单词 | work |
释义 | workWord family noun work workaholic worker working workings workabilityworkaholismworkeristworkaroundworkbagworkbenchworkboatworkbookworkboxworkdaywork ethicwork experienceworkfareworkfellowworkflowworkfolkworkforceworkgirlworkgroupworkhorseworkhouseworking classworking girlworking partyworkloadworkmanworkmanshipworkmasterworkmatework of artworkpeopleworkpieceworkplaceworkroomworksheetworkshopworkspaceworkstationworktableworktopworkwatcherworkwearworkwomanadjective workable ≠ unworkable overworked working workedworkfulworklessworksomeworkadayworkmanlikeworkmanlyworkshyverb work rework adverbworkably , Maths Industrywork1 /wɜːk $ wɜːrk/ ●●● S1 W1 verb 1 do a job for money 为挣钱而工作 [intransitiveI]WORK/DO WORK to do a job that you are paid for 受雇,从事…工作 Where do you work? 你在哪里上班? Many young people in the area have never worked. 该地区的许多年轻人从未工作过。 The injury means he’ll probably never work again. 这伤意味着他很有可能再也不能工作了。 work for He works for a law firm. 他在一家律师事务所工作。 work at/in I work at the university. 我在这所大学工作。 work as She works as a consultant for a design company. 她在一家设计公司当顾问。 work in industry/education/publishing etc The studies were undertaken by people working in education. 这些研究是教育界人士做的。 work part-time/full-time I work part-time in a library. 我在一家图书馆兼职。 n GRAMMAR: Prepositions with work You work in a city or area: He works in Manhattan. You work in a type of place such as a bank, shop, or factory: She works in a library. You work at a particular place or organization: She works at the Library of Congress. You work for a person, company, or organization that employs you: He works for his father. We both work for the same company. You work in an industry or a type of job, for example education, advertising, or IT: He works in advertising. You work as a waiter, cashier, accountant etc: She works as a cook. ✗Don’t say: She works as cook.You work on a project or task: Several people worked on the report. 2 do your job 做工作 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]WORK/DO WORK to do the activities and duties that are part of your job 工作,干活 Sally isn’t working tomorrow. 萨莉明天不上班。 Staff will have to get used to a new way of working. 员工必须适应新的工作方式。 work with One of the women I work with is getting married this weekend. 我的一位女同事这个周末结婚。 work under somebody (=have someone who is in charge of you) 在某人领导下工作 Each site has a fully trained team who work under a site manager. 每个工地都有一支训练有素的队伍,在工地经理手下工作。 work days/nights/weekends etc I get paid more if I work nights. 我要是上夜班就可以多拿工资。 We’re sometimes expected to work twelve-hour days. 我们有时候需要一天工作12小时。 Are you working late (=working after the time you usually finish) again tonight? 你今晚又要加班吗? Forty police officers are working round the clock (=working day and night without stopping) to find Murray’s killer. 为了找出杀害默里的凶手,40名警察正日夜工作。 Nowadays, many people are able to work from home. 如今,很多人可以在家工作。 3 help 帮助 [intransitiveI]WORK/DO WORK if you work with someone or a group of people, your job involves trying to help them 从事帮助〔某人或某群体〕的工作 work with/among She’s just retired after 38 years working with children. 她做了38年儿童工作,刚刚退休。 He has worked among some of the world’s poorest people. 他做过扶贫工作,帮助过一些世界上最穷困的人。 4 do an activity 从事活动 [intransitiveI]WORK/DO WORK to spend time and effort doing something 〔花费时间和精力〕做〔某事〕 I’ve been working in the garden all afternoon. 我一下午都在花园里干活。 I’m going to have to work really hard to pass these exams. 要通过这些考试,我必须非常刻苦地学习。 We’re working together to develop a new system. 我们正在合作开发一种新系统。 5 try to achieve STH 争取做成某事 [intransitiveI]TRY TO DO OR GET something to try continuously to achieve a particular thing 努力取得,力争 work towards They are working towards a solution to their problems. 他们正设法找到解决问题的方法。 work for We will work for the release of the hostages. 我们会争取让人质获释。 work to do something The police are working to provide more help for victims of crime. 警方在尽力为犯罪受害人提供更多帮助。 The company is working hard to improve its image. 该公司正竭力提升自身形象。 He worked tirelessly (=worked very hard in a determined way) for the charity throughout his life. 他毕生为这个慈善机构孜孜不倦地工作。 6 machine/equipment 机器/设备 a) [intransitiveI]WORKING/NOT BROKEN if a machine or piece of equipment works, it does what it is supposed to do 运转;活动 You should check that the smoke alarm is working properly. 你应该检查一下烟雾警报器运转是否正常。 The delete key doesn’t work. 删除键失灵了。 get something to work I can’t get the heater to work. 我无法让加热器正常工作。 b) [transitiveT]SWITCH ON OR OFF to make a machine or piece of equipment do what it is supposed to do 操作,使用〔机器或设备〕 My parents can’t even work the video. 我父母甚至连录像机都不会用。 7 be effective/successful 有效/成功 [intransitiveI]SUCCEED IN DOING something to be effective or successful 有效,起作用 Making a marriage work can take a lot of effort. 要让婚姻美满有时需要付出很大努力。 I’ve never found a diet that works. 我从未找到过有效的节食方式。 The recipe works just as well if you use margarine instead of butter. 如果用人造黄油代替食谱中的天然黄油,效果一样好。 The cream works immediately to relieve sore skin. 这种乳霜可以立即缓解皮肤疼痛。 work for You need to find which method works best for you. 你要找出哪种方法对你最有用。 work against a drug that works against some types of cancer 一种对某些癌症有疗效的药物 8 have an effect 有效果 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]EFFECT/INFLUENCE if something such as a fact, situation, or system works in a particular way, it has a particular effect on someone or something 有影响 The arrangement works well for everyone involved. 这项安排对所有参与者都有利。 The French team are the heavier crew, which should work in their favour (=help them). 法国队体重更重,这应该对他们有利。 Sexism still works against (=harms or causes problems for) women in many professions. 性别歧视依然在许多行业阻碍女性的发展。 Loyalty works both ways (=involves two opposite or matching effects): we are loyal to our employees and, in turn, they are loyal to us. 忠诚是相互的: 我们对待雇员忠诚坦白,雇员投桃报李也对我们贞心不贰。 9 art/style/literature 艺术/风格/文学 [intransitiveI]EFFECTIVE if a painting, design, piece of writing etc works, it is successful because it has the effect on you that the painter, writer etc intended 〔画作、设计、文章等〕奏效,产生预期效果 I don’t think the scene with the horses really works, do you? 我觉得那些马的场面效果不好,你说呢? work for The colour combination just doesn’t work for me. 这种色彩搭配就是不合我意。 10. shape/cut STH 让某物成形/切割某物 [transitiveT]TIC if you work a material such as metal, leather, or clay, you cut, sew, or shape it in order to make something 〔通过切割、缝纫等〕使〔金属、皮革、陶土等〕成形[定形] 11 use a substance 使用某种材料 [intransitiveI]TIC to use a particular material or substance in order to make something such as a picture, design, jewellery etc 〔用某种材料〕作画[设计,制作珠宝等] work in/with a sculptor who works in steel 钢雕雕塑家 a jeweller who works with silver 打造银首饰的珠宝匠 12 work your way to/through etc something a) to move somewhere slowly and with difficulty 缓慢而费力地移到/穿过某处 From here, we worked our way carefully across the rock base. 我们从这里小心翼翼地穿过岩基。 b) to achieve something gradually by working 〔通过努力〕逐步达到 He had worked his way up to head of department. 他一步一个脚印不懈努力,终于做到部门主管。 Examples from the Corpus work your way to/through etc something• And national campaign finance reform began to work its way through the U. S. Congress.• For nearly two hours he worked his way through his agenda, more administration and finance today than scientific exploration.• He would stand in the gents' cubicle and work his way through the fantasy, peeing in synchronization with the finale.• I realize that I need to work my way through the next passages with care and delicacy.• Magistrates are working their way through questioning all the officers who participated in the raid, beginning with the 13 commanders.• The engine started to sound rough, but she thought it would work its way through and ignored it.• Tom, like most of the others, will need lots of reinforcement as he works his way through the change.• We are attempting to work our way through all these questions. 13. work your way through school/college/university etc to do a job while you are a student because you need the money to pay for your courses, books etc 打工读完中学/大学等 Examples from the Corpus work your way through school/college/university etc• He worked his way through college, performing menial tasks in exchange for reduced tuition. 14 move gradually 逐渐移动 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]MOVE something OR somebodyMOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move into a particular state or position very gradually, either in a series of small movements or after a long time 逐步移动到〔某位置〕;逐渐达到〔某状态〕 Slowly he worked the screwdriver into the crack. 他慢慢把螺丝刀插进裂缝中。 work (its way) loose One of the screws must have worked loose. 肯定是有颗螺丝松了。 15 exercise 锻炼 [transitiveT]MOVE something OR somebody to use and exercise a muscle or part of your body 使〔身体肌肉或某部位〕活动起来 Swimming is a form of exercise that works every muscle in your body. 游泳是一种锻炼全身每一块肌肉的运动方式。 16 move 活动 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] formal if a part of your body works or you work it, it moves (使)〔身体部位〕抽动,颤动 She was trembling and her mouth was working. 她身体在颤抖,嘴唇也在哆嗦。 17 work in an area 在某地区工作 [transitiveT] especially American EnglishAmETRAVEL if you work a particular area or type of place, you travel around the area for your job, or work in that type of place 从事〔某区域的〕工作;在…工作 Markowitz works the Tri-State area. 马科维茨在三州交界地区工作。 18 work the door to take tickets from people as they enter a club, theatre etc 〔在夜总会、剧院等门口〕收票,检票 Binns worked the door at various Manhattan clubs. 宾斯在曼哈顿的多家夜总会做过检票员。 19 entertain a crowd 娱乐众人 [transitiveT] if an entertainer or politician works a crowd of people, they entertain them and get their interest or support 〔艺人〕娱乐〔观众〕;〔政客为获得支持〕取悦〔众人〕 She really knew how to work a crowd. 她很会逗观众开心。 20 land/soil 土地/土壤 [transitiveT]TAC if you work the land, soil etc, you do all the work necessary to grow crops on it 耕种 He was left to work the farm alone. 他一个人被留在农场耕作。 21. mine 矿 [transitiveT]TI to remove a substance such as coal, gold, or oil from under the ground 开采〔煤、金、石油等〕 22 work like magic/work like a charm (also work a treat British English)EFFECTIVE to be very effective 非常灵验,非常有效 a polish that works a treat on windows 用在窗户上效果很好的擦光剂 23. mind/brain 智力/头脑 [intransitiveI]THINK ABOUT if your mind or brain is working, you are thinking or trying to solve a problem 〔大脑〕思考,〔脑筋〕开动 24 work on the principle/assumption/basis etc that to base ideas, plans etc on a particular fact that you think is true 以某原则/假设/基础等为前提 We’re working on the assumption that the conference will take place in Canada, as planned. 我们假定大会将按计划在加拿大召开。 Examples from the Corpus work on the principle/assumption/basis etc that• Gamekeepers worked on the principle that any other animals that preyed on pheasants must be ruthlessly eliminated.• When a crime is reported to the police they do not work on the assumption that anyone could have done it.• It works on the assumption that each side is willing to move from its starting point during the negotiations.• The therapy works on the principle that like cures like.• They work on the principle that most people pay up if they're pestered for long enough.• Politicians seem to work on the assumption that the early bird catches the voter.• These devices work on the principle that the oscillating frequency of a crystal under an applied voltage changes with crystal mass.• It works on the principle that the pursuer will not be able to change direction as efficiently as the prey. 25 work yourself into a frenzy/panic/state etc CAUSEto make yourself become very nervous, angry etc 使自己变得疯狂/恐慌/紧张等 He seemed to be working himself into a rage. 他似乎开始怒火中烧。 Examples from the Corpus work yourself into a frenzy/panic/state etc• Make sure that the horse stays calm and does not work himself into a frenzy.• You're working yourself into a state.• I could see at once he was working himself into a panic about it all.• I knew I was working myself into a state, but I kept on staring at the picture of the dead girl.• It was silly to work himself into a state like this.• A 16-year-old girl works herself into a frenzy of grief for a friend killed by right-wing vigilantes. 26 work it/things spokenARRANGE A MEETING, EVENT ETC to make arrangements for something to happen, especially by behaving in a clever or skilful way 〔尤指巧妙地〕设法安排 We should try and work it so that we can all go together. 我们应该设法安排一下,让大家都可以一起去。 Examples from the Corpus work it/things• He had worked it all out, everything.• For the purpose of this work it has two meanings, one musical and one socioeconomic.• In the light of revisionist work it is difficult to treat Nicholas's resistance to liberal reform as a matter of chance or historical accident.• Don't try and work it out any more.• Every work it says here is true.• In terms of work it was a real way out for Hereward from his appalling home background.• Hard work it was, but good, clean fun.• But no one should underestimate the amount of hard work it would take. 27 work the system to understand how a system works so that you can get advantages for yourself, often in a slightly dishonest way 钻空子 Lynn could show the rest of us how to work the system. 林恩会教我们其余的人怎么钻空子。 Examples from the Corpus work the system• Accountants would always be kept busy showing the rest of us how to work the system.• Many say privately that for whatever reason, too many black parents fail to work the system.• They are all working the system.• It is better if this problem can be avoided by having the operators work the system properly. 28 work somebody hard (also work somebody into the ground informal)WORK HARD to make someone work very hard 让〔某人〕辛苦工作 The coach has been working us really hard this week. 教练本周让我们训练得非常辛苦。 People have complained that they are being worked into the ground. 人们抱怨工作太辛苦。 work yourself into the ground I’ve worked myself into the ground setting up this interview. 为了安排这次访谈,我把自己弄得精疲力竭。 Examples from the Corpus work somebody hard• The bank's managers admit that they work their employees hard, but on the other hand they pay good wages.• Sometimes I think that they work us too hard in this office. 29. work your fingers to the bone (also work your socks off informal)WORK HARD to work very hard 拼命干活;努力工作 Examples from the Corpus work your fingers to the bone• In those days we got up at 5 in the morning, and worked our fingers to the bone.• His mother had had a hard life - had worked her fingers to the bone bringing up six children. 30. work your butt/ass/arse off not polite to work very hard 拼命干活 Examples from the Corpus work your butt/ass/arse off• In short, I worked my butt off.• I work my butt off for you, while that restaurant is doing worse and worse.• You could have worked your butt off helping a rep and you finally got the rep doing everything right.• I worked my butt off in basketball and stayed on the varsity-in fact, did well.• Meanwhile, Inspiral Carpets went in at grass roots level and worked their butts off in the clubs.• I had to give the ball up, and then I had work my butt off to get it back. 31. calculate 计算 [transitiveT] American EnglishAmE formalHM to calculate the answer to a mathematical problem 计算,算出〔数学题的答案〕 32. work to rule British EnglishBrEBEL to protest about a situation at work by doing your job slowly, with the excuse that you must obey all the rules exactly 故意严守规章而少干活,按章工作 Examples from the Corpus work to rule• Video-Tape, no voice over ARNCOTT/Oxfordshire Prison officers at Bullingdon prison near Bicester began their work to rule last night.• Plants work to rules rather different from those of animals. 33 (it) works for me/you etc spoken used to say that something is very suitable for someone and does exactly what they wanted or expected 这很适合我 I meditate and do Yoga every day. It works for me and I think it could work for you too. 我每天静思做瑜伽。这对我挺管用,我想对你可能也会有好处。 n34 work a trend/look etc to wear something fashionable – used especially in magazines → work wonders at wonder2(4), → work miracles at miracle(4), → work your magic at magic1(5) PHRASAL VERBS Gemma looks great as she works the nautical look. 35 work around somebody/something (also work round somebody/something British English) phrasal verbphr v to arrange or organize something so that you avoid problems that may stop you from doing something 〔为避免做某事受阻而〕安排,组织 John won’t be here on the 15th so we’ll have to work round that. 约翰15号不在,所以我们只好另作安排。 Examples from the Corpus work around • And now I could feel my face getting hot, like I was working around a kiln.• We have to work around it.• We will be shelving and we may work around that shelving.• For the past 4 days, they've been working around the clock and through the night.• The company worked around the clock to repair the problem.• They gave themselves entirely over to their employers and worked around the clock.• The best showed children, in groups of two or three at work around the school.• He knew exactly what his rector was working around to. 36 work around to something (also work round to something British English) phrasal verbphr v to gradually mention a subject in a conversation or piece of writing, especially because it is embarrassing 逐渐讲到〔某个话题〕 You’ll have to work round to the subject gradually. 你得慢慢转到这个话题上。 Examples from the Corpus work around to • He knew exactly what his rector was working around to. 37 work at something phrasal verbphr v to try hard to improve something or achieve something 努力改善,致力于 Learning a language isn’t easy. You have to work at it. 学语言不容易,必须很努力。 work at doing something couples who want to work at improving their relationship 想努力改善关系的夫妻 38 work somebody/something in phrasal verbphr v a) INCLUDE work something ↔ in (also work something into something) to include something in a speech, piece of writing, activity etc 包括;把…加进 He managed to work in a few references to his new book. 他设法在自己的新书里加进了一些参考书目。 Here are a few goodies you can work into your daily diet. 这里有几样好东西,可以加入你的日常食谱里。 b) DFCADD work something ↔ in (also work something into something) to add one substance to another and mix them together in a very thorough way 把…搅拌进 Work the butter into the flour. 把黄油拌进面粉里。 c) American EnglishAmE spoken to arrange to meet someone, even though you are very busy 〔尽管很忙还是〕安排与〔某人〕见面 SYN British English fit somebody in My schedule’s pretty full, but I think I can work you in. 我的日程很满,不过我想还是可以安排和你见面的。 39 work something ↔ off phrasal verbphr v a) GET RID OFto get rid of something, especially a feeling such as anger, nervousness etc, by doing something that uses a lot of your energy 〔通过消耗精力〕消除,发泄〔怒气、紧张情绪等〕 Walking is excellent for working off tension. 散步对于消除紧张情绪非常有效。 I need to go and work off a few of these calories. 我要去消耗掉一些卡路里。 b) to do a job for someone else because you owe them money or because they have helped you in the past 干活抵销〔欠款或人情债〕 She hasn’t worked off her debts to me yet. 她干的活还没有抵清欠我的债。 Examples from the Corpus work off• And their work has paid off.• Gale force winds could not blow away the players' enthusiasm but they did make it very hard work.• Months of hard work had paid off.• Finally, time work took off and she decided to become self-employed.• Whether or not the campaign work will pay off for Wilson with a spot on a possible Dole ticket is unclear.• I worked on and off on Tremayne's book for the rest of the morning but found it hard to concentrate.• I had to give the ball up, and then I had work my butt off to get it back.• And, I justify to myself, she worked her butt off to graduate with honors and hefty scholarships. 40 work on somebody/something phrasal verbphr v a) WORK/DO WORKto spend time working in order to produce or repair something 从事,致力于 He has spent the last two years working on a book about childcare. 过去两年来他一直致力于撰写一本育儿书。 Every weekend you see him working on his car. 每个周末你都能看到他在鼓捣他的汽车。 b) to try very hard to improve or achieve something 努力提高,努力实现 A trainer has been brought in to work on her fitness. 请来一位教练帮她健身。 work on doing something We need to work on ensuring that the children feel safe and confident. 我们需要努力确保孩子们有安全感和自信心。 c) PERSUADEto try continuously to influence someone or persuade them to do something 努力影响[说服]〔某人〕 You leave him to me. I’ll work on him. 把他交给我吧,我会尽力说服他。 Examples from the Corpus work on • I think Carolyn was working on a big indictment that month.• Last night Mr Brown was working on the final details of his £4billion giveaway. work on doing something• But he was under stress - because he was working on his own.• Five mornings a week she worked on campus, mastering the intricacies of various software programs.• Having been rushed to his desk, he listened to the problem and started working on his computer.• I think Carolyn was working on a big indictment that month.• In working on the hide alone there are nine positions, at eight different rates of pay.• Last night Mr Brown was working on the final details of his £4billion giveaway.• Leave each side to dry thoroughly before you start working on the next one.• What side of the border you live or work on often is nothing more than a matter of individual circumstance. 41 work out phrasal verbphr v a) plan 计划 work something ↔ outPLAN to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it 制订出… UN negotiators have worked out a set of compromise proposals. 联合国谈判人员制订出一套折中方案。 work out what/where/how etc We need to work out how we’re going to get there. 我们需要想想如何去那里。 I had it all worked out (=had made very careful plans). 我已制订了细致的计划。 b) calculate 计算 work something ↔ outCOUNT/CALCULATE to calculate an answer, amount, price etc 计算出〔答案、数量、价格等〕 See if you can work this bill out. 看看你能不能把这份账单算出来。 work out how much/how many etc We’ll have to work out how much food we’ll need for the party. 我们必须算出这次聚会需要多少食物。 c) understand 理解 work something ↔ out especially British EnglishBrESOLVE/FIND THE ANSWER to think about something and manage to understand it 设法弄懂某事物 The plot is very complicated – it’ll take you a while to work it out. 故事情节很复杂——要花点时间才会明白。 work something out for yourself I’m sure you can work it out for yourself. 我想你自己一定会弄明白的。 d) cost 费用TOTAL if a cost or amount works out at a particular figure, it is found to be that much when you calculate it 〔费用或数量〕算下来是 work out at/to £10/$500 etc The bill works out at £15 each. 账单算下来是每人15英镑。 work out expensive/cheap etc (=be expensive or cheap) 算下来贵/便宜等 If we go by taxi, it’s going to work out very expensive. 要是我们坐出租车去,算下来要不少钱。 e) get better 好起来SUCCEED IN DOING something if a problem or complicated situation works out, it gradually gets better or gets solved 〔问题〕逐渐解决;〔复杂情况〕逐渐化解 Things will work out, you’ll see. 情况会好起来的,看着吧。 I hope it all works out for Gina and Andy. 我希望吉娜和安迪的问题会得到解决。 work itself out I’m sure everything will work itself out. 我确信一切都会好起来的。 f) happen 发生HAPPEN if a situation works out in a particular way, it happens in that way 〔以某种方式〕发生 SYN turn out work out well/badly Financially, things have worked out well for us. 我们的经济情况很好。 g) exercise 锻炼EXERCISE to make your body fit and strong by doing exercises 锻炼;健身 He works out with weights twice a week. → workout 他每星期练两次举重。 h) I can’t work somebody out British EnglishBrE spokenUNDERSTAND used to say that you cannot understand what someone is really like or why they behave in the way they do 我弄不懂某人〔指不理解某人的性格或行为〕 I couldn’t work her out at all. 我完全弄不懂她。 i) be worked outTI if a mine is worked out, all the coal, gold etc has been removed from it 〔矿藏〕采掘完 Examples from the Corpus work out• I've found that major problems tent to either go away or somehow work themselves out.• The killer, whoever he was, had it all worked out.• We need to work out how much food we'll need to take with us.• Try not to worry. I'm sure everything will work out in the end.• Professional footballers spend at least an hour every day working out in the gym.• I always use a calculator to work out percentages.• Management consultant Peter Brant worked out the schedule in October 1983.• I'll certainly go back to my job once I've worked out who's going to look after the kids during the day.• I go jogging every morning and work out with weights twice a week.• "How much do I owe you?" "I haven't worked it out yet." work out what/where/how etc• Betty MacDougall, local historian and folklorist, was able to work out what families would have been living there in 1876.• Finally, work out how long the journey will take you, including finding the right office.• Albert was trying to work out how, much younger Percy was than he himself.• Just when you think you have worked out what reality is, you bump your nose on glass.• But in her condemnation it was difficult to work out what she was objecting to.• We have to work out where the boundaries are...• Decision on whether the message is right or wrong should at least come after working out what the message is.• A fair amount of shouting took place before they worked out what to do. work something out for yourself• I can't tell you what happened - work it out for yourself.• It didn't take a psychic to see that Annie had worked that out for herself.• Often you need to work things out for yourself.• They have worked them out for themselves; they share them with the politicians. work out expensive/cheap etc• This generally works out cheaper, allows you to incorporate photographs and colour and produces a better result.• This process can work out expensive but you can achieve the look of long hair instantly!• A good quality bed has a lifespan of 10 to 15 years, and so works out cheaper in the long run.• It probably works out cheaper than a conventional carphone.• Employers should note, however, that service flats do not always work out cheaper than hotels. work itself out• The situation should work itself out.• I suppose you thought everything would somehow miraculously work itself out.• Oh well, she would do her best and it would no doubt work itself out.• This will all work itself out.• It even works itself out a few miles into the subs soil at the shore-lines. work out well/badly• I hope your new job works out well.• Besides, I argued with myself, the trip would work out well.• Everything seemed to be working out well.• From several perspectives this project has worked out well.• He chose to stay, although it hasn't always worked out well.• Things, he reflected, had worked out well.• Unfortunately, the commission did not work out well.• I was working out well, an investment with the promise of paying out.• Evidently the carrier landings didn't work out well as those operations and their filming was quickly terminated. be worked out• But surely something of this kind can be worked out.• Helms indicated payment should be withheld until the United Nations completed reforms, but said the differences could be worked out.• In Example 12 the temperature change over a time interval was to be worked out.• Bakker believed that dinosaur speed could, reasonably accurately enough, be worked out from the angle of the limb joints.• It is essentially something which must become part of our daily lives, and be worked out in and through them.• The compromise was worked out in huddles that went late into the night Tuesday and concluded Wednesday.• Among the many details to be worked out is where the construction dollars would come from.• When the iron ore was worked out the township including the school would pack up and move on. 42.work somebody over phrasal verbphr v informal HITto attack someone by hitting them several times 殴打,揍〔某人〕 Examples from the Corpus work over• Still, I pestered her to distraction, trying to get her to talk to me as she went about her work.• They tied him to a chair with wire around his arms and legs, then worked him over.• We want to make a living out of it, we have to make it work.• This great work, appearing over a quarter of a century, was intended to sum up all available knowledge.• Some one was working him over but good.• She was exhausted with work and grief over her mother's early death, a mother she loved very much.• There are also times when we allow conflicts away from work to spill over into the workplace and harm our careers.• He starts to draw, working his way over the sheets with a brush and ink. 43 work through phrasal verbphr v a) work through something to deal with problems or unpleasant feelings 解决〔问题〕;调整〔情绪〕 After someone dies, it can take a long time to work through your grief. 有人去世之后,为之悲伤不已的人可能需要很长时间才能从哀痛中走出来。 b) if the result or effect of something works through, it becomes noticeable 〔结果或影响〕变得明显 The positive effect on businesses may take up to three years to work through. 对各企业产生的积极影响可能要经过长达三年的时间才会显现出来。 44 work up phrasal verbphr v a) BECOME work up enthusiasm/interest/courage etc to make yourself feel interested, brave etc 激起热情/激起兴趣/鼓起勇气等 I’m trying to work up enough courage to go to the dentist. 我正在努力鼓起勇气去看牙医。 b) HUNGRY/WANT TO EAT work up an appetite/a thirst/a sweat to make yourself hungry or thirsty, or make yourself sweat, especially by doing physical exercise 〔尤指运动之后〕引起食欲/渴感/出汗 You can work up a really big thirst playing tennis. 打网球能让人非常口渴。 c) ANGRY work somebody up to make someone very angry, excited, or upset about something 使某人感到气愤[激动,不安] work yourself up You’re working yourself up again. 你又激动了。 She had worked herself up into a state. → worked up 她把自己弄得很紧张。 d) work something ↔ upIMPROVE to develop and improve something such as a project or a piece of writing 逐步完善〔计划、文章等〕 Jack took notes which he would work up into a report later. 杰克记了笔记,稍后会将其整理成一份报告。 Examples from the Corpus work yourself up• You are working yourself up again.• But Nick was working himself up into one of his states, and she had to harden her heart.• When I try to protest, he works himself up more.• You don't have to work yourself up over this. 45 work up to something phrasal verbphr v PREPAREto gradually prepare yourself to do something difficult 逐渐准备〔去做困难的事〕 work up to doing something He’d been working up to asking her for a date all week. 整个星期他都在准备约她出去。 Examples from the Corpus work up to • The dieter would start with a fast, then work up to 1,200 calories a day.• You can gradually work up to holding points longer, but do not hold any one point longer than ten minutes.• Try for three sets of eight, or work up to it. work up to doing something• A few of these devices should be exploded every year to test whether the refurbishing is working up to snuff.• But he would, if they refused to work up to their potential.• One retired schoolteacher I know was working up to the age of 70 as a volunteer guide in a local museum.• The dieter would start with a fast, then work up to 1,200 calories a day.• Try for three sets of eight, or work up to it.• You can gradually work up to holding points longer, but do not hold any one point longer than ten minutes. Examples from the Corpus work• "I can't open the jar." "Try putting it in hot water. That sometimes works."• His illness eventually prevented him from working.• I've tried several different diets, but none of them seem to work.• Even where reform has been radical, it has not always worked.• Does the old tape recorder still work?• Does the TV work?• I've been working all day in the garden.• He's changed his job and is now working as a consultant for a German firm.• Her father was an artist who sometimes worked as a salesman and labourer.• For nineteen years, my father worked for the General Electric Corporation.• Frank's been working here for 32 years.• I'd never worked in a lab before I came here.• The research represents the second stage of cross-national collaborative studies undertaken by colleagues working in education in a number of countries.• It is the people who work in the institutions who are most exposed to our dislike.• I bought a bottle of stain remover, and it worked like magic.• Are you prepared to work longer hours occasionally, to get the work done?• Five mornings a week, she worked on campus.• I have to work on Saturday too.• Voice over 16 officers are still working on the case full time.• MacArthur says that the husband alone should work outside the home.• I have no idea how to work these new phones.• Does anyone here know how to work this microwave?• He only works three days a week now.• an organization that is working to preserve California's redwood trees• Not all cancer patients prefer to continue working while undergoing treatment.• Four teachers agreed to work without pay until things were settled. work for• I think Linda works for a law firm.• Trainor spent a lifetime working for equal rights.• My Dad's been working for IBM for over twenty years.• Russell is working as a software developer for Microsoft.• How long have you worked for Mr Jackson? work with• Jerry will be working with me on the project. work with/among• Anyone who worked with him recognised his uncanny ability to find something oddly heroic in all the manifestations of human weakness.• They made no objections to my method and seemed to enjoy working with me.• He worked with Ramsey on several ecumenical committees and respected his mind.• I saw outstanding examples of team work with results impressive in their professionalism.• Also, the posts were round in cross-section, whereas we always worked with square ones.• Macro does a lot of work with the federal government.• More people are going back to work with their hands than ever before.• Now he has had a chance to work with them and perhaps better understands the intricacies of their job. work ... hard• For some managers a busy looking, paper strewn desk, seems to convey that they are very busy and working hard.• We were well educated and we worked hard.• There is an new bread of youth, an elite who work hard and play hard.• Or they make a sumptuous meal and they work very hard and watch their children and wait for their men.• Carrington worked hard, and with dedication, winning a scholarship.• This is your night, your class, and you've worked hard for it.• Instead, they must work hard throughout the period of change until they have integrated new behaviors into daily routines.• Our distributors worked hard to sell our products. work to do something• I believed we were working to build a wonderful future.• It takes time and work to build credibility.• More and more are going into politics with the specific intention of working to change the present unjust system.• He said the airline was now working to clear the backlog, with the delayed flights expected to depart within 24 hours.• He worked to dispel his doubts about his friend as though to pass another test, like his ordeal in the park.• In the United States, researchers are working to find the chemical responsible for odour changes. 6.• We worked hard to persuade the French to attend the meeting.• The Connecticut couple went to Wiedenheft and are working to salvage their marriage.• What's more, a steering box's non-reversibility works to your advantage in a front-drive car. get something to work• Danger is a great thing for getting the body to work!• I'd like the Laboratory building checked first, and as quickly as possible so that the staff can get back to work.• Instead, the two have got together to work on a new service where users will pay for their downloads.• It sounds simple, but Aprilia and Orbital faced a tough challenge getting the system to work.• Lunch is over and she has to get back to work.• Or can I get the heater to work?• When you succeed, pat yourself on the back, take a five-minute break to celebrate, then get back to work. work against• Tax laws tend to work against small businesses. work in ... favour• But de Gaulle held firm because he knew that time was working in his favour.• Some analysts argue that this could work in Merrem's favour.• Somehow it all works in their favour.• The contrast with Yeats is instructive, and it doesn't work in Pound's favour.• Remember - anything that reduces the casualty count will work in your favour because of your fixed rank bonus.• Also, the preponderance of men means that the mating game works in favour of women.• Bags can work in our favour too. work in/with• A similar dynamic was at work with a 1998 initiative campaign that would have allowed open primaries.• He does not show up for work in a bathrobe, even a White House one.• We spend 6 weeks working with local churches doing outreach, and then have one final week of school.• But when they are scalping, they are working in the public interest.• Many people ask to work in the shop, he says.• Petar now goes by the name of Peter and works in the Unmik administration.• I prefer to work in watercolors.• Obviously, works in which the composer creates a continuous musical bridge between one movement and the next.• That doesn't happen when some one works with you as a director, and Jack was like a director, too. work (its way) loose• Check that all cables are firmly in their sockets and have not worked loose.• I therefore put muzzles on all the ferrets I intend to work loose.• It was these bolt which had worked loose.• Since aluminium expands more than steel the steel bolts had worked loose.• This stops them working loose as yours have done and subsequently ruining the engine.?• If these work loose, feedback can arise, so check and tighten if necessary.• The males are usually used as line ferrets and the females are worked loose, muzzled or otherwise. , Physics Artswork2 ●●● S1 W1 noun 1 job 工作 [uncountableU]JOB/WORK a job or activity that you do regularly, especially in order to earn money 工作;职业 → employment There isn’t a lot of work at this time of the year. 每年这个时候工作机会都不多。 He’s been out of work (=without a job) for two years. 他失业有两年了。 More people are in work (=have a job) than ten years ago. 现在有工作的人比十年前多。 before/after work (=before a day of work or at the end of a day of work) 上班前/下班后 ► see thesaurus at job Do you want to go for a drink after work? 下班后你想去喝一杯吗? 5 GRAMMAR 语法 In this meaning, work is an uncountable noun. Do not say ‘a work’. Say work or a job . work用于这个意思是不可数名词,不要说a work,而要说work或a job It may be difficult for older people to obtain paid work. 上年纪的人找到拿薪水的工作可能有困难。 I applied for a job (NOT 不说 a work) as a reporter. 我申请了一份记者工作。 n GRAMMAR: Comparison work In this meaning, work is always an uncountable noun. You say: jobIt may be hard for older people to find work. ✗Don’t say: find a workJob is a countable noun. You say: I applied for a job as a reporter. ✗Don’t say: I applied for a work.You say: Her first job was in London. ✗Don’t say: Her first work was in London.2 place 地点 [uncountableU]WORK FOR somebody a place where you do your job, which is not your home 工作地点;办公室 I had an accident on the way to work. 上班路上我出了事故。 He left work at the usual time. 他在平常的时间下班。 I went out with the girls from work last night. 昨晚我和工作单位的姑娘们出去了。 at work Dad’s at work right now. 爸爸现在正在上班。 3 duties 责任 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES the duties and activities that are part of your job 差事;职务 A large part of the work we do involves using computers. 我们大部分工作要使用电脑。 He starts work at 4 am. 他清晨4点开始工作。 He’s started a business doing gardening and roofing work. 他开办了一家承揽园艺和房屋盖顶业务的公司。 4 result 成果 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES something that you produce as a result of doing your job or doing an activity 工作成果;产品 Send a résumé and examples of your work. 请寄一份履历及你所做的样品。 The building is the work of architect Rafael Moneo. 这幢大楼是建筑师拉斐尔•莫内欧的作品。 The teacher should make sure that each child has a piece of work displayed on the wall. 老师应该确保每个孩子都有一幅作品挂在墙上展示。 The standard of work has declined. 作品的水准下降了。 5 papers etc 文件等 [uncountableU] the papers and other materials you need for doing work 〔工作所需的〕文件及材料 Can you move some of your work off the kitchen table? 你能否把你的工作材料从厨房桌子上拿走一些? I often have to take work home with me. 我经常要把工作带回家做。 6 book/painting/music 书/画/音乐 [countableC]A something such as a painting, play, piece of music etc that is produced by a painter, writer, or musician 著作;〔艺术〕作品 the Collected Works of Shakespeare 《莎士比亚全集》 It is another accomplished work by the artist. → work of art► see thesaurus at music 这是那位艺术家的又一杰作。 7 activity 活动 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES when you use physical or mental effort in order to achieve something 〔花费体力或脑力做的〕事情;工作 work on Work will start next month on a new swimming pool in the centre of the city. 下个月将于市中心动工兴建一座新游泳池。 Looking after children can be hard work. 照看孩子会非常辛苦。 carry out/do work You should not allow unqualified people to carry out work on your house. 你不能让非专业人员来装潢你的房子。 set to work/get down to work (=start work) 开始工作 He set to work immediately. 他立即开始工作。 8 study 学习 [uncountableU]WORK THAT somebody DOES study or research, especially for a particular purpose 〔尤指为某一目的进行的〕学习,研究 carry out/do work The centre carries out work to monitor trends in housing management. 该中心开展研究以监测住房管理趋势。 He did his postgraduate work in Sociology. 他读研究生时学的是社会学。 9 at work a) WORK/DO WORKdoing your job or a particular activity 在工作,在干活 He spent most of his time watching the fishermen at work. 他大部分时间都在观察渔民如何作业。 b) EFFECT/INFLUENCEhaving a particular influence or effect 有某种影响;起某种作用 Volcanoes display some of nature’s most powerful forces at work. 火山展示了大自然一些最强大的威力所产生的作用力。 10 the (whole) works spokenALL/EVERYTHING used after mentioning several things, to emphasize that someone or something has everything you can think of 所有的东西,全部 The hotel had everything – sauna, swimming pool, the works. 这家酒店设施齐全——桑拿浴室、游泳池,应有尽有。 Examples from the Corpus the (whole) works• Since that time the shop at the works receiving another coat of paint and final decoration.• Dozens of palm trees are being planted at key intersections, and plans are in the works to improve street lighting.• The plan to merge Hemlo and Battle Mountain Gold has been in the works for two years.• He was an anglophile and an enthusiast of the works of Jeremy Bentham.• I'd like a hot dog with ketchup, onions...the works.• I run into the bathroom and floss deodorize brush spray the works the usual.• And that you learn to groom Goosedown, and feed her, and take care of her tack, the whole works.• Of these about 40 lived in hutted accommodation adjacent to the works, whilst the remainder lived in lodgings in the surrounding villages.• When we come to the works of man, cellulose is still in the leading place. 11 nice work/quick work spokenPRAISE used to praise someone for doing something well or quickly 干得好/干得快 〔用于称赞某人〕 That was quick work! 干得真快! 12 something is in the works/pipeline informal used to say that something is being planned or developed 某事在计划中;某事在筹备中 Upgrades to the existing software are in the works. 现有软件的升级版本正在开发中。 Examples from the Corpus something is in the works/pipeline• The suit is meant to head off a legal attack against it by Apple which Quorum believes is in the works.• But Sassa said no time change is in the works.• Hence the suspicion that a compromise is in the works.• Legislation is in the works to encourage states to improve planning and prevention.• A Sprint spokeswoman declined comment, but company sources confirmed the plan is in the works.• A high-school program is in the works.• Another, even larger project is in the works just north of Puerto Pe asco. 13 works a) [plural]TBC activities involved in building or repairing things such as roads, bridges etc 〔道路、桥梁等修建〕工程 engineering works/irrigation works/roadworks → public works the official in charge of the engineering works 负责工程的官员 b) [countableC] (plural works)TIF a building or group of buildings in which goods are produced in large quantities or an industrial process happens 工厂 ironworks/gasworks/cement etc works The brick works closed last year. 砖厂去年倒闭了。 Examples from the Corpus ironworks/gasworks/cement etc works• Pennsylvania, because it has a concentration of steel and cement works.• Albert Batchelor constructed a small cement works on the site known as Clinkham works which continued to operate until 1931. 14. the works TEthe moving parts of a machine 〔机器的〕活动机件 SYN mechanism Examples from the Corpus the works• And the works of Victor Hugo and Alexandre Dumas were seen as just adventure stories.• The school needs new computers, calculators, chairs, cooking utensils...basically, the works.• I found the works to be incomplete or inadequate, mainly from an orchestral point of view.• The plan to merge Hemlo and Battle Mountain Gold has been in the works for two years.• Chiron has a number of new vaccine candidates in the works.• They had a poison pen in the works.• "What would you like on your hotdog -- mustard, ketchup, relish?" "Give me the works."• In particular, they should give pupils the opportunity to gain some experience of the works of Shakespeare.• He recognised the vigour that these imparted to the works of Rubens and Veronese.• The defendant contended it accrued when the works were completed, in which event the action is statute-barred. 15 operation 手术 [uncountableU] an operation to make you look younger or more attractive 整容手术 SYN cosmetic surgery All these celebrities have had work done. 这些名人都做过整容手术。 16 have your work cut out (for you) informalDIFFICULT used to say that it will be very difficult to do something (某人)做某事很困难 The team will have their work cut out if they are to win the competition. 该队要想赢得比赛必将苦战一番。 Examples from the Corpus have your work cut out (for you)• The home team has not beaten the Scarlets for some dozen matches and should still have their work cut out to win.• They have their work cut out adapting themselves to it, and it to themselves.• They have their work cut out for them.• We have our work cut out for us.• Whoever takes on the trout farm will have their work cut out.• Election monitors will have their work cut out.• So you have your work cut out for you. 17 make short/light work of something to do something very quickly and easily 迅速/轻松地干完某事 A microwave oven can make light work of the cooking. 微波炉可以让烹饪变得简单容易。 Examples from the Corpus make short/light work of something• The second game we pull away early and make short work of it.• Guernsey made short work of the opposition when they won the event on home soil in 1990.• Fourth placed Guisborough made short work of the opposition at Saltburn.• Carmen would have made short work of Michael too.• It made short work of our Windows performance tests, WinTach, clocking up an impressive index of over 9.3.• But she made light work of polishing off the shopping at a supermarket near her West London home.• It is fair to warn anglers that thousands of crabs soon make short work of rag and lugworm.• Willie Thorne made light work of the promising Nottinghamshire youngster, Anthony Hamilton, as he eased into the last 16. 18 make heavy/hard work of something to do something with difficulty 辛苦地做某事 They made hard work of what should have been an easy game. 原本应该是很轻松的比赛,他们却打得非常艰苦。 Examples from the Corpus make heavy/hard work of something• You can make hard work of an easy job if you don't know the right way to go.• She was making hard work of plucking the goose. 19 be a work in progress to not be finished or perfect yet 仍未完成,尚未完善 The garden is still very much a work in progress. 花园离完工还差得远呢。 20. all work and no play (makes Jack a dull boy) used to say that you should not spend all your time working, but should spend some of your time relaxing 只工作不娱乐[只会干不会玩](会把人变傻) 21. force 力 [uncountableU] technicalHP force multiplied by distance 〔物理学上的〕功 → be all in a day’s work at day(21), → do somebody’s dirty work at dirty1(8), → a nasty piece of work at nasty(7), → nice work if you can get it at nice(12) COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 3 verbs start work 开始工作 He started work as a trainee accountant. 他从会计实习生做起。 look for work (also seek work formal) 找工作 Young people come to town looking for work. 年轻人进城来找工作。 find work (=get a job) 找到工作 It was difficult for them to find work. 他们很难找到工作。 return to work/go back to work 返回工作岗位 ADJECTIVES/NOUN + workHis doctor agreed he was fit enough to return to work. 医生也认为他身体恢复的很不错,可以回去工作了。 part-time work 兼职工作 In recent years part-time work has become more popular. 近年来兼职工作越来越流行。 full-time work 全职工作 Are you available for full-time work? 你能干全职工作吗? paid work 拿薪酬的工作 She hasn’t done any paid work since she had children. 她自从有了孩子以后就没做过任何有薪酬的工作。 secretarial/clerical/office work 秘书/文书/办公室工作 nI have a background in secretarial work. nShe had done clerical work before she married. legal work (=work done by lawyers) 法律工作 nHe will handle all the legal work. manual work (=work done with your hands) 体力活 nMost of them were employed in manual work. voluntary work British EnglishBrE, volunteer work American EnglishAmE (=a job you are not paid for) 志愿工作,义务工作 nShe also did voluntary work in a girls’ club. somebody’s daily work (=the work someone does every day) 某人的日常工作 phrasesnWhen they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest. somebody’s line of work (=type of work) 某人的行业[行当] I meet lots of interesting people in my line of work. 我干这一行可以认识许多有趣的人。 nthe work environment It is important to have a pleasant work environment. nwork practices She supported me enthusiastically in bringing in new work practices. COLLOCATIONS – Meaning 7: when you use physical or mental effort in order to achieve something 〔花费体力或脑力做的〕事情;工作 verbs ncarry out work The work should be carried out without further delay. ndo work He was doing some work on his father’s car. set to/get to/get down to work (=start work) 开始工作 nThey set to work cutting down trees and brushwood. nundertake work About a three adults in ten undertake voluntary work. nwork starts/begins Work had already started on the bridge when the error was spotted. nwork continues nadjectivesWork is continuing on three major building projects. hard It’s been very hard work, but I’ve loved every moment of it. backbreaking (=very tiring) Clearing the garden was slow, backbreaking work. arduous (=needing a lot of effort) This was physically arduous work. heavy work (=hard physical work) The heavy work is done by the gardener. light work (=work that is not physically hard) He had been ill, but she found him some light work to do. Examples from the Corpus work• For this reason, parents are always welcome to see their children at work in our school.• Her mother tried to call her at home and then at work.• David tries to avoid work at all times.• Have you ever done bar work before?• Are you still involved in charity work?• He's doing construction work these days.• He eventually found work as a labourer on a construction site.• Finally, I would like to thank all the staff for their hard work this year.• She is surrounded by books and papers; her desk piled high with correspondence relating to her work.• Her later works reflected her growing depression.• I'm not doing any more work on the house this year, I can't be bothered.• His last few speeches had been awful, and he knew he had to put more work into them.• Who says museum work doesn't pay?• Handel's "Messiah" is one of the most majestic musical works ever written.• A major new work by one of Poland's leading film directors will be shown next Saturday.• A considerable amount of work was necessary to establish even this basic framework.• A quick change can be effected by using this additional experience to point to another type of work.• Rawls's work reaches somewhat different conclusions concerning justice and equality to that of Hayek.• 'Where's Dave?' 'He's outside, doing some work on the car, I think.'• He liked the work, and he was good at it too.• An opportunity was afforded when the council supported El Universal in its uncomplimentary evaluation of the work of the early independence leaders.• Being in the police isn't all action. Administration is a large part of the work we do.• His injuries have made it impossible for him to go back to work.• Alexander commutes 30 miles to work each day.• Could I ride with you to work tomorrow?• How do you like your work? out of work• Jean's been out of work for six months.• In some of the more desolate regions, half of the active population is out of work.• The number of people out of work and claiming benefit fell by 18,000 in August to 1,051,300.• Punishing the young Young people aged 18-24 years who remain out of work can lose benefits.• It is running out of working cash because it has £ 44m worth of books in stock.• Ron and Melanie found themselves out of work and deep in debt.• Naturally, most people thrown out of work do not like it and suffer psychological stress.• He was out of work for twelve months.• The money went for staffers who were out of work when the probe ended. at work• Danger! Men at work.• It's great seeing his diplomatic skills at work.• She's still at work. I'll ask her to call you when she gets home. starts work• In the mornings Elaine can not get up before 9am - which is when her care assistant starts work.• His committee starts work next week.• She starts work at eight-thirty with Blakelock. a piece of work• It was a triumph, as a piece of work.• Looking at a piece of work on the board Mrs Singh said she wanted her son to write like that.• This may be a piece of work offering straight forward short-term helping around obtaining a service.• It is an opportunity to experience at a practical level the pleasures of creating a piece of work or joining and dance.• Crude as Farley plays it, his endearing-blowfish persona is quite a piece of work.• The result is that a piece of work takes a long time to complete.• He took a piece of work with him to finish.• When a piece of work is late they enquire as to their prey's health, and mention an upcoming pay review. work on• Peter's in the kitchen working on his model airplanes.• Scales and finger exercises are the areas to work on if you want to improve your technique.• Your tennis playing is getting better, but you need to work on your serve. carry out/do work• Between 1390 and 1398 Lewyn was carrying out work at Finchale priory, subordinate to Durham Cathedral. From Longman Business Dictionary workwork1 /wɜːkwɜːrk/ verb 1[intransitiveI] to do a job that you are paid for Harry is 78 and still working. Most of the people I went to school with work in factories. work for David works for a broadcasting company. work as She works as a financial consultant. 2[intransitiveI, transitiveT]HUMAN RESOURCES to do the activities or duties that are part of your job Sally isn’t working tomorrow. I’m tired of working ten-hour days. 3[transitiveT]MARKETING to travel around a particular area as part of your job, especially in order to sell something Markovitz works the Tri-State area. 4[intransitiveI] to do an activity which needs time and effort We had to work non-stop to get the book finished on time. 5work somebody hard to make someone use a lot of time and effort in a job or activity The company is famous for working its employees hard. 6[transitiveT] if you work a particular material such as metal, leather etc, you cut or shape it in order to make something 7work the land/soilFARMING to do all the work necessary to grow crops on a piece of land Our family has worked this land for generations. 8work a mineMANUFACTURING to remove a substance such as coal, gold, or oil from a mine 9[intransitiveI] if a machine or piece of equipment works, it does what it is supposed to do Is the photocopier working now? 10[transitiveT] to operate a machine or piece of equipment The check-out is slow, because only two clerks work the cash registers. 11[intransitiveI] if a method, plan, or system works, it produces the results you want The article gives a good understanding of how the pharmaceutical research process works. 12[intransitiveI] if something such as a fact, situation, or system works in a particular way, it has a particular effect on somebody or something The tax laws tend to work against small companies. 13work an organization/system etc to know how to influence an organization etc in order to achieve something Those who advance in this environment are people with an instinct for securing supplies, cultivating connections and working the system. 14work your way up if you work your way up, or work your way up in an organization, your jobs in it become more and more important They have spent their entire careers at the firm and worked their way up the ranks. 15work to rule British EnglishBrE, work to contract American EnglishAmEHUMAN RESOURCES to protest about a situation at work by doing your job less quickly or effectively than usual, but without breaking your employer’s rules or the terms of your contract The staff are not on strike but are working to rule. → see also work-to-rule → work out workwork2 noun [uncountableU] 1the job you are paid to do or an activity that you do regularly to earn money My father started work when he was 14. The work was interesting and well paid. He eventually found work on a construction site. She’s been out of work (=not had a job) for almost a year now. He has been off work (=not working because of illness) for four weeks because of his wrist condition. Many women take part-time work while they are raising children. 6.3 million people are working part time but would prefer full-time work. 2a place where you do your job, which is not your home He left work at the usual time. Jo’s still at work. 3HUMAN RESOURCESthe duties and activities that are part of your job What kind of work are you looking for? A large part of the work we do involves using computers. I wouldn’t be very good at manual work (=hard physical work). 4work in progress abbreviation WIP British EnglishBrE work or products that are in the process of being done or made, but are not yet finished Some journals expect editors to retain responsibility for work in progress when they leave. 5work in process abbreviation WIP American EnglishAmE work or products that are in the process of being done or made, but are not yet finished → see also worksOld English wyrcan work2 Old English werc, weorc →20-34 →n GRAMMAR1 →PHRASAL VERBS1work2 noun →10-21 →5 GRAMMAR1 →n GRAMMAR2 →COLLOCATIONS1 →COLLOCATIONS2 |
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