having the iron on a very high heat can scorch the fabric.
nThe heater was left on all night and it scorched the wall.
singe /sɪndʒ/ to damage hair, wool, paper etc by burning it slightly so that the ends or edges are burnt 轻微烧焦,燎焦
The flames were hot enough to singe your eyebrows.
scald to burn your skin with very hot liquid or steam 〔被高温液体或蒸汽〕烫伤
The coffee was so hot it nearly scalded his tongue.
nIt’s easy to knock a pan off the stove and scald yourself.
nHe was scalded by steam escaping from the broken pipe.
nignite technical to make something start to burn, especially something that burns easily such as a gas or chemical
The gas is ignited by an electrical spark.
It appears he threw away a lit cigarette which ignited the petrol spilt on the ground.
to make something stop burning 使某物停止燃烧
put out to make something such as a fire, cigarette, or candle stop burning 扑灭,熄灭
It took firefighters four hours to put out the blaze.
nShe threw sand on the fire to put it out.
I put out my cigarette and went back into the house.
extinguish /ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/ formal to make something such as a fire, cigarette, or candle stop burning 扑灭,熄灭
He managed to extinguish the flames with his coat.
Customers who smoke will be asked to extinguish their cigarettes or leave the premises.
blow out to make a flame or fire stop burning by blowing on it 吹灭
He blew out the candle and went to sleep.
The wind blew out the fire.
23burn away phrasal verbphr v BURNif something burns away or is burned away, it is destroyed by fire 烧掉,烧毁,烧光
burn something ↔ away
 All her hair had been burnt away.
Examples from the Corpus
24burn down phrasal verbphr v 
a) BURNif a building burns down or is burned down, it is destroyed by fire 〔建筑物〕(被)烧毁
 She was worried that the house might burn down while they were away.
burn something ↔ down
 The old town hall was burnt down in the 1970s.
旧市政厅在 20世纪70年代的时候被大火烧毁了。
b) BURNLESSif a fire burns down, the flames become weaker and it produces less heat 〔火势〕减弱
Examples from the Corpus
25burn something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v 
a) BURNto remove something by burning it 烧掉
 You can use a blowlamp to burn off the old paint.
b) EXERCISEto use energy that is stored in your body by doing physical exercise 〔通过运动〕消耗〔体内的能量〕
 I decided to go for a run to try and burn off a few calories.
Examples from the Corpus
26burn out phrasal verbphr v 
a) FIRESTOP HAPPENINGif a fire burns out or burns itself out, it stops burning because there is no coal, wood etc left 烧尽,燃尽
 He left the fire to burn itself out.
b) be burnt outBURN if a building or vehicle is burnt out, the inside of it is destroyed by fire 〔建筑物或车辆〕被烧空
 The hotel was completely burnt out. Only the walls remained.
 We passed several burnt out cars.
c) burn something ↔ out to remove something by burning it 烧掉
 The cancer cells are burnt out using a laser beam.
d) TIREDto work so hard over a period of time that you become unable to continue working because you are tired, ill, or unable to think of any new ideas 耗尽体力;耗尽心思
 It’s a high-pressure job and you could burn out young.
be/get burnt out
 He was almost burnt out by the time he was 21.
burn yourself out
 She’s in danger of burning herself out.
e) ENGINEDAMAGEif an engine or electric wire burns out or is burnt out, it stops working because it has been damaged by getting too hot 〔引擎或电线〕烧坏
 The plugs are wired so that if one burns out, the others will still start the engine.
burn something ↔ out
 I think you’ve burnt out one of the gaskets.
f) AIRCRAFTTTATTWif a rocket or jet burns out, it stops working because all its fuel has been used 〔火箭或喷气式飞机〕燃油耗尽 burnout(2)
Examples from the Corpus
27burn up phrasal verbphr v 
a) DESTROYBURNif something burns up or is burnt up, it is completely destroyed by fire or heat 烧毁,烧尽
 The satellite will burn up as it re-enters the Earth’s atmosphere.
burn something ↔ up
 Most of the woodland has now been burnt up.
b) burn something ↔ up informal to use a lot of something in a careless way 大量消耗,挥霍
 Most household appliances burn up loads of electricity.
 He just burns up money!
c) BE HOT be burning up spokenHOT if someone is burning up, they are very hot, usually because they are ill 发烧,体温高
 Feel his forehead – he’s burning up.
d) MAKE somebody ANGRY burn somebody upANGRY American EnglishAmE informal to make someone very angry 使某人非常气愤
 The way he treats her really burns me up.
e) EXERCISE burn something ↔ up to use energy that is stored in your body, by being physically active 消耗〔体内的能量〕
 As we get older, our body becomes less efficient at burning up calories.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Nature
burn2 ●●○ S3 noun [countableC]  
1 MIBURNan injury caused by fire, heat, the light of the sun, or acid 〔因火、高温、太阳光或酸引起的〕烧伤;灼伤;烫伤
 His body was covered in cigarette burns.
severe/serious burns
 She was taken to the hospital with serious burns.
 Several of the survivors suffered severe burns.
 She is being treated for minor burns.
2 a mark on something caused by fire or heat []伤的痕迹
 The desk was covered with graffiti and burn marks.
3. a painful mark on the skin caused by it rubbing hard against something rough 擦伤
4 the burn informalEXERCISE a painful hot feeling in your muscles when you exercise a lot 〔大量锻炼使肌肉产生的〕酸痛感
 Go for the burn.
5. DN British EnglishBrE a small stream 小溪
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
burnburn /bɜːnbɜːrn/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp burned or burnt /bɜːntbɜːrnt/) [transitiveT]
1COMPUTING to copy information held on a computer’s HARD DRIVE onto a CD ROM
2be/get burned informal to lose a lot of money in a business deal, usually because it involves a high risk
A lot of investors got burned buying junk bonds which turned out to be worthless.
3burn your fingers/get your fingers burnt informal to suffer from the results of an unsuccessful business activity
Since burning their fingers on 100% lending that turned into bad debt, lenders have been limiting borrowing to 75% of the property’s value.
Origin burn1
Old English byrnan to burn and bærnan to cause to burn





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