

单词 work


Word family noun work workaholic worker working workings workabilityworkaholismworkeristworkaroundworkbagworkbenchworkboatworkbookworkboxworkdaywork ethicwork experienceworkfareworkfellowworkflowworkfolkworkforceworkgirlworkgroupworkhorseworkhouseworking classworking girlworking partyworkloadworkmanworkmanshipworkmasterworkmatework of artworkpeopleworkpieceworkplaceworkroomworksheetworkshopworkspaceworkstationworktableworktopworkwatcherworkwearworkwomanadjective workableunworkable overworked working workedworkfulworklessworksomeworkadayworkmanlikeworkmanlyworkshyverb work rework adverbworkably
Related topics: Industry, Maths
work1 /wɜːk $ wɜːrk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb  
1 do a job for money 为挣钱而工作 [intransitiveI]WORK/DO WORK to do a job that you are paid for 受雇,从事工作
 Where do you work?
 Many young people in the area have never worked.
 The injury means he’ll probably never work again.
work for
 He works for a law firm.
work at/in
 I work at the university.
work as
 She works as a consultant for a design company.
work in industry/education/publishing etc
 The studies were undertaken by people working in education.
work part-time/full-time
 I work part-time in a library.
nGRAMMAR: Prepositions with work
You work in a city or area:
He works in Manhattan.
You work in a type of place such as a bank, shop, or factory:
She works in a library.
You work at a particular place or organization:
She works at the Library of Congress.
You work for a person, company, or organization that employs you:
He works for his father.
We both work for the same company.
You work in an industry or a type of job, for example education, advertising, or IT:
He works in advertising.
You work as a waiter, cashier, accountant etc:
She works as a cook.
Don’t say: She works as cook.
You work on a project or task:
Several people worked on the report.
2 do your job 做工作 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]WORK/DO WORK to do the activities and duties that are part of your job 工作,干活
 Sally isn’t working tomorrow.
 Staff will have to get used to a new way of working.
work with
 One of the women I work with is getting married this weekend.
work under somebody (=have someone who is in charge of you) 在某人领导下工作
 Each site has a fully trained team who work under a site manager.
work days/nights/weekends etc
 I get paid more if I work nights.
 We’re sometimes expected to work twelve-hour days.
 Are you working late (=working after the time you usually finish) again tonight?
 Forty police officers are working round the clock (=working day and night without stopping) to find Murray’s killer.
 Nowadays, many people are able to work from home.
3 help 帮助 [intransitiveI]WORK/DO WORK if you work with someone or a group of people, your job involves trying to help them 从事帮助〔某人或某群体〕的工作
work with/among
 She’s just retired after 38 years working with children.
 He has worked among some of the world’s poorest people.
4 do an activity 从事活动 [intransitiveI]WORK/DO WORK to spend time and effort doing something 〔花费时间和精力〕做〔某事〕
 I’ve been working in the garden all afternoon.
 I’m going to have to work really hard to pass these exams.
 We’re working together to develop a new system.
5 try to achieve STH 争取做成某事 [intransitiveI]TRY TO DO OR GET something to try continuously to achieve a particular thing 努力取得,力争
work towards
 They are working towards a solution to their problems.
work for
 We will work for the release of the hostages.
work to do something
 The police are working to provide more help for victims of crime.
 The company is working hard to improve its image.
 He worked tirelessly (=worked very hard in a determined way) for the charity throughout his life.
6 machine/equipment 机器/设备
a) [intransitiveI]WORKING/NOT BROKEN if a machine or piece of equipment works, it does what it is supposed to do 运转;活动
 You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly.
 The delete key doesn’t work.
get something to work
 I can’t get the heater to work.
b) [transitiveT]SWITCH ON OR OFF to make a machine or piece of equipment do what it is supposed to do 操作,使用〔机器或设备〕
 My parents can’t even work the video.
7 be effective/successful 有效/成功 [intransitiveI]SUCCEED IN DOING something to be effective or successful 有效,起作用
 Making a marriage work can take a lot of effort.
 I’ve never found a diet that works.
 The recipe works just as well if you use margarine instead of butter.
 The cream works immediately to relieve sore skin.
work for
 You need to find which method works best for you.
work against
 a drug that works against some types of cancer
8 have an effect 有效果 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]EFFECT/INFLUENCE if something such as a fact, situation, or system works in a particular way, it has a particular effect on someone or something 有影响
 The arrangement works well for everyone involved.
 The French team are the heavier crew, which should work in their favour (=help them).
 Sexism still works against (=harms or causes problems for) women in many professions.
 Loyalty works both ways (=involves two opposite or matching effects): we are loyal to our employees and, in turn, they are loyal to us.
忠诚是相互的: 我们对待雇员忠诚坦白,雇员投桃报李也对我们贞心不贰。
9 art/style/literature 艺术/风格/文学 [intransitiveI]EFFECTIVE if a painting, design, piece of writing etc works, it is successful because it has the effect on you that the painter, writer etc intended 〔画作、设计、文章等〕奏效,产生预期效果
 I don’t think the scene with the horses really works, do you?
work for
 The colour combination just doesn’t work for me.
10. shape/cut STH 让某物成形/切割某物 [transitiveT]TIC if you work a material such as metal, leather, or clay, you cut, sew, or shape it in order to make something 〔通过切割、缝纫等〕使〔金属、皮革、陶土等〕成形[定形]
11 use a substance 使用某种材料 [intransitiveI]TIC to use a particular material or substance in order to make something such as a picture, design, jewellery etc 〔用某种材料〕作画[设计,制作珠宝等]
work in/with
 a sculptor who works in steel
 a jeweller who works with silver
12 work your way to/through etc something 
a) to move somewhere slowly and with difficulty 缓慢而费力地移到/穿过某处
 From here, we worked our way carefully across the rock base.
b) to achieve something gradually by working 〔通过努力〕逐步达到
 He had worked his way up to head of department.
Examples from the Corpus
13. work your way through school/college/university etc to do a job while you are a student because you need the money to pay for your courses, books etc 打工读完中学/大学等
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14 move gradually 逐渐移动 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]MOVE something OR somebodyMOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move into a particular state or position very gradually, either in a series of small movements or after a long time 逐步移动到〔某位置〕;逐渐达到〔某状态〕
 Slowly he worked the screwdriver into the crack.
work (its way) loose
 One of the screws must have worked loose.
15 exercise 锻炼 [transitiveT]MOVE something OR somebody to use and exercise a muscle or part of your body 使〔身体肌肉或某部位〕活动起来
 Swimming is a form of exercise that works every muscle in your body.
16 move 活动 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] formal if a part of your body works or you work it, it moves (使)〔身体部位〕抽动,颤动
 She was trembling and her mouth was working.
17 work in an area 在某地区工作 [transitiveT] especially American EnglishAmETRAVEL if you work a particular area or type of place, you travel around the area for your job, or work in that type of place 从事〔某区域的〕工作;在工作
 Markowitz works the Tri-State area.
18 work the door to take tickets from people as they enter a club, theatre etc 〔在夜总会、剧院等门口〕收票,检票
 Binns worked the door at various Manhattan clubs.
19 entertain a crowd 娱乐众人 [transitiveT] if an entertainer or politician works a crowd of people, they entertain them and get their interest or support 〔艺人〕娱乐〔观众〕;〔政客为获得支持〕取悦〔众人〕
 She really knew how to work a crowd.
20 land/soil 土地/土壤 [transitiveT]TAC if you work the land, soil etc, you do all the work necessary to grow crops on it 耕种
 He was left to work the farm alone.
21. mine [transitiveT]TI to remove a substance such as coal, gold, or oil from under the ground 开采〔煤、金、石油等〕
22 work like magic/work like a charm  (also work a treat British English)EFFECTIVE to be very effective 非常灵验,非常有效
 a polish that works a treat on windows
23. mind/brain 智力/头脑 [intransitiveI]THINK ABOUT if your mind or brain is working, you are thinking or trying to solve a problem 〔大脑〕思考,〔脑筋〕开动
24 work on the principle/assumption/basis etc that to base ideas, plans etc on a particular fact that you think is true 以某原则/假设/基础等为前提
 We’re working on the assumption that the conference will take place in Canada, as planned.
Examples from the Corpus
25 work yourself into a frenzy/panic/state etc CAUSEto make yourself become very nervous, angry etc 使自己变得疯狂/恐慌/紧张等
 He seemed to be working himself into a rage.
Examples from the Corpus
26 work it/things spokenARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETC to make arrangements for something to happen, especially by behaving in a clever or skilful way 〔尤指巧妙地〕设法安排
 We should try and work it so that we can all go together.
Examples from the Corpus
27 work the system to understand how a system works so that you can get advantages for yourself, often in a slightly dishonest way 钻空子
 Lynn could show the rest of us how to work the system.
Examples from the Corpus
28 work somebody hard  (also work somebody into the ground informal)WORK HARD to make someone work very hard 让〔某人〕辛苦工作
 The coach has been working us really hard this week.
 People have complained that they are being worked into the ground.
work yourself into the ground
 I’ve worked myself into the ground setting up this interview.
Examples from the Corpus
29. work your fingers to the bone  (also work your socks off informal)WORK HARD to work very hard 拼命干活;努力工作
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30. work your butt/ass/arse off not polite to work very hard 拼命干活
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31. calculate 计算 [transitiveT] American EnglishAmE formalHM to calculate the answer to a mathematical problem 计算,算出〔数学题的答案〕
32. work to rule British EnglishBrEBEL to protest about a situation at work by doing your job slowly, with the excuse that you must obey all the rules exactly 故意严守规章而少干活,按章工作
Examples from the Corpus
33 (it) works for me/you etc spoken used to say that something is very suitable for someone and does exactly what they wanted or expected 这很适合我
 I meditate and do Yoga every day. It works for me and I think it could work for you too.
n34 work a trend/look etc to wear something fashionable – used especially in magazines
 Gemma looks great as she works the nautical look.
work wonders at wonder2(4), → work miracles at miracle(4), → work your magic at magic1(5)PHRASAL VERBS
35work around somebody/something (also work round somebody/something British English) phrasal verbphr v to arrange or organize something so that you avoid problems that may stop you from doing something 〔为避免做某事受阻而〕安排,组织
 John won’t be here on the 15th so we’ll have to work round that.
Examples from the Corpus
36work around to something (also work round to something British English) phrasal verbphr v to gradually mention a subject in a conversation or piece of writing, especially because it is embarrassing 逐渐讲到〔某个话题〕
 You’ll have to work round to the subject gradually.
Examples from the Corpus
37work at something phrasal verbphr v to try hard to improve something or achieve something 努力改善,致力于
 Learning a language isn’t easy. You have to work at it.
work at doing something
 couples who want to work at improving their relationship
38work somebody/something in phrasal verbphr v 
a) INCLUDE work something ↔ in (also work something into something) to include something in a speech, piece of writing, activity etc 包括;把加进
 He managed to work in a few references to his new book.
 Here are a few goodies you can work into your daily diet.
b) DFCADD work something ↔ in (also work something into something) to add one substance to another and mix them together in a very thorough way 搅拌进
 Work the butter into the flour.
c) American EnglishAmE spoken to arrange to meet someone, even though you are very busy 〔尽管很忙还是〕安排与〔某人〕见面 SYN British English fit somebody in
 My schedule’s pretty full, but I think I can work you in.
39work something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v 
a) GET RID OFto get rid of something, especially a feeling such as anger, nervousness etc, by doing something that uses a lot of your energy 〔通过消耗精力〕消除,发泄〔怒气、紧张情绪等〕
 Walking is excellent for working off tension.
 I need to go and work off a few of these calories.
b) to do a job for someone else because you owe them money or because they have helped you in the past 干活抵销〔欠款或人情债〕
 She hasn’t worked off her debts to me yet.
Examples from the Corpus
40work on somebody/something phrasal verbphr v 
a) WORK/DO WORKto spend time working in order to produce or repair something 从事,致力于
 He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare.
 Every weekend you see him working on his car.
b) to try very hard to improve or achieve something 努力提高,努力实现
 A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness.
work on doing something
 We need to work on ensuring that the children feel safe and confident.
c) PERSUADEto try continuously to influence someone or persuade them to do something 努力影响[说服]〔某人〕
 You leave him to me. I’ll work on him.
Examples from the Corpus
41work out phrasal verbphr v 
a) plan 计划 work something ↔ outPLAN to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it 制订出
 UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposals.
work out what/where/how etc
 We need to work out how we’re going to get there.
 I had it all worked out (=had made very careful plans).
b) calculate 计算 work something ↔ outCOUNT/CALCULATE to calculate an answer, amount, price etc 计算出〔答案、数量、价格等〕
 See if you can work this bill out.
work out how much/how many etc
 We’ll have to work out how much food we’ll need for the party.
c) understand 理解 work something ↔ out especially British EnglishBrESOLVE/FIND THE ANSWER to think about something and manage to understand it 设法弄懂某事物
 The plot is very complicated – it’ll take you a while to work it out.
work something out for yourself
 I’m sure you can work it out for yourself.
d) cost 费用TOTAL if a cost or amount works out at a particular figure, it is found to be that much when you calculate it 〔费用或数量〕算下来是
work out at/to £10/$500 etc
 The bill works out at £15 each.
work out expensive/cheap etc (=be expensive or cheap) 算下来贵/便宜等
 If we go by taxi, it’s going to work out very expensive.
e) get better 好起来SUCCEED IN DOING something if a problem or complicated situation works out, it gradually gets better or gets solved 〔问题〕逐渐解决;〔复杂情况〕逐渐化解
 Things will work out, you’ll see.
 I hope it all works out for Gina and Andy.
work itself out
 I’m sure everything will work itself out.
f) happen 发生HAPPEN if a situation works out in a particular way, it happens in that way 〔以某种方式〕发生 SYN turn out
work out well/badly
 Financially, things have worked out well for us.
g) exercise 锻炼EXERCISE to make your body fit and strong by doing exercises 锻炼;健身
 He works out with weights twice a week.
h) I can’t work somebody out British EnglishBrE spokenUNDERSTAND used to say that you cannot understand what someone is really like or why they behave in the way they do 我弄不懂某人〔指不理解某人的性格或行为〕
 I couldn’t work her out at all.
i) be worked outTI if a mine is worked out, all the coal, gold etc has been removed from it 〔矿藏〕采掘完
Examples from the Corpus
42.work somebody over phrasal verbphr v informal HITto attack someone by hitting them several times 殴打,揍〔某人〕
Examples from the Corpus
43work through phrasal verbphr v 
a) work through something to deal with problems or unpleasant feelings 解决〔问题〕;调整〔情绪〕
 After someone dies, it can take a long time to work through your grief.
b) if the result or effect of something works through, it becomes noticeable 〔结果或影响〕变得明显
 The positive effect on businesses may take up to three years to work through.
44work up phrasal verbphr v 
a) BECOME work up enthusiasm/interest/courage etc to make yourself feel interested, brave etc 激起热情/激起兴趣/鼓起勇气等
 I’m trying to work up enough courage to go to the dentist.
b) HUNGRY/WANT TO EAT work up an appetite/a thirst/a sweat to make yourself hungry or thirsty, or make yourself sweat, especially by doing physical exercise 〔尤指运动之后〕引起食欲/渴感/出汗
 You can work up a really big thirst playing tennis.
c) ANGRY work somebody up to make someone very angry, excited, or upset about something 使某人感到气愤[激动,不安]
work yourself up
 You’re working yourself up again.
 She had worked herself up into a state.
worked up
d) work something ↔ upIMPROVE to develop and improve something such as a project or a piece of writing 逐步完善〔计划、文章等〕
 Jack took notes which he would work up into a report later.
Examples from the Corpus
45work up to something phrasal verbphr v PREPAREto gradually prepare yourself to do something difficult 逐渐准备〔去做困难的事〕
work up to doing something
 He’d been working up to asking her for a date all week.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Arts, Physics
work2 ●●● S1 W1 noun  
1 job 工作 [uncountableU]JOB/WORK a job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money 工作;职业 employment
 There isn’t a lot of work at this time of the year.
 He’s been out of work (=without a job) for two years.
 More people are in work (=have a job) than ten years ago.
before/after work (=before a day of work or at the end of a day of work) 上班前/下班后
 Do you want to go for a drink after work?
see thesaurus at job
In this meaning, work is an uncountable noun. Do not say ‘a work’. Say work or a job . work用于这个意思是不可数名词不要说a work,而要说worka job
It may be difficult for older people to obtain paid work.
I applied for a job (NOT 不说 a work) as a reporter.
nGRAMMAR: Comparison
In this meaning, work is always an uncountable noun.
You say:
It may be hard for older people to find work.
Don’t say: find a work
Job is a countable noun.
You say:
I applied for a job as a reporter.
Don’t say: I applied for a work.
You say:
Her first job was in London.
Don’t say: Her first work was in London.
2 place 地点 [uncountableU]WORK FOR somebody a place where you do your job, which is not your home 工作地点;办公室
 I had an accident on the way to work.
 He left work at the usual time.
 I went out with the girls from work last night.
at work
 Dad’s at work right now.
3 duties 责任 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES the duties and activities that are part of your job 差事;职务
 A large part of the work we do involves using computers.
 He starts work at 4 am.
 He’s started a business doing gardening and roofing work.
4 result 成果 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES something that you produce as a result of doing your job or doing an activity 工作成果;产品
 Send a résumé and examples of your work.
 The building is the work of architect Rafael Moneo.
 The teacher should make sure that each child has a piece of work displayed on the wall.
 The standard of work has declined.
5 papers etc 文件等 [uncountableU] the papers and other materials you need for doing work 〔工作所需的〕文件及材料
 Can you move some of your work off the kitchen table?
 I often have to take work home with me.
6 book/painting/music//音乐 [countableC]A something such as a painting, play, piece of music etc that is produced by a painter, writer, or musician 著作;〔艺术〕作品
 the Collected Works of Shakespeare
 It is another accomplished work by the artist.
work of artsee thesaurus at music
7 activity 活动 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES when you use physical or mental effort in order to achieve something 〔花费体力或脑力做的〕事情;工作
work on
 Work will start next month on a new swimming pool in the centre of the city.
 Looking after children can be hard work.
carry out/do work
 You should not allow unqualified people to carry out work on your house.
set to work/get down to work (=start work) 开始工作
 He set to work immediately.
8 study 学习 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES study or research, especially for a particular purpose 〔尤指为某一目的进行的〕学习,研究
carry out/do work
 The centre carries out work to monitor trends in housing management.
 He did his postgraduate work in Sociology.
9 at work 
a) WORK/DO WORKdoing your job or a particular activity 在工作,在干活
 He spent most of his time watching the fishermen at work.
b) EFFECT/INFLUENCEhaving a particular influence or effect 有某种影响;起某种作用
 Volcanoes display some of nature’s most powerful forces at work.
10 the (whole) works spokenALL/EVERYTHING used after mentioning several things, to emphasize that someone or something has everything you can think of 所有的东西,全部
 The hotel had everything – sauna, swimming pool, the works.
Examples from the Corpus
11 nice work/quick work spokenPRAISE used to praise someone for doing something well or quickly 干得好/干得快 〔用于称赞某人〕
 That was quick work!
12 something is in the works/pipeline informal used to say that something is being planned or developed 某事在计划中;某事在筹备中
 Upgrades to the existing software are in the works.
Examples from the Corpus
13 works 
a) [plural]TBC activities involved in building or repairing things such as roads, bridges etc 〔道路、桥梁等修建〕工程
engineering works/irrigation works/roadworks
 the official in charge of the engineering works
public works
b) [countableC] (plural works)TIF a building or group of buildings in which goods are produced in large quantities or an industrial process happens 工厂
ironworks/gasworks/cement etc works
 The brick works closed last year.
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14. the works TEthe moving parts of a machine 〔机器的〕活动机件 SYN mechanism
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15 operation 手术 [uncountableU] an operation to make you look younger or more attractive 整容手术 SYN cosmetic surgery
 All these celebrities have had work done.
16 have your work cut out (for you) informalDIFFICULT used to say that it will be very difficult to do something (某人)做某事很困难
 The team will have their work cut out if they are to win the competition.
Examples from the Corpus
17 make short/light work of something to do something very quickly and easily 迅速/轻松地干完某事
 A microwave oven can make light work of the cooking.
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18 make heavy/hard work of something to do something with difficulty 辛苦地做某事
 They made hard work of what should have been an easy game.
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19 be a work in progress to not be finished or perfect yet 仍未完成,尚未完善
 The garden is still very much a work in progress.
20. all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) used to say that you should not spend all your time working, but should spend some of your time relaxing 只工作不娱乐[只会干不会玩](会把人变傻)
21. force [uncountableU] technicalHP force multiplied by distance 〔物理学上的〕功
be all in a day’s work at day(21), → do somebody’s dirty work at dirty1(8), → a nasty piece of work at nasty(7), → nice work if you can get it at nice(12)
COLLOCATIONSMeanings 1 & 3
start work 开始工作
He started work as a trainee accountant.
look for work (also seek work formal) 找工作
Young people come to town looking for work.
find work (=get a job) 找到工作
It was difficult for them to find work.
return to work/go back to work 返回工作岗位
His doctor agreed he was fit enough to return to work.
part-time work 兼职工作
In recent years part-time work has become more popular.
full-time work 全职工作
Are you available for full-time work?
paid work 拿薪酬的工作
She hasn’t done any paid work since she had children.
secretarial/clerical/office work 秘书/文书/办公室工作
nI have a background in secretarial work.
nShe had done clerical work before she married.
legal work (=work done by lawyers) 法律工作
nHe will handle all the legal work.
manual work (=work done with your hands) 体力活
nMost of them were employed in manual work.
voluntary work British EnglishBrE, volunteer work American EnglishAmE (=a job you are not paid for) 志愿工作,义务工作
nShe also did voluntary work in a girls’ club.
somebody’s daily work (=the work someone does every day) 某人的日常工作
nWhen they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest.
somebody’s line of work (=type of work) 某人的行业[行当]
I meet lots of interesting people in my line of work.
nthe work environment
It is important to have a pleasant work environment.
nwork practices
She supported me enthusiastically in bringing in new work practices.
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 7: when you use physical or mental effort in order to achieve something 〔花费体力或脑力做的〕事情;工作
ncarry out work
The work should be carried out without further delay.
ndo work
He was doing some work on his father’s car.
set to/get to/get down to work (=start work) 开始工作
nThey set to work cutting down trees and brushwood.
nundertake work
About a three adults in ten undertake voluntary work.
nwork starts/begins
Work had already started on the bridge when the error was spotted.
nwork continues
Work is continuing on three major building projects.
It’s been very hard work, but I’ve loved every moment of it.
backbreaking (=very tiring)
Clearing the garden was slow, backbreaking work.
arduous (=needing a lot of effort)
This was physically arduous work.
heavy work (=hard physical work)
The heavy work is done by the gardener.
light work (=work that is not physically hard)
He had been ill, but she found him some light work to do.
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
workwork1 /wɜːkwɜːrk/ verb
1[intransitiveI] to do a job that you are paid for
Harry is 78 and still working.
Most of the people I went to school with work in factories.
work for
David works for a broadcasting company.
work as
She works as a financial consultant.
2[intransitiveI, transitiveT]HUMAN RESOURCES to do the activities or duties that are part of your job
Sally isn’t working tomorrow.
I’m tired of working ten-hour days.
3[transitiveT]MARKETING to travel around a particular area as part of your job, especially in order to sell something
Markovitz works the Tri-State area.
4[intransitiveI] to do an activity which needs time and effort
We had to work non-stop to get the book finished on time.
5work somebody hard to make someone use a lot of time and effort in a job or activity
The company is famous for working its employees hard.
6[transitiveT] if you work a particular material such as metal, leather etc, you cut or shape it in order to make something
7work the land/soilFARMING to do all the work necessary to grow crops on a piece of land
Our family has worked this land for generations.
8work a mineMANUFACTURING to remove a substance such as coal, gold, or oil from a mine
9[intransitiveI] if a machine or piece of equipment works, it does what it is supposed to do
Is the photocopier working now?
10[transitiveT] to operate a machine or piece of equipment
The check-out is slow, because only two clerks work the cash registers.
11[intransitiveI] if a method, plan, or system works, it produces the results you want
The article gives a good understanding of how the pharmaceutical research process works.
12[intransitiveI] if something such as a fact, situation, or system works in a particular way, it has a particular effect on somebody or something
The tax laws tend to work against small companies.
13work an organization/system etc to know how to influence an organization etc in order to achieve something
Those who advance in this environment are people with an instinct for securing supplies, cultivating connections and working the system.
14work your way up if you work your way up, or work your way up in an organization, your jobs in it become more and more important
They have spent their entire careers at the firm and worked their way up the ranks.
15work to rule British EnglishBrE, work to contract American EnglishAmEHUMAN RESOURCES to protest about a situation at work by doing your job less quickly or effectively than usual, but without breaking your employer’s rules or the terms of your contract
The staff are not on strike but are working to rule.
see also work-to-rule
work out
workwork2 noun [uncountableU]
1the job you are paid to do or an activity that you do regularly to earn money
My father started work when he was 14.
The work was interesting and well paid.
He eventually found work on a construction site.
She’s been out of work (=not had a job) for almost a year now.
He has been off work (=not working because of illness) for four weeks because of his wrist condition.
Many women take part-time work while they are raising children.
6.3 million people are working part time but would prefer full-time work.
casual work piece work
2a place where you do your job, which is not your home
He left work at the usual time.
Jo’s still at work.
3HUMAN RESOURCESthe duties and activities that are part of your job
What kind of work are you looking for?
A large part of the work we do involves using computers.
I wouldn’t be very good at manual work (=hard physical work).
4work in progress abbreviation WIP British EnglishBrE work or products that are in the process of being done or made, but are not yet finished
Some journals expect editors to retain responsibility for work in progress when they leave.
5work in process abbreviation WIP American EnglishAmE work or products that are in the process of being done or made, but are not yet finished
see also works
Origin work1
Old English wyrcan
Old English werc, weorc






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