

单词 roll up

roll up

roll up
phrasal verbphr v 
a) to make something into the shape of a tube or ball, or to become this shape (把)卷成筒形[球形]
roll something ↔ up
 Painters arrived and rolled up the carpet.
 Many animals roll up into a ball for warmth.
b) roll your sleeves/trousers etc upDCC to turn the ends of your sleeves or trouser legs over several times so that they are shorter 卷起衣袖/裤管等
c) roll your sleeves upSTART DOING something to start doing a job even though it is difficult or you do not want to do it 卷起袖子〔准备苦干〕
 It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get some work done on the basics.
d) roll a window upTTCSHUT/CLOSE to close the window of a car 摇上车窗
e) ARRIVEto arrive somewhere, especially late or when you were not expected 姗姗来迟;不期而至
 Max rolled up just after 9 o'clock.
f) roll up! British EnglishBrE spokenDLOSHOUT used to call people to come and watch or buy things at a circus or fair 快来呀! 快来看!〔在马戏表演或集市上用于招徕观众〕
Examples from the Corpus
roll up at roll1(PHRASAL VERB)




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