

单词 better


Word family nounbetterbettingbetting shopbet
Related topics: Illness & disability
bet·ter1 /ˈbetə $ -ər/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj  
1 [comparative of good]BETTER more useful, interesting, satisfactory, effective, suitable etc 更好的,较好的 OPP worse
 Your stereo is better than mine.
 There must be a better way to do this.
 a better-quality car
much/a lot/far better
 We now have a much better understanding of the disease.
better still/even better
 It was even better than last year.
Better is a comparative form. Don’t say ‘more better’.
Better 是比较级。不要说 ‘more better’
2 [comparative of well]
a) BETTERmore healthy or less ill or painful than before 〔健康状况〕好转的;〔疼痛、伤势等〕减轻的 OPP worse
 She is a little better today, the doctor says.
 I’m feeling much better, thank you.
b) MIHEALTHYcompletely well again after an illness 痊愈的,康复的
 When you’re better we can see about planning a trip.
 I hope he gets better (=recovers from an illness) soon.
see thesaurus at healthy
3 it is better/it would be better used to give your opinion or make a suggestion about what you think should be done or happen 最好是〔用于表明自己的看法或提出建议〕
it is better to do something
 It’s much better to get a proper written agreement.
it is better/it would be better if
 It might be better if you stayed here.
Examples from the Corpus
4 get better IMPROVEto improve 改善,变好,进步
 Her English isn’t really getting any better.
5 You can do better than that!
 Things can only get better.
Examples from the Corpus
5 no better 
a) not better than something else or something before 一样不好,不比别的好
 The following day the weather was no better.
b) used to say that something is the best 没有更好的
there is no better way/example/place etc
 There’s no better way of exploring the region.
Examples from the Corpus
6 nothing better 
a) used to say that you really like something or think that something is very good 什么都比不上,莫过于
like/love/enjoy nothing better (than)
 She likes nothing better than a nice long walk along the beach.
 There’s nothing better than beating someone who’s playing well.
b) used to say that a thing or situation is not very good, but is the only thing possible or available 没有更好的
have nothing better to do
 Have you got nothing better to do than sit there playing that silly game?
 I only picked it up because there was nothing better to read.
Examples from the Corpus
7 that’s better spoken used to say that something has improved, that you are happier or more comfortable, or to encourage someone 这样好一些,这就对了〔用以表示高兴、舒服或鼓励某人〕
 Ah, that’s better. I needed to sit down.
 ‘Can you turn it down?’ ‘Is that better?’
Examples from the Corpus
8. better late than never spoken used to say that it is better for someone or something to be late than never to arrive or happen at all 晚做总比不做好;迟到总比不到好
Examples from the Corpus
your better half/other half at half2(8), → the best/better part of something at part1(9), → against your better judgment at judgment(1), → somebody’s better nature at nature(2), → better luck next time at luck1(14), → better the devil you know at devil(11), → have seen better days at see1(29)
better the comparative of good 更好的,较好的〔good的比较级〕
She wants a better job.
The sales figures were far better than expected.
nLucy’s better at French than I am.
superior better, especially in quality 〔尤指质量〕更佳的,更优的
German cars are far superior.
a superior product
He thinks men are superior to women.
preferable formal more suitable or useful – used when saying which one you prefer 更合适的,更可取的〔用于选择〕
Cash would be preferable.
nAnything would be preferable to the system we have now.
be an improvement on something to be better than something that existed before 对某事物的改进
The engine is a huge improvement on previous diesel engines.
have the edge to be slightly better than another person or thing – used especially when saying which one will win in a game or competition 具有优势,略胜一筹〔尤用于比赛或竞争中〕
Federer is likely to have the edge in Sunday’s game.
For me, this film has the edge over the others.
be miles ahead (of somebody/something) (also be streets ahead (of somebody/something) British EnglishBrE) informal to be very much better than someone or something that you are competing against (比某人/某物)要好得多〔用于比较竞争对手〕
The company is streets ahead of its rivals.
there’s no comparison spoken used to emphasize that one person or thing is clearly much better than someone or something else 那是不能比的〔强调某人或某物明显优于其他人或物〕
There’s no comparison between the two teams.
n‘Which apartment do you prefer?’ ‘Well, there’s no comparison. The first one we saw is bigger, quieter, and has much nicer furniture.’
Examples from the Corpus
better2 ●●● S1 W1 adverbadv [comparative of well]  
1 BETTERto a higher standard or quality 更好地 OPP worse
 He can speak French a lot better than I can.
 Your bike will run better if you oil it.
fare better at fare2
2 BETTERto a higher degree 更,更加;更多地 SYN more
 She knows this town better than you do.
 I think I like the red one better.
 Potter is better known for his TV work.
3 had better 
a) ADVISEused to give advice about what someone should do, or to say what you should do or need to do 最好,还是好〔用于提议或表示自己应该做什么〕
 I’d better go and get ready.
 I think you’d better ask Jo first.
 You had better not tell Oliver (=it is not a good idea).
b) THREATENused to threaten someone 最好〔用于威胁某人〕
 You’d better keep your mouth shut about this.
In speech, people usually shorten had to ’d, and may not pronounce it at all. But do not leave out had or ’d in writing: You’d better (NOT You better) come here!
口语中一般将 had 缩略成 ’d, 也可能略去不读,但书写的时候不要省略 had ’d : You’d better (不是 You better) come here! 你最好过来!
Examples from the Corpus
4 do better BETTERto perform better or reach a higher standard 做得更好
 We did better than all the other schools.
Examples from the Corpus
5 the sooner the better/the bigger the better etc PREFERused to emphasize that you would prefer something to happen as soon as possible, want something to be as big as possible etc 越快越好/越大越好等
 School finishes at the end of the week, and the sooner the better as far as I’m concerned.
 The younger you start learning a language, the better you’ll speak it.
6 go one better (than somebody) informalSUCCESSFUL to do something more successfully than someone else (比某人)做得更好
 The following year Lewis went one better by winning the gold medal.
 Of course, they had to go one better and have the whole garden redesigned.
Examples from the Corpus
better off
Examples from the Corpus
better3 ●●○ noun  
1 the better BETTERthe one that is higher in quality, more suitable etc when you are comparing two similar people or things 更好的人[事物]
 It’s hard to decide which one’s the better.
2 get the better of somebody 
a) DO something/TAKE ACTIONif your feelings or wishes get the better of you, they make you behave in a way you would not normally behave 〔情感或愿望〕盖过,超越
 My curiosity finally got the better of me and I opened the letter.
 I think her nerves got the better of her.
b) BEAT/DEFEATto defeat someone or deal successfully with a problem 战胜〔某人〕;成功地解决〔问题〕
Examples from the Corpus
3 for the better IMPROVEin a way that improves the situation 有所好转
 a definite change for the better
 The president’s fortunes seem, at last, to have taken a turn for the better (=started to improve).
Examples from the Corpus
4 so much the better BETTERused to say that something would be even better or bring even more advantages 这样更好
 If they can do them both at the same time, then so much the better.
Examples from the Corpus
5 be all the better for something IMPROVEto be improved by a particular action, change etc 因为而更好
 I think it’s all the better for that extra ten minutes’ cooking.
Examples from the Corpus
6 for better or (for) worse ACCEPTused to say that something must be accepted, whether it is good or bad, because it cannot be changed 不管是好是歹
 Work is, for better or worse, becoming more flexible nowadays.
Examples from the Corpus
7. your betters ADMIRE old-fashioned people who are more important than you or deserve more respect 上司;比自己地位高的人
worse3, → elders and betters at elder2(2)
Examples from the Corpus
better4 verb [transitiveT]  
1 BETTERto be higher in quality, amount etc than someone or something else 〔在质量、数量等方面〕胜过,超过,优于
 His total of five gold medals is unlikely to be bettered.
2. better yourself IMPROVEto improve your position in society by getting a better education or earning more money 提高自己的社会地位
Examples from the Corpus
3 formalIMPROVE to improve something 改善,改进
 bettering the lot of the working classes
Examples from the Corpus
Origin better1
Old English betera




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