

单词 stand


Word family noun stand standing standeestanderstanding orderstandoffishnessstandoutstandpatterstandpattismstandpipestandpointstandstilladjective standing outstanding upstanding standoffstandoffishverb stand adverb outstandingly
stand1 /stænd/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp stood /stʊd/)  
1 be on feet 站立 (also be standing up) [intransitiveI]STAND to support yourself on your feet or be in an upright position 站立
 It looks like we’ll have to stand – there are no seats left.
 She stood in the doorway.
 Stand still (=do not move) and listen to me.
 Don’t just stand there (=stand and not do anything) – help me!
stand on tiptoe/stand on your toes (=support yourself on your toes) 踮起脚尖站立
 If he stood on tiptoe, he could reach the shelf.
stand (somewhere) doing something
 They just stood there laughing.
 We stood watching the rain fall.
2 rise 起立 (also stand up) [intransitiveI]STAND to rise to an upright position 站起来,起立
 Smiling, she stood and closed the blinds.
4  See picture on 见图 Page A13 Town 城镇
3 step 一步 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]
a) to step a short distance 走,迈〔一小步〕
stand back/aside
 She stood back to let him in.
stand clear of something British EnglishBrE (=step away from something in order to be safe) 不靠近某处,避开某物
 Stand clear of the doors, please.
b) British EnglishBrESTAND to accidentally step on or in something 〔无意中〕踩到[踏上]某物
stand on/in
 Don’t stand in that puddle!
4 in a particular position 处于某一位置 [intransitiveI, transitiveT usually + adverbadv/prepositionprep]VERTICAL to be upright in a particular position, or to put something or someone somewhere in an upright position (使)直立,(使)竖放
 A lamp stood on the table.
 Near the railway station stood a hotel.
 Some remains of the original house still stand.
stand something on/in etc something
 Can you stand that pole in the corner for now?
 I closed the lid and stood the case against the wall.
stand somebody (up) on something
 Stand Molly up on a chair so she can see.
5 in a state/condition 处于某种状况/情形 [linking verb]BESITUATION to be or stay in a particular state or condition 处于〔某种状态〕
 The kitchen door stood open so she went in.
stand empty/idle (=not being used) 空着/闲置着
 scores of derelict houses standing empty
 I’m not too thrilled with the way things stand (=the state that the situation is in) at the moment.
 The evidence, as it stands (=as it is now), cannot be conclusive.
where/how do things stand? (=used to ask what is happening in a situation) 目前情况如何?
 Where do things stand in terms of the budget?
 I will know within the next month or two how I stand (=what my situation is).
stand united/divided (=agree or disagree completely) 意见统一/分歧
 He urged the whole community to stand united and to reject terrorism.
stand prepared/ready to do something (=be prepared to do something whenever it is necessary) 准备好做某事
 We should stand ready to do what is necessary to guarantee the peace.
 countries that have stood together (=stayed united) in times of crisis
stand in awe of somebody (=admire them, be afraid of them, or both) 敬畏某人
6 NOT LIKE 不喜欢can’t stand spokenSTAND/BEAR used to say that you do not like someone or something at all, or that you think that something is extremely unpleasant 不能忍受〔某人或某物〕 SYN can’t bear
 I can’t stand bad manners.
 I know he can’t stand the sight of me.
can’t stand (somebody/something) doing something
 Lily can’t stand working in an office.
 I can’t stand people smoking around me when I’m eating.
can’t stand to do something
 She can’t stand to hear them arguing.
Examples from the Corpus
7 accept a situation 接受某种情况 [transitiveT usually in questions and negatives] to be able to accept or deal well with a difficult situation 接受,对付;忍受 SYN tolerate
can/could stand something
 I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving Danielle.
 I’ve had about as much as I can stand of your arguing!
 I don’t know if I can stand the waiting any longer.
can stand somebody doing something
 How can you stand Marty coming home late all the time?
 She’s a strong woman who stands no nonsense from anyone.
8 be good enough 足够好 [transitiveT]GOOD ENOUGH to be good or strong enough to last a long time or to experience a particular situation without being harmed, damaged etc 经得起,经受
 Linen can stand very high temperatures.
 His poetry will stand the test of time (=stay popular).
9 stand to do something PROBABLYto be likely to do or have something 很可能会做某事,可能有某物
stand to gain/lose/win/make
 What do firms think they stand to gain by merging?
 After the oil spill, thousands of fishermen stand to lose their livelihoods.
Examples from the Corpus
10 not move 不动 [intransitiveI]USE STH# to stay in a particular place without moving 停着不动;放着不动 standstill
 The car’s been standing in the garage for weeks.
 The mixture was left to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes.
混合料在室温下放置了 15 分钟。
 The train was already standing at the platform.
11 height 高度 [linking verb] formalBE to be a particular height 高度为,高达
 The trophy stands five feet high.
 John stood six feet tall.
12 level/amount 水平/数量 [linking verb]BE to be at a particular level or amount 水平[数量]
stand at
 His former workforce of 1,300 now stands at 220.
他以前有 1,300 名职工,现在只有 220 人。
 Illiteracy rates are still thought to stand above 50 percent.
文盲比例仍被认为超过 50%
13 rank/position 级别/职位 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]BE to have a particular rank or position when compared with similar things or people 〔和同类相比〕位于,处于〔某种地位〕 SYN rank
 The president stands high in the public opinion polls.
 How do their sales stand in relation to those of similar firms?
 His book could stand alongside the best.
14 election 选举 [intransitiveI]VOTE/ELECT British EnglishBrE to try to become elected to a council, parliament etc 竞选;当候选人 SYN American English run
stand for
 She announced her intention to stand for parliament.
15 decision/offer 决定/提议 [intransitiveI not in progressive]CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENT# if a decision, offer etc stands, it continues to exist, be correct, or be valid 保持有效,维持不变
 Despite protests, the official decision stood.
 My offer of help still stands.
16. if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchenget out of the kitchen if you can’t stand the heat DEAL WITHused to tell someone that they should leave a job or situation if they cannot deal with its difficulties 如果你应付不了就别干了
17 somebody/something could stand something SHOULD/OUGHT TOused to say very directly that it would be a good idea for someone to do something or for something to happen 某人最好做某事;某事应该发生
 His smile exposed teeth that could stand a good scrubbing.
somebody could stand to do something
 My doctor told me I could stand to lose a few pounds.
Examples from the Corpus
18. I stand corrected spoken formalWRONG/INCORRECT used to admit that your opinion or something that you just said was wrong 我接受批评,我承认错误〔用于承认自己的观点或刚才说过的话是错误的〕
Examples from the Corpus
19 where somebody stands OPINIONsomeone’s opinion about something 某人(对某事)的看法[态度]
where somebody stands on
 We still do not know where he stands on the matter.
 You must decide where you stand.
Examples from the Corpus
20 from where I stand OPINION spoken according to what I know or feel 据我所知;在我看来
 I knew from where I stood that the stocks were practically worthless.
Examples from the Corpus
21 know where you stand (with somebody) KNOW somethingOPINIONto know how someone feels about you, or what you are allowed to do in a particular situation 知道(某人)对你的看法,知道你被允许做什么
 At least we know where we stand with Steven now.
 I’d like to know where I stand.
 It helps to know where you stand legally.
Examples from the Corpus
22. stand to attention British EnglishBrE, stand at attention American EnglishAmE if soldiers stand to attention, they stand very straight and stiff to show respect 〔士兵〕立正
Examples from the Corpus
23. stand on your head/hands STANDto support yourself on your head or hands, with your feet in the air 用头/手支撑倒立
Examples from the Corpus
24 stand in line American EnglishAmEWAIT to wait in a line of people until it is your turn to do something 排队 SYN British English queue
 Customers stood in line for 20 minutes at the cash register.
顾客在收银机前排了 20 分钟的队。
Examples from the Corpus
25 stand firm/stand fast 
a) BACK/BACKWARDS#to refuse to be forced to move backwards 拒不后退
 She stood firm, blocking the entrance.
b) CHANGE YOUR MIND#to refuse to change your opinions, intentions, or behaviour 坚持立场;拒不让步
 The government continued to stand firm and no concessions were made.
stand firm/stand fast on/against
 He stands firm on his convictions.
26 stand pat American EnglishAmECHANGE YOUR MIND# to refuse to change a decision, plan etc 坚持不变
stand pat on
 Harry’s standing pat on his decision to fire Janice.
Examples from the Corpus
27 stand alone 
a) ALONEto continue to do something alone, without help from anyone else 继续独自做某事
 Some of the Pacific islands are too small to stand alone as independent states.
b) to be much better than anything or anyone else 出类拔萃
 For sheer entertainment value, Kelly stood alone.
Examples from the Corpus
28 stand still CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENT#to not change or progress at all, even though time has passed 毫无变化;停滞不前
 No industry can stand still.
 Time seems to have stood still in this lovely hotel.
Examples from the Corpus
29 stand a chance/hope (of doing something) PROBABLYto be likely to be able to do something or to succeed 有机会/有希望 (做某事)
 You’ll stand a better chance of getting a job with a degree.
 Maybe their relationship had never really stood a chance.
Examples from the Corpus
30 stand in somebody’s way  (also stand in the way)PREVENT to prevent someone from doing something 阻止某人
 I always encouraged Brian. I didn’t want to stand in his way.
 You can’t stand in the way of progress!
Examples from the Corpus
31 stand on your own (two) feet INDEPENDENT PERSONto be able to do what you need to do, earn your own money, etc without help from others 自立,独立自主
 She’s never learned to stand on her own feet.
Examples from the Corpus
32 it stands to reason (that) LOGICALused to say that something should be completely clear to anyone who is sensible 这是合乎情理的,这是自然的
 It stands to reason that you cannot find the right person to do a job unless you know exactly what that job is.
Examples from the Corpus
33 stand or fall by/on something DEPEND/IT DEPENDSto depend on something for success 成败取决于某事
 The case against him will stand or fall on its own merits.
Examples from the Corpus
34 liquid 液体 [intransitiveI]LIQUID a liquid that stands does not flow or is not made to move 〔液体〕不流动,处于静止状态
 standing pools of marsh water
35 stand guard (over somebody/something) XXto watch someone or something so that they do not do anything wrong or so that nothing bad happens to them 照看,守卫(某人/某物)
 Soldiers stand guard on street corners.
 You must stand guard over him at all times.
Examples from the Corpus
36. stand bail British EnglishBrE to promise to pay money if someone does not return to a court of law to be judged 保释
37 stand trial SCTto be brought to a court of law to have your case examined and judged 〔在法庭上〕受审
stand trial for/on
 Gresham will stand trial for murder.
 The accused was ordered to stand trial on a number of charges.
Examples from the Corpus
38 stand accused (of something) 
a) SCTto be the person in a court of law who is being judged for a crime 被指控(某事),被控告(某事)
 The former president stands accused of lying to the nation’s parliament.
b) if you stand accused of doing something bad or wrong, other people say that you have done it (因某事)受到指责
 The radio station stands accused of racism.
Examples from the Corpus
39 stand tall 
a) to stand with your back straight and your head raised 站得笔挺,昂首挺胸
 Stand tall with your feet comfortably apart.
b) American EnglishAmEPROUD to be proud and feel ready to deal with anything 充满信心,信心十足
 We will stand tall and fight for issues of concern to our community.
Examples from the Corpus
40 somebody can do something standing on their head EASY informal used to say that someone is able to do something easily 某人能轻而易举地做某事
 This is basic stuff. I can do it standing on my head.
41 be stood on its head if something is stood on its head, it becomes the opposite of what it was before 彻底推翻,完全相反
 One area of the business which has been stood on its head is internal communications.
42 not stand on ceremony British EnglishBrEPOLITE# to not worry about the formal rules of polite behaviour 随便;不拘礼节
 Come on, Mal. Don’t stand on ceremony here at home.
43 stand somebody a drink/meal etc PAY FOR British EnglishBrE to pay for something as a gift to someone 请某人喝酒/吃饭等
 Come on, Jack. I’ll stand you a drink if you like.
Examples from the Corpus
make somebody’s hair stand on end at hair(8), → leave somebody/something standing at leave1(15), → not have a leg to stand on at leg1(7), → stand/serve/hold somebody in good stead at stead(2), → stand your ground at ground1(7)
stand to be on your feet in an upright position 站立
There were no seats, so we had to stand.
When we entered, Stephen was standing by his desk.
be on your feet to be standing, especially for a long time 〔尤指长时间〕站立
If you have young kids, you’re on your feet all day.
nI’d been on my feet since 7 o'clock and I needed to sit down.
nThe crowd were all on their feet clapping and calling for more.
get up to stand after you have been sitting or lying down 〔从坐或躺的姿势〕起来,站起身
He got up and turned off the TV.
Mum fell in her flat and was unable to get up.
stand up to stand after you have been sitting, or to be in a standing position 起立;站立
I stood up when she came in and shook her hand.
It’s generally better to do this exercise standing up.
get to your feet written to stand up, especially slowly or when it is difficult for you 〔尤指缓慢而艰难地〕站起身
My attorney got slowly to his feet, breathing heavily.
rise formal to stand after you have been sitting, especially at a formal event 起立〔尤用于正式场合〕
As the bride entered the cathedral, the congregation rose.
Audience members rose to their feet, cheering and clapping.
44stand against somebody/something phrasal verbphr v FIGHT FOR OR AGAINST somethingto oppose a person, organization, plan, decision etc 反对
 She hadn’t the strength to stand against her aunt’s demands.
 There are only a hundred of them standing against an army of 42,000 troops.
他们只有 100 人,而要抗击 4.2 万人的军队。
Examples from the Corpus
45stand around phrasal verbphr v STANDto stand somewhere and not do anything 〔无所事事地〕闲站着
 We stood around saying goodbye for a while.
46stand by phrasal verbphr v 
a) NOT DO somethingto not do anything to help someone or prevent something from happening 袖手旁观 bystander
 I’m not going to stand by and see her hurt.
我不能袖手旁观眼看着她 受伤。
b) stand by somethingPROMISE to keep a promise, agreement etc, or to say that something is still true 信守〔诺言〕;遵守〔协定〕;坚持某事物
 I stand by what I said earlier.
 He stood by his convictions.
c) stand by somebodyFAITHFUL to stay loyal to someone and support them, especially in a difficult situation 〔尤指在困难情况下〕继续忠于某人,支持某人
 His wife stood by him during his years in prison.
d) READYto be ready to do something if necessary 准备行动 standby
 Rescue crews were standing by in case of a breakdown.
 Stand by for our Christmas competition.
stand by to do something
 Police stood by to arrest any violent fans.
Examples from the Corpus
47stand down phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE 
a) LEAVE A JOB OR ORGANIZATIONto agree to leave your position or to stop trying to be elected, so that someone else can have a chance 〔为让出机会而〕辞职,退出竞选 SYN American English step down
 He was obliged to stand down as a parliamentary candidate.
b) SCTto leave the witness box in a court of law 离开证人席
c) stand (somebody) downPM if a soldier stands down or is stood down, he stops working for the day 〔士兵〕下岗;把〔士兵〕撤下岗
Examples from the Corpus
48stand for something phrasal verbphr v 
a) MEANINGSHORT/NOT LONGif a letter or symbol stands for something, it represents a word or idea, especially as a short form 〔字母或符号〕代表,表示
 What does ATM stand for?
b) OPINIONto support a particular set of ideas, values, or principles 主张;支持;拥护
 It’s hard to tell what the party stands for these days.
c) not stand for somethingLET/ALLOW British EnglishBrE to not allow something to continue to happen or someone to do something 不能容忍某事物
 She’s been lying about me, and I won’t stand for it.
Examples from the Corpus
49stand in phrasal verbphr v REPLACEto temporarily do someone else’s job or take their place 暂时代替〔某人〕 stand-in
 Would you mind standing in for me for a while?
Examples from the Corpus
50stand out phrasal verbphr v 
a) NOTICEto be very easy to see or notice 显眼;突出
 The outlines of rooftops and chimneys stood out against the pale sky.
 She always stood out in a crowd.
 I am sure illnesses stand out in all childhood memories.
b) BESTto be much better than other similar people or things 〔比其他类似的人或物〕出色 standout
 That day still stands out as the greatest day in my life.
 Three of the cars we tested stood out among the rest.
c) to rise up from a surface 凸出,伸出
 The veins stood out on his throat and temples.
Examples from the Corpus
51stand out against something phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE FIGHT FOR OR AGAINST somethingto be strongly opposed to an idea, plan etc 坚决[强烈]反对
 We must stand out against bigotry.
Examples from the Corpus
52stand over somebody phrasal verbphr v NEARto stand very close behind someone and watch as they work to make sure they do nothing wrong 站在身后密切监督
 I can’t concentrate with him standing over me like that.
Examples from the Corpus
53stand to phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE PMAto order a soldier to move into a position so that they are ready for action, or to move into this position 命令〔士兵〕进入待命状态;〔士兵〕进入待命状态
stand somebody to
 The men have been stood to.
54stand up phrasal verbphr v 
a) STANDto be on your feet, or to rise to your feet 站立;站起来 stand-up
 I’ve been standing up all day.
 Stand up straight and don’t slouch!
 Jim stood up stiffly.
b) [always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]VERTICAL to stay healthy or in good condition in a difficult environment or after a lot of hard use 耐受;耐用;经得起
 Most of the plants stood up well to the heat.
c) TRUEto be proved to be true, correct, useful etc when tested 站得住脚;证明真实[正确,有用等]
 The memoirs stand up well to cross-checking with other records.
 Without a witness, the charges will never stand up in court (=be successfully proved in a court of law).
d) stand somebody up informalMEET# to not meet someone who you have arranged to meet 未与某人如约见面,使某人空等
 I was supposed to go to a concert with Kyle on Friday, but he stood me up.
e) stand up and be countedOPINION to make it very clear what you think about something when this is dangerous or might cause trouble for you 〔对危险或可能引起麻烦的事物〕公开表明立场[态度]
Examples from the Corpus
55stand up for somebody/something phrasal verbphr v DEFENDto support or defend a person or idea when they are being attacked 支持;保卫;维护
 It’s time we stood up for our rights.
 Silvia is capable of standing up for herself.
Examples from the Corpus
56stand up to somebody/something phrasal verbphr v FIGHT FOR OR AGAINST somethingto refuse to accept unfair treatment from a person or organization 拒绝接受〔某人或组织〕的不公平对待,抵抗
 He’ll respect you more if you stand up to him.
 Cliff couldn’t stand up to bullying.
克利夫不敢反抗别人的 欺侮。
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Furniture, Trade, Cricket
ldoce_316_fstand2 ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 for support 作支撑用DHF a piece of furniture or equipment used to hold or support something 架;台;座
 a music stand
 a cake stand
 He adjusted the microphone stand.
coat stand/hat stand (=for hanging coats or hats on) 衣架/帽架
5  See picture of statue 雕像, coatstand 衣帽架, canvas 油画布 ...4  See picture of 见图 stand
2 for selling 作销售用BBTSHOP/STORE a table or small structure used for selling or showing things 售货台[];货摊,摊位 SYN British English stall
 a hotdog stand
 an exhibition stand
 The shop was crowded with display stands and boxes.
 One week, three magazines hit the stands (=became available to buy) with Peace Corps stories.
3 opinion/attitude 观点/态度 [usually singular]OPINION a position or opinion that you state firmly and publicly 〔公开表明的〕主张,立场
stand on
 the Republicans’ conservative stand on social and environmental issues
 She was accused of not taking a stand on feminism or civil rights.
4 oppose/defend 反对/防御FIGHT FOR OR AGAINST something a strong effort to defend yourself or to oppose something 防御;反抗,抵抗
take/make/mount a stand (against something)
 We have to take a stand against racism.
5 the stands [plural] (also the stand British EnglishBrE)DS a building where people stand or sit to watch the game at a sports ground 〔体育场内的〕看台 grandstand
 In the stands, fifty of Jill’s friends and family have come to watch her last game.
Examples from the Corpus
6 the stand SCTa witness box 证人席
 Will the next witness please take the stand (=go into the witness box)?
Examples from the Corpus
7. cricket 板球DSC the period of time in which two batsmen are playing together in a game of cricket, or the points that they get during this time 〔两个击球员在一局内对三柱门的〕持续防守;持续防守得分
8 taxis/buses 出租车/公共汽车 a place where taxis or buses stop and wait for passengers 出租车站;公共汽车站
 There’s a taxi stand on Glen Road.
9 trees a group of trees of one type growing close together 林分,〔某一种〕植物群丛
stand of
 a stand of eucalyptus trees
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
standstand1 /stænd/ verb (past tensepst and past participlepp stood /stʊd/)
1[intransitiveI] to be at a particular level or amount
stand at
Inflation currently stands at 4%.
Your bank balance currently stands at £720.92.
2[intransitiveI] to be in, stay in, or get into a particular state
The law, as it stood, favoured the developers.
I don’t see a serious challenge to London as a financial centre as things stand currently.
The committee stands divided (=disagrees completely) on this issue.
There are currently 65 industrial premises standing empty.
3[intransitiveI] to continue to exist, be correct, or be VALID
The court of appeal has ruled that the conviction should stand.
4stand pat American EnglishAmE informal to refuse to change a decision, plan etc
stand pat on
Harry’s standing pat on his decision to fire Janice.
5where somebody stands someone’s opinion about something, or the official rule about something
where somebody stands on
The voters want to know where the President stands on taxes.
6stand trialLAW to be brought to a court of law to have your case examined and judged
stand trial for
The two men stood trial for allegedly attempting to receive stolen property.
7stand bailLAW to pay money as a promise that someone will return to court to be judged
8stand accusedLAW to be the person in a court of law who is being judged for a crime
stand accused of
He now stands accused by the city council of serious mismanagement of the museum’s financial affairs.
9stand to gain/lose/win etc to be likely to do or have something
We stand to make a lot of money from the merger.
10[intransitiveI] to try to become elected to a parliament, board of directors etc
stand for
He will not be standing for election as vice president this year.
Who’s standing for the Democrats in the 44th district?
11stand or fall by/on to depend on something for success
A product will stand or fall by its quality.
stand down
stand in
standstand2 noun
1[countableC]MARKETING a small structure for selling or showing things
Come by our stand at the exhibition and see the new products.
exhibition stand
2[countableC usually singular] a position or opinion that you state firmly and publicly
He did not take a stand on the proposed regulations.
Origin stand1
Old English standan





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