

单词 roof


Word family adjectiveroofedrooflessrooflikeroofynounrooferroofingrooflessnessroofscaperooftoprooftreeroof
Related topics: Building, Construction
ldoce_287_eroof1 /ruːf $ ruːf, rʊf/ ●●● S2 W2 noun [countableC]  
1 TBTOPthe structure that covers or forms the top of a building, vehicle, tent etc 〔建筑物、汽车、帐篷等的〕顶,顶部
 They finally found the cat up on the roof.
roof of
 We can probably strap the cases to the roof of her car.
slate/tiled/thatched etc roof 石板瓦/瓦片/茅草等屋顶
 a flat roof
 a pitched roof (=sloping roof)
red-roofed/metal-roofed etc
 a wooden-roofed theatre
5  See picture of chimney 烟囱, gable 三角墙, beam ...4  See picture of 见图 roof4  See picture on 见图 Page A11 Where to stay 住的地方
2 TBCthe top of a passage under the ground 〔地下通道的〕顶部;天花板
 Suddenly, the whole tunnel roof caved in.
3 a roof over your head DHHsomewhere to live 栖身之所
 I may not have a job, but at least I’ve got a roof over my head.
Examples from the Corpus
4 go through the roof informal
a) (also hit the roof)ANGRY to suddenly become very angry 暴跳如雷,火冒三丈
 Put that back before Dad sees you and hits the roof!
b) INCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTif a price, cost etc goes through the roof, it increases to a very high level 〔价格、成本等〕飞涨
Examples from the Corpus
5. the roof of somebody’s mouth HBHthe hard upper part of the inside of your mouth 上腭
Examples from the Corpus
6 under the same roof/under one roof TOGETHERin the same building or home 在同一屋檐下
 If we’re going to live under the same roof, we need to get along.
 Here you can buy food, clothes, and electrical goods all under one roof.
Examples from the Corpus
7 under somebody’s roof spokenHOME in your home 在某人的家里
 As long as you live under my roof, you’ll do as I say.
8. the roof falls/caves in SERIOUS SITUATION informal especially American EnglishAmE if the roof falls in or caves in, something bad suddenly happens to you when you do not expect it 飞来横祸;突遭不幸
Examples from the Corpus
raise the roof at raise1(24), → sunroof
a flat roof
She used to sunbathe on the flat roof.
a sloping roof
The path led to a log cabin with a chalet-style sloping roof.
a pitched roof (=with parts that slope down)
a row of garages with tiled pitched roofs.
a tiled roof (=covered with pieces of baked clay)
a slate roof (=covered with thin pieces of a grey rock)
a thatched roof (=made of dried straw)
She lived in a pretty country cottage with a thatched roof.
a leaky/leaking roof (=one that lets rain in)
We needed to fix the leaky roof.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Construction
roof2 verb [transitiveT]  
1TBCto put a roof on a building 给〔建筑物〕盖屋顶
be roofed with something
 a cottage roofed with the local slate
Roof is usually passive.
2roof something ↔ in/over phrasal verbphr v British EnglishBrE TBCto cover an open space by putting a roof over it 给〔空地〕加顶
 We’re going to roof in the yard to make a garage.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Origin roof1
Old English hrof




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