

单词 sorry


Word family adverbsorrilynounsorrinessadjectivesorrysorryish
ldoce_750_zsor·ry /ˈsɒri $ ˈsɑːri, ˈsɔːri/ ●●● S1 W2 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp sorrier, superlativesupl sorriest)  
1 sorry/I’m sorry spoken
a) SORRY/APOLOGIZEused to tell someone that you wish you had not done something that has affected them badly, hurt them etc 对不起,很抱歉〔用于表示歉意〕
 I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
 ‘Matt, stop doing that!’ ‘Sorry!’
 I’m sorry, did I step on your foot?
sorry (that)
 I’m sorry I’m late – the traffic was terrible.
sorry about something
 Sorry about the mess – I’ll clean it up.
sorry for (doing) something
 I’m sorry for making such a fuss.
 Sorry to bother you, but what was the address again?
b) used as a polite way of introducing disappointing information or a piece of bad news 很遗憾,对不起〔用于礼貌地引出令人失望的信息或坏消息〕
 I’m sorry, but all the flights to Athens are fully booked.
c) used when you have said something that is not correct, and want to say something that is correct 对不起,应该是〔用于纠正自己说错的话〕
 Turn right – sorry left – at the traffic lights.
d) used when you refuse an offer or request 不好意思,对不起〔用于拒绝别人的提议或请求〕
 ‘Are you coming to lunch?’ ‘Sorry, no. I’ve got to finish this work.’
 ‘I’ll give you $50 for it.’ ‘Sorry, no deal.’
我出 50 美元买下它。” “对不起,不行。
e) used when you disagree with someone, or tell someone that they have done something wrong 很遗憾,很抱歉〔用于表示不同意某人或告诉某人他们做错了某事〕
 I’m sorry, but I find that very hard to believe, Miss Brannigan.
Examples from the Corpus
2 ashamed 惭愧的 [not before noun]REGRET/FEEL SORRY feeling ashamed or unhappy about something bad you have done 〔因做了坏事而感到〕惭愧的,歉疚的,过意不去的
sorry for something
 She was genuinely sorry for what she had done.
sorry (that)
 Casey was sorry he’d gotten so angry.
say (you are) sorry (=tell someone that you feel bad about hurting them, causing problems etc) 道歉,说抱歉
 It was probably too late to say sorry, but she would try anyway.
n3. sorry?
4 FEELING PITY 感到惋惜be/feel sorry for somebody SYMPATHIZEto feel pity or sympathy for someone because something bad has happened to them or because they are in a bad situation 为某人难过,替某人感到惋惜
 I’ve got no sympathy for him, but I feel sorry for his wife.
 Tina was sorry for her. She seemed so lonely.
feel sorry for yourself (=feel unhappy and pity yourself) 自我怜悯
 It’s no good feeling sorry for yourself. It’s all your own fault.
Examples from the Corpus
5 sad/disappointed 伤心/失望的 [not before noun]DISAPPOINTED feeling sad about a situation, and wishing it were different 后悔的,懊悔的;难过的
sorry (that)
 Brigid was always sorry she hadn’t kept up her piano lessons.
sorry to do something
 We were sorry to miss your concert.
 I won’t be sorry to leave this place.
sorry to hear/see/learn
 I was sorry to hear about your accident.
sorry about
 I’m so sorry about your father (=sorry something bad has happened to him).
6 you’ll be sorry spokenREGRET/FEEL SORRY used to tell someone that they will soon wish they had not done something, especially because someone will be angry or punish them 你会后悔的
 You’ll be sorry when your dad hears about this.
Examples from the Corpus
7 I’m sorry to say (that) spokenDISAPPOINTED used to say that you are disappointed that something has happened 很遗憾,真叫人失望
 I wrote several times but they never replied, I’m sorry to say.
8 very bad 很糟的 [only before noun]BAD very bad, especially in a way that makes you feel pity or disapproval 很糟的;可怜的,可悲的
 the sorry state of the environment
 It’s a sorry state of affairs when an old lady has to wait 12 hours to see a doctor.
 the sorry sight of so many dead animals
 This whole sorry episode (=bad thing that happened) shows just how incompetent the government has become.
better safe than sorry at safe1(10)
nGRAMMAR: Patterns with sorry
You are sorry about something bad that has happened:
I’m sorry about what I said.
I’m sorry about your car (=sorry that your car has been damaged).
You are sorry for the delay, the inconvenience, or the trouble:
The next train will arrive in 12 minutes. We are sorry for the delay.
You are sorry for doing something bad:
I’m sorry for upsetting you.
You are sorry that you did something or sorry that something happened:
I’m sorry that I can’t come.
‘That’ can be omitted:
I’m sorry you didn’t get the job.
Don’t say: I’m sorry for I can’t come.
If you are sorry to do something, it makes you sad to do it:
I’ll be sorry to leave this place.
Don’t say: I’ll be sorry for leaving this place.
Examples from the Corpus
spokenREPEAT used to ask someone to repeat something that you have not heard properly 你说什么?〔用于请某人重复你没有听清楚的话〕 SYN pardon
 Sorry? What was that again?
 ‘Want a drink?’ ‘Sorry?’ ‘I said, would you like a drink?’
Examples from the Corpus
Origin sorry
Old English sarig, from sar ( → SORE1); influenced by sorrow)




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