

单词 stick


Word family noun sticker stickiness stickfulstickhandlingstick insectstickleaderstick shiftstickworkstickabilitystickingstick-in-the-mudstickjawstickseedstickweedstickybeakadjective sticky stuck unstuck non-stick stuck-upverb stick stickhandleadverbstickily
Related topics: Daily life
stick1 /stɪk/ ●●● S1 W3 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp stuck /stʌk/)  
1 attach 粘贴 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]STICK to attach something to something else using a substance, or to become attached to a surface 粘,贴
stick something on/to/in etc something
 Someone had stuck posters all over the walls.
stick to/together
 I could feel my shirt sticking to my back.
 The oil keeps the pasta from sticking together.
 This stamp won’t stick properly.
2 push in 插进 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]D if a pointed object sticks into something, or if you stick it there, it is pushed into it 刺,戳,插
stick (something) in/into/through something
 pins stuck in a notice board
 The boy stuck his finger up his nose.
3 put 放置 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] informalPUT to put something somewhere quickly and without much care 〔随便〕摆放,放置 SYN bung
 Just stick it in the microwave for a few minutes.
 The cards had been stuck through the letterbox.
see thesaurus at put
4 move part of body 移动身体部位 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] if you stick a part of your body somewhere, you put it in a position where other people can see it 伸进,伸向 SYN put
 Clara stuck her head around the door to see who was there.
 The baby stuck his legs in the air.
 Don’t stick your tongue out. It’s rude!
5 difficult to move 难以移动 [intransitiveI]STICK if something sticks, it becomes fixed in one position and is difficult to move 卡住,钉住
 This door keeps sticking.
 The wheels stuck fast (=stuck completely) in the mud.
6 stick in somebody’s mind REMEMBERif something sticks in your mind, you remember it well because it is unusual or interesting 〔因不同寻常或有趣而〕深深留在某人的脑海里,令某人记忆犹新
 It’s the kind of name that sticks in your mind.
Examples from the Corpus
7 make something stick informal
a) to prove that something is true 证明某事属实
 Is there enough evidence to make the charges stick?
b) to make a change become permanent 使〔某一变化〕确立下来
 The government has succeeded in making this policy stick.
Examples from the Corpus
8 name 名字 [intransitiveI]CONTINUE/NOT STOP if a name that someone has invented sticks, people continue using it 〔起的绰号〕被叫开
 One newspaper dubbed him ‘Eddie the Eagle’, and the name stuck.
9 somebody can stick something spokenREJECT/NOT ACCEPT used to say angrily that you do not want what someone is offering you 某人自己留着某事物吧〔用于生气地表示自己不要某人所给的东西〕
 I told them they could stick their job.
我叫他们还是自己留着那份工 作吧。
10 stay in bad situation 处于糟糕的处境 [transitiveT] British EnglishBrE spoken to continue to accept a situation or person, even though you do not like them 容忍,忍受 SYN stand
 I can’t stick mum’s new boyfriend.
can’t stick doing something
 Gerry can’t stick working for Featherstone’s any longer.
 I don’t know how you stick it.
11 stick in somebody’s throat/gullet British EnglishBrE, stick in somebody’s craw American EnglishACCEPT if a situation or someone’s behaviour sticks in your throat, it is so annoying that you cannot accept it 〔某种处境或某人的行为〕使某人难以接受
 Her criticism really stuck in my craw.
Examples from the Corpus
12. stick in somebody’s throat if words stick in your throat, you are unable to say them because you are afraid or upset 〔因害怕或生气〕使某人难以启齿[说不出口]
Examples from the Corpus
13. stick to somebody’s ribs informal food that sticks to your ribs is very satisfying, so you are not hungry after you have eaten 饱餐一顿
stuck1, → stick/poke your nose into something at nose1(3)PHRASAL VERBS
14stick around phrasal verbphr v informal STAY/NOT LEAVEto stay in a place a little longer, waiting for something to happen 〔在某处〕逗留,待在附近〔等待某事发生〕
 Perhaps you’d like to stick around and watch?
 Tom will be sticking around for a while.
Examples from the Corpus
15stick at something phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE 
a) CONTINUE/NOT STOPto continue doing something in a determined way in order to achieve something 坚持不懈地做
 Revising with your friends may help you stick at it.
b) stick at nothing informalDO something/TAKE ACTION to be willing to do anything, even if it is illegal, in order to achieve something 〔为了做成某事〕无所顾忌,不择手段
stick at nothing to do something
 He will stick at nothing to make money.
Examples from the Corpus
16stick by somebody/something phrasal verbphr v 
a) FAITHFULto remain loyal to a friend when they have done something wrong or have problems 〔当朋友做错事或遇到困难时〕继续支持,对忠诚
 I love him and, whatever happens, I’ll stick by him.
 Jean has stuck by her husband through thick and thin.
b) PROMISEto do what you promised or decided to do 坚持,信守,贯彻〔承诺、计划等〕
stick by a decision/promise etc
 He has stuck by his radical plans for economic reform.
Examples from the Corpus
17stick out phrasal verbphr v 
a) STICK OUTif something sticks out, you notice it because part of it comes out further than the rest of a surface 突出
 The children were so thin their ribs stuck out.
of/from/through etc
 Paul’s legs were sticking out from under the car.
b) stick it outFINISH DOING something to continue doing something that is difficult, painful, or boring 〔把困难、棘手或枯燥的事〕坚持到底,忍受下去
 It wasn’t a happy period of his life, but he stuck it out.
c) stick your neck out informalRISK to risk giving your opinion about something, even though you may be wrong or other people may disagree with you 说冒风险[惹祸]的话
 I’m going to stick my neck out with some predictions for the next two years.
d) stick out to somebody/stick out in somebody’s mind to seem more important to someone than other people or things 在某人看来更重要
 The thing that sticks out to me is that they need more help than they’re getting.
stick/stand out a mile at mile(5), → stick out like a sore thumb at sore1(6)
Examples from the Corpus
18stick out for something phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE informal REJECT/NOT ACCEPTto refuse to accept less than what you asked for 坚持索取[要求] SYN hold out for
 They offered him £250 but Vic stuck out for £500.
他们愿出 250 英镑,但维克坚持要价 500 英镑。
19stick to something phrasal verbphr v 
a) PROMISEto do or keep doing what you said you would do or what you believe in, even when it is difficult 遵守,信守;坚持 SYN keep to
 Have you been sticking to your diet?
stick to your decision/principles etc
 Miguel was determined to stick to his decision.
 It looks as if Nick will stick to his word this time.
b) CONTINUE/NOT STOPto keep using or doing one particular thing and not change to anything else 继续使用;继续做
 If you’re driving, stick to soft drinks.
stick to doing something
 Reporters should stick to investigating the facts.
c) stick to your guns informalCHANGE YOUR MIND to refuse to change your mind about something, even though other people are trying to persuade you that you are wrong 不听劝告,坚持自己的立场[观点]
 Having made up his mind, he stuck to his guns.
d) stick to the point/subject/factsSUBJECT to talk only about what you are supposed to be talking about or what is certain 紧扣主题/题目/事实
 Never mind whose fault it was. Just stick to the facts.
e) stick to the rules informalOBEY to do something exactly according to the rules 遵守规则
f) stick to the path/road etcCONTINUE/NOT STOP to stay on a marked path or road so that you do not get lost 沿着小径/大路等走〔以免迷路〕
g) stick to the/your story spokenCHANGE YOUR MIND# to continue to say that what you have told someone is true, even though they do not believe you 坚持原来的说法〔尽管别人不肯相信〕
 You intend to stick to this story that she knew nothing of your financial prospects?
h) stick to the/your knitting American EnglishAmE informal to continue paying attention to your own work and not to get involved with what other people are doing 专注于自己的工作〔不去介入别人在做的事情〕
 I wish Mrs Reese would stick to her knitting.
i) stick it to somebody American EnglishAmE informal to make someone suffer, pay a high price etc 苛刻地对待某人,跟某人过不去
 The politicians stick it to the tourists because the tourists don’t vote.
Examples from the Corpus
20stick together phrasal verbphr v informal UNITEif people stick together, they continue to support each other when they have problems 互相支持;团结一致
 We’re a family, and we stick together no matter what.
Examples from the Corpus
21stick up phrasal verbphr v 
a) STICK OUTif a part of something sticks up, it is raised up or points upwards above a surface 向上突起;竖起
from/out of/through etc
 Part of the boat was sticking up out of the water.
b) stick 'em up spoken informalOBEY used to tell someone to raise their hands when threatening them with a gun – used in films, stories etc 举起手来〔用枪械威胁他人时的用语,用于电影、小说等〕
Examples from the Corpus
22stick up for somebody phrasal verbphr v informal DEFENDto defend someone who is being criticized, especially when no one else will defend them 辩护;支持;维护
 You’re supposed to be sticking up for me!
stick up for yourself
 She’s always known how to stick up for herself.
Examples from the Corpus
23stick with something/somebody phrasal verbphr v informal 
a) FINISH DOING somethingto continue doing something the way you did or planned to do before 继续做[使用],不放弃
 Let’s stick with the original plans.
b) NEARto stay close to someone 紧跟;跟在一起,不离开
 You just stick with me. I’ll explain everything as we go along.
c) CONTINUE/NOT STOPto continue doing something, especially something difficult 坚持〔做某事,尤指困难的事情〕
 If you stick with it, your playing will gradually get better.
d) be stuck with something/somebody to be made to accept something, do something, spend time with someone etc, when you do not want to 被迫应付某事物/某人;被某事物/某人缠住
 Bill left and I was stuck with the bill.
e) REMEMBERto remain in someone’s memory 留在的记忆里
 Those words will stick with me for the rest of my life.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Daily life, Sport, Food, Motor vehicles
stick2 ●●● S3 noun [countableC]  
1 part of tree 树的组成部分D a long thin piece of wood from a tree, which is no longer attached to the tree 柴枝,枝条 branch, twig
 They collected sticks to start the fire.
2 DStool 工具 a long thin piece of wood, plastic etc that you use for a particular purpose 〔有特殊用途的〕棍;签;条;槌
 a pair of drum sticks
 a measuring stick
 Aunt Lou walks with a stick (=uses a stick to help her walk).
3 DFpiece,, a long thin or round piece of something 条状物;棍状物
 carrot sticks with dip
 a glue stick
stick of
 a stick of chewing gum
4 sports 体育运动 a long, specially shaped piece of wood, plastic etc that you use in some sports to hit a ball 球棍,球棒
 a hockey stick
5 see picture at 见图 sport1
5 (out) in the sticks AREAa long way from a town or city 在偏远乡村,在边远地区
 They live out in the sticks.
Examples from the Corpus
6 get (hold of) the wrong end of the stick British EnglishBrE informalUNDERSTAND# to understand a situation in completely the wrong way 完全误解
 People who think the song is about drugs have got the wrong end of the stick.
7 a stick to beat somebody with something that can be used as a reason for criticizing someone 用于批评某人的把柄
 These tests will just give politicians yet another stick to beat the teachers with.
8. plane 飞机 the handle you use to control a plane 操纵杆,驾驶杆 joystick
9. car 汽车 American EnglishAmE informalTTC a stick shift 〔汽车的〕变速杆,换挡杆
10. get on the stick American EnglishAmE spoken to start doing something you should be doing 开始加紧干
Examples from the Corpus
11 give somebody/get (some) stick British EnglishBrE spokenCRITICIZE if you give someone stick, you criticize them for something they have done 批评某人
 He’s going to get some stick for this!
Examples from the Corpus
12. up sticks British EnglishBrE informalLEAVE YOUR HOME/COUNTRY if you up sticks, you move to a different area 搬家
Examples from the Corpus
carrot and stick at carrot(3)
Examples from the Corpus
Origin stick1
Old English stician
Old English sticca




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