

单词 roll


Word family noun roll roller rollawayrollbackrollbarroll-callrollcollarrollerballRollerbladerollerbladerrollerbladingrollerblindrollercoasterroller skaterolling pinrolling stockroll-on roll-offrolloutrolloveradjective rolling rollablerolledroll-onverb roll unroll
Related topics: Nature, Games, Colours & sounds, Water, Air, Tobacco, Crime
roll1 /rəʊl $ roʊl/ ●●● S1 W2 verb   role
1 round object 圆形物体 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep, transitiveT]TURN if something rolls, especially something round, or if you roll it, it moves along a surface by turning over and over (使)〔尤指圆形物体〕滚动
roll down/into/through etc
 The ball rolled into the street.
 One of the eggs rolled off the counter.
roll something along/in/onto etc something
 Roll the chicken breasts in flour.
4  See picture of 见图 FOLD 1
2 person/animal/动物 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] (also roll over)TURN to turn your body over one or more times while lying down, or to turn someone else’s body over 打滚;(使)翻身,翻转
roll down/onto/off etc
 The children rolled down the hill, laughing.
 Ralph rolled onto his stomach.
roll somebody onto/off something
 I tried to roll him onto his side.
4  See picture of 见图 BREAD
3 shape of tube/ball 筒形/球形 [transitiveT] (also roll up)TURN to make something into the shape of a tube or ball 使成筒形[球形]
roll something into a ball/tube
 Roll the dough into small balls.
 Would you like the paper rolled or folded?
4 make STH flat 使某物平坦 [transitiveT]FLAT to make something flat by rolling something heavy over it 轧平 rolling pin
 Pizza dough should be rolled thinly.
5 clothes 衣服 [transitiveT] (also roll up) to fold the sleeves or legs of something that you are wearing upwards, so that they are shorter 卷起〔衣袖、裤腿〕
 His sleeves were rolled above his elbows.
6 STH with wheels 有轮子的东西 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]MOVE/CHANGE POSITIONPUSH to move on wheels, or make something that has wheels move (使)滚动,开动
roll into/forwards/past etc
 Her car was slowly rolling away from the curb.
roll something to/around etc something
 The waitress rolled the dessert trolley over to our table.
see thesaurus at push
7 drop of liquid 液滴 [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]LIQUIDMOVE/CHANGE POSITION to move over a surface smoothly without stopping 〔平稳地〕移动
roll down/onto etc
 Tears rolled down her cheeks.
8 waves/clouds/ [intransitiveI always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]DN to move continuously in a particular direction 〔朝特定方向〕滚动,翻滚
roll into/towards etc
 Mist rolled in from the sea.
 We watched the waves rolling onto the beach.
9. game 游戏 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DG if you roll dice, you throw them as part of a game 掷(骰子)
10 sound 声音 [intransitiveI]CSOUND if drums or thunder roll, they make a long low series of sounds 〔鼓或雷〕隆隆作响
 Thunder rolled in the distance.
11 machine/camera 机器/摄影机 [intransitiveI]ON/SWITCHED ON if a machine such as a film camera or a printing press rolls, it operates 启动,转动
 There was silence as the cameras started to roll.
12. ship/plane/飞机 [intransitiveI]TTWTTA if a ship or plane rolls, it leans one way and then another with the movement of the water or air 〔随着水流或气流〕左右摇晃,摇摆
13 cigarette 香烟 [transitiveT]DFT to make your own cigarette, using tobacco or marijuana and special paper 卷〔烟〕 roll-up
 Ben rolled a joint (=a cigarette containing marijuana) and lit it.
 It’s cheaper to roll your own (=make your own cigarettes).
14 shoulders 肩膀 [transitiveT] to move your shoulders forward, up, and back down 转动〔肩膀〕
 He rolled his shoulders back.
15 eyes 眼睛 [transitiveT]HBH to move your eyes around and up, especially in order to show that you are annoyed or think something is silly 〔尤表示不快或认为某事愚蠢而〕翻〔白眼〕,骨碌碌地转动〔眼球〕
 Lucy rolled her eyes as Tom sat down beside her.
16 attack 攻击 [transitiveT] American EnglishAmE informalSCC to rob someone, especially when they are drunk and asleep 〔趁人醉酒睡着时〕抢劫
 Kids on the streets rolled drunks for small change.
17 (all) rolled into one TOGETHERif someone or something is several different things rolled into one, they include or do the work of all those things 集于一体,合为一体
 Mum was cook, chauffeur, nurse, and entertainer all rolled into one.
Examples from the Corpus
18 get (something) rolling START TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCto start happening or make something start happening in a smooth and successful way 开始实施;开始运作
 The business didn’t really get rolling until 1975.
 Have a good breakfast to get your day rolling.
Examples from the Corpus
19 be rolling in money/dough/cash/it to have or earn a lot of money 非常富有;财源滚滚;腰缠万贯
 ‘He’s rolling in it, ’ said the girl, pointing at Lewis.
Examples from the Corpus
20. be rolling in the aisles LAUGHif people in a theatre, cinema etc are rolling in the aisles, they are laughing a lot 〔剧院、电影院等的观众〕笑得东倒西歪
21 be ready to roll spokenREADY to be ready to start doing something 准备就绪
 The car was packed and we were ready to roll.
Examples from the Corpus
22. let’s roll spoken used to suggest to a group of people that you all begin doing something or go somewhere 我们开始吧;我们走吧
23 roll with the punches to deal with problems or difficulties by doing whatever you need to do, rather than by trying only one method 灵活应变克服困难
 Strong industries were able to roll with the punches during the recession.
Examples from the Corpus
24 roll on something British EnglishBrE spokenWAIT used to say that you wish a time or event would come quickly 但愿早日来到
 Roll on the weekend!
25. roll your r’s SLSAYto pronounce the sound /r/ using your tongue in a way that makes the sound very long 卷舌发r
26. a rolling stone gathers no moss CHANGE FROM ONE THING TO ANOTHERused to say that someone who often changes jobs, moves to different places etc is not able to have any permanent relationships or duties 滚石不生苔〔形容经常换工作、搬迁等的人不能有长久的关系或责任〕
n27. that's how I roll/it's how I roll spoken used to say that what you are doing is how you like to do things or live your life
set/start/keep the ball rolling at ball1(6), → heads will roll at head1(37), → let the good times roll at let1(21)PHRASAL VERBS
28roll around (also roll round British English) phrasal verbphr v AGAINif a time, event etc that happens regularly rolls around, it arrives or takes place again 〔时间、事件等定期出现的事物〕到来,如期而至
 By the time Wednesday rolled around, I still hadn’t finished.
Examples from the Corpus
29roll something ↔ back phrasal verbphr v 
a) REDUCEto reduce the influence or power of a law, system, government etc 降低,削减〔影响或权力〕
 a threat to roll back the legislation of the past 12 years
b) especially American EnglishAmEREDUCE to reduce a price, cost etc 降低 〔价格、成本等〕
 the administration’s promise to roll back taxes
c) PMDWARto force your opponents in a war to move back from their position 使〔敌方〕退却,击退
d) roll back the years British EnglishBrE to make someone remember something from the past 令人忆起往事
 Looking at those old photos really rolled back the years.
Examples from the Corpus
30roll something ↔ down phrasal verbphr v 
a) roll a window downTTCOPEN to open a car window 摇下车窗
b) to unfold the ends of your sleeves or trouser legs so that they are their usual length 捋下〔衣袖或裤管〕
 He rolled down his sleeves and buttoned the cuffs.
Examples from the Corpus
31roll in phrasal verbphr v 
a) ARRIVEto happen or arrive in large numbers or quantities 大量发生[涌来]
 As the result of our appeal, the money came rolling in.
b) ARRIVEto arrive, especially later than usual or expected 到达,抵达〔尤指迟于正常或预期〕
 Chris finally rolled in at about 4:00 am.
c) DNif mist, clouds etc roll in, they begin to cover an area of the sky or land 〔云、雾等〕滚滚而来
 Fog rolled in from the sea.
Examples from the Corpus
32roll out phrasal verbphr v 
a) FLAT roll something ↔ out to make food that you are preparing flat and thin by pushing a rolling pin over it 把某物碾平[擀薄]
 Roll out the dough on a floured surface.
b) roll something ↔ out to make a new product available for people to buy or use 在市场上推出某物 SYN launch
 The company expects to roll out the new software in September.
c) to leave a place, especially later than expected 离开〔通常比预期的要晚〕
 We used to hear people rolling out of the pubs at closing time.
 He finally rolled out of bed at noon.
d) OPEN roll something ↔ out to put something flat on the ground or a surface, when it was previously rolled into a tube shape 把某物铺开
 We rolled out our sleeping bags under the stars.
e) roll out the red carpetVISIT to make special preparations for an important visitor 铺上红地毯〔隆重欢迎〕
Examples from the Corpus
33roll (somebody) over phrasal verbphr v TURNto turn your body over once so that you are lying in a different position, or to turn someone’s body over (使)翻身
 Ben rolled over and kissed her.
 The guards rolled him over onto his front.
Examples from the Corpus
34roll up phrasal verbphr v 
a) to make something into the shape of a tube or ball, or to become this shape (把)卷成筒形[球形]
roll something ↔ up
 Painters arrived and rolled up the carpet.
 Many animals roll up into a ball for warmth.
b) roll your sleeves/trousers etc upDCC to turn the ends of your sleeves or trouser legs over several times so that they are shorter 卷起衣袖/裤管等
c) roll your sleeves upSTART DOING something to start doing a job even though it is difficult or you do not want to do it 卷起袖子〔准备苦干〕
 It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get some work done on the basics.
d) roll a window upTTCSHUT/CLOSE to close the window of a car 摇上车窗
e) ARRIVEto arrive somewhere, especially late or when you were not expected 姗姗来迟;不期而至
 Max rolled up just after 9 o'clock.
f) roll up! British EnglishBrE spokenDLOSHOUT used to call people to come and watch or buy things at a circus or fair 快来呀! 快来看!〔在马戏表演或集市上用于招徕观众〕
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Shapes, patterns, Food, Games, Sport, Water, Air
roll2 ●●○ noun [countableC]  
1 paper/film/money etc/胶卷/钱等CF a piece of paper, camera film, money etc that has been rolled into the shape of a tube 〔纸、胶卷、钱等的〕一卷
roll of
 I used up three rolls of film on holiday.
 There’s a new roll of silver foil in there.
 wallpaper costing £3 a roll
kitchen roll, toilet roll
2 bread 面包DF a small round loaf of bread for one person 面包卷,小圆面包 bun
 hot soup served with crusty rolls
 bread rolls with butter
ham/cheese etc roll British EnglishBrE (=one that is filled with ham, cheese etc) 火腿/干酪等面包卷
5 see picture at 见图 bread
3 list of names 名单LIST an official list of names 〔正式的〕名单,名册 SYN register
on the roll British EnglishBrE
 a school with 300 pupils on the roll
call/take the roll (=say the list of names to check who is there) 点名
 The teacher called the roll.
 Three senators missed the roll call.
the electoral roll British EnglishBrE, the (voter) rolls American EnglishAmE (=a list of the people who are allowed to vote) 选民名册
welfare rolls American EnglishAmE (=a list of people without jobs who claim money from the state) 救济金名单
 Thompson said he had cut welfare rolls by 39%.
roll of honour, honor roll
4 be on a roll informalSUCCESSFUL to be having a lot of success with what you are trying to do 连连取得成功;连交好运
 Midvale High was on a roll, having won their last six basketball games.
Examples from the Corpus
5 game 游戏DG the action of throwing dice as part of a game 掷骰子
 If you get a 7 or 11 on your first roll, you win.
6 skin/fat 皮肤/脂肪FAT a thick layer of skin or fat, usually just below your waist 〔通常指腰部下方的〕赘皮,赘肉
roll of
 the rolls of fat on her stomach
7 physical movement 身体动作
a) DSTURN British EnglishBrE a movement in which you roll forward or back in a controlled way with your body curled so that your head is near your feet, often done as part of a sport 滚翻;跟头 SYN somersault
 a forward roll
 gymnasts doing rolls and handsprings
b) TURN especially British EnglishBrE the action of turning your body over one or more times while lying down 打滚
 a young horse having a roll in the field
8 drums/guns/thunder//雷声SOUND a long low fairly loud sound made by drums etc 隆隆的声音
 There was a roll of thunder, and the rain started pelting down.
 a drum roll
9. ship/plane/飞机TTWTTA the movement of a ship or plane when it leans from side to side with the movement of the water or air 摇晃
10. a roll in the hay old-fashioned informalSEX/HAVE SEX WITH when you have sex with someone – used humorously 做爱〔幽默用法〕
rock 'n' roll, sausage roll, spring roll, Swiss roll
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
rollroll /rəʊlroʊl/ verb
roll something → back
roll in
roll off something
roll something → out
roll something → over
roll something → up
Origin roll1
(1300-1400) Old French roller, from Vulgar Latin rotulare, from Latin rotula; → ROLL2
1. (1100-1200) Old French rolle rolled-up document, from Latin rotula, from rota; → ROTATE
2. (1600-1700) → ROLL1

→PHRASAL VERBS1roll2 noun




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