

单词 put up

put up

put up
phrasal verbphr v 
a) build 建造 put something ↔ upTBC to build something such as a wall, fence, building etc 建造〔墙、篱笆、楼房等〕 SYN erect
 They’re putting up several new office blocks in the centre of town.
b) for people to see 让人看见 put something ↔ upPUBLICIZE/MAKE KNOWN to put a picture, notice etc on a wall so that people can see it 〔在墙上〕张贴〔图片、布告等〕
 Can I put up some posters?
 The shops have started to put up Christmas decorations.
c) attach STH 固定某物 put something ↔ up to attach a shelf, cupboard etc to a wall 把〔架子、橱柜等〕固定在墙上
 My dad put up five shelves.
d) increase 增加 put something ↔ upINCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNT British EnglishBrE to increase the cost or value of something 提高〔价格等〕 SYN raise
 Most big stores admit they daren’t put prices up for fear of losing their customers.
e) raise 升高 put something ↔ up to raise something to a higher position 抬高,使升高
 I put up my hand and asked to leave the room.
 Philip put his hood up because it was raining.
f) let SB stay 让某人住下 put somebody upSTAY WITH SB, IN A HOTEL ETC to let someone stay in your house and give them meals 留某人在家里过夜
 I was hoping Kenny could put me up for a few days.
g) stay somewhere 在某处待着 British EnglishBrESTAY WITH SB, IN A HOTEL ETC to stay in a place for a short time 在某地投宿
 We can put up at a hotel for the night.
h) put up a fight/struggle/resistanceFIGHT FOR OR AGAINST something to show great determination to oppose something or get out of a difficult situation 奋勇战斗/斗争/抵抗
 Gina put up a real fight to overcome the disease.
 The rebels have put up fierce resistance.
i) put up somethingGIVE to give an amount of money for a particular purpose 提供金钱〔用于某一用途〕
 The paper put up a reward for information on the murder.
j) make available 准备好 put something up to make something or someone available for a particular purpose 准备好某物;让某人做好准备
put something up for
 They put their house up for sale.
 The baby was put up for adoption.
k) put up a proposal/argument/case etcEXPLAIN to explain a suggestion or idea so that other people can think about it or discuss it 提出建议/论点/理由等
 If you can put up a good enough case, the board will provide the finance.
l) elections 选举 put somebody ↔ upSUGGEST to suggest someone as a suitable person to be elected to a position 推举,提名〔某人担任某职〕
 I was put up for the committee.
m) put up or shut up spoken informal used to tell someone that they should either do what needs to be done or stop talking about it 该做就做,不然就闭嘴
Examples from the Corpus
put up at put(PHRASAL VERB)




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