

单词 put down

put down

put down
phrasal verbphr v 
a) place 地方 put something/somebody ↔ down to put something or someone that you are holding or carrying onto a surface 搁在〔某个表面〕;放下
 Put those heavy bags down for a minute.
b) criticize 批评 put somebody ↔ downCRITICIZE to criticize someone and make them feel silly or stupid 批评某人;使某人出洋相 SYN belittle
 I hate the way Dave puts me down the whole time.
put yourself down
 Stop putting yourself down.
c) write put something ↔ downWRITE to write something, especially a name or number, on a piece of paper or on a list 写下,记下〔尤指姓名或数字〕 SYN write down
 Put down your name and address.
d) put down a revolution/revolt/rebellion etcSTOP something THAT IS HAPPENING to stop a revolution etc by using force 镇压革命/起义/叛乱等
 The uprising was put down by the police and the army.
e) pay 付款 put something ↔ downPAY FOR to pay part of the total cost of something, so that you can pay the rest later 付〔订金〕
put something ↔ down on
 They put down a deposit on the goods until Christmas.
f) baby 婴儿 put somebody downDHB to put a baby in its bed 把〔宝宝〕放在床上
 We try to put Amy down at six every evening.
g) put the phone downTCT to put the receiver back onto the telephone when you have finished speaking to someone 〔通完电话后〕挂电话 SYN hang up
put the phone down on
 She put the phone down on me (=suddenly ended the conversation).
h) kill 杀死 put something ↔ downDHPKILL to kill an animal without causing it pain, usually because it is old or sick 〔无痛地〕杀死〔年老或患病的动物〕 SYN put something to sleep
 We had to have the dog put down.
i) I couldn’t put it down spokenINTERESTING used to say that you found a book, game etc extremely interesting 我欲罢不能〔用于表示你认为某本书或游戏等极其有趣〕
 Once I’d started reading it I just couldn’t put it down.
j) aircraft 飞机 put (something) downTTA if an aircraft puts down or if a pilot puts it down, it lands, especially because of an emergency (使)着陆〔尤指紧急着陆〕
 The engine failed and the plane put down in the sea.
k) put down a motion/an amendmentPGPSUGGEST to suggest a subject, plan, change in the law etc for a parliament or committee to consider 提出一项动议/修正案〔供议会或委员会考虑〕
l) leave passenger 放下乘客 put somebody down British EnglishBrETT to stop a vehicle so that passengers can get off at a particular place 让某人下车
 He asked the taxi to put him down at the end of the road.
Examples from the Corpus
put down at put(PHRASAL VERB)




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