单词 | pick up |
释义 | pick uppick up phrasal verbphr v a) lift STH/SB up 捡起[拿起,拾起]某物;举起某人LIFT pick something/somebody ↔ up to lift something or someone up 捡起,拿起,举起 He picked up the letter and read it. 他拿起信看了起来。 The phone rang and I picked it up. 电话响了,我接了起来。 Mummy, can you pick me up? 妈妈,把我抱起来好吗? b) pick yourself upLIFT to get up from the ground after you have fallen 〔跌倒后〕站起来 Carol picked herself up and brushed the dirt off her coat. 卡罗尔站起身,拍去外套上的灰尘。 c) tidy STH 整理某物 pick something ↔ up American EnglishAmETIDY to make a room or building tidy 整理,收拾 Pick up your room before you go to bed. 收拾一下房间再上床。 d) get STH 得到某物 pick something ↔ up informal i. GETto get or win something 获得;赢得 He’s already picked up three major prizes this year. 今年他已经拿了三项大奖。 ii. BUYto buy something or get it from a shop etc 买到 I picked up an evening paper on the way home. 我在回家的路上买了一份晚报。 For more details, pick up a leaflet in your local post office. 欲知更多详情,请到当地邮局取阅宣传单。 iii. to get an illness 染上〔疾病〕 I picked up a virus while I was in America. 我在美国的时候感染了病毒。 e) collect 领取 pick something ↔ upGET to collect something from a place 取〔某物〕 I’ll pick my things up later. 我过一会儿来取我的东西。 She just dropped by to pick up her mail. 她只是顺便过来取她的邮件。 f) let SB into a vehicle 让某人进入车辆 pick somebody ↔ upGET to let someone get into your car, boat etc and take them somewhere 搭载,接载 I’ll pick you up at the station. 我会到车站接你。 The survivors were picked up by fishing boats from nearby villages. 幸存者被附近村庄的渔船救了起来。 g) learn 学会 pick something ↔ upLEARN to learn something by watching or listening to other people 〔通过观察或聆听而〕学会 I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year. 去年在希腊的时候我学会了一些希腊语单词。 Mary watched the other dancers to see if she could pick up any tips. 玛丽观察其他跳舞的人,看能否学到什么窍门。 h) notice 注意 pick something ↔ upSMELLHEAR to notice something that is not easy to notice, such as a slight smell or a sign of something 注意到〔不容易注意的事情〕 I picked up a faint smell of coffee. 我闻到淡淡的咖啡味。 The dogs picked up the scent and raced off. 那些狗闻到了气味,一下子跑开了。 We picked up their tracks again on the other side of the river. 我们在河对岸又发现了他们的足迹。 i) radio/signals 无线电/信号HEAR pick something ↔ up if a machine picks up a sound, movement, or signal, it is able to notice it or receive it 接收 The sensors pick up faint vibrations in the earth. 传感器探测到地球内部微弱的颤动。 I managed to pick up an American news broadcast. 我设法收听到一档美国的新闻广播节目。 j) sex 性 pick somebody ↔ upMEET to become friendly with someone you have just met because you want to have sex with them 勾搭上 young women sitting around in bars waiting to be picked up 闲坐在酒吧等人来搭讪的年轻女子 k) start again 重新开始 i. CONTINUE/START AGAINif you pick up where you stopped or were interrupted, you start again from that point 〔从谈话、会议停顿的地方〕继续 We’ll meet again in the morning and we can pick up where we left off. 我们上午会再次碰面,到时候接着继续。 ii. IDEA pick something ↔ up if you pick up an idea that has been mentioned, you return to it and develop it further 回过头来进一步阐述〔某观点〕 I’d like to pick up what you said earlier. 我想再谈谈先前你说过的问题。 This same theme is picked up in his later works. 相同的主题又出现在他后来的作品中。 l) improve 改进,提高 i. IMPROVEif a situation picks up, it improves 〔情况〕改进,提高,好转 Her social life was picking up at last. 她的社交生活终于有了起色。 The economy is finally beginning to pick up again. 经济终于开始有所好转。 We’ve been through a bit of a bad patch, but things are picking up again now. 我们度过了一段困难时期,不过目前情况又开始好转了。 ii. pick somebody upHEALTHY if a medicine or drink picks you up, it makes you feel better 〔药物或饮料〕使某人感觉好些,使振作精神 → pick-me-up m) road 道路 pick something ↔ up if you pick up a road, you go onto it and start driving along it 沿某条路行进 We take the A14 to Birmingham and then pick up the M5. 我们沿14号干线公路到伯明翰,然后上5号高速公路。 n) train/bus 火车/公共汽车 pick something ↔ up if you pick up a train, bus etc, you get onto it and travel on it 乘坐 o) pick up speed/steamFAST/QUICK to go faster 加快速度 The train was gradually picking up speed. 火车正在逐渐加速。 p) pick up the bill/tab (for something) informalPAY FOR to pay for something (为某事物)付款 Why should the taxpayer pick up the tab for mistakes made by a private company? 为什么纳税人要为一家私人公司的过错所造成的损失买单呢? q) wind 风FAST/QUICK if the wind picks up, it increases or grows stronger 变大,变强 r) colour 颜色 pick something ↔ upSUIT/LOOK GOOD TOGETHER if one thing picks up a colour in something else, it has an amount of the same colour in it so that the two things look nice together 含有…的颜色〔因而搭配得好〕 I like the way the curtains pick up the red in the rug. 窗帘带点地毯中的红色,我喜欢这种搭配。 s) criminal 罪犯 pick somebody ↔ upCATCH if the police pick someone up, they take them somewhere to answer questions or to be locked up 逮捕某人,拘捕某人 He was picked up by police as he was trying to leave the country. 他企图出境时被警察拘捕。 t) pick up the pieces (of something)RECOVER/GET BETTER to try to make your life normal again after something very bad has happened to you (使某事物)重整旗鼓,恢复正常 Thousands of victims of the earthquake are now faced with the task of picking up the pieces of their lives. 数以千计的地震灾民现在面临着重建生活的重担。 u) pick up the threads (of something)CONTINUE/START AGAIN if you pick up the threads of something that you were doing, you try to return to it and start doing it again after it stopped or was changed 恢复,重新开始(某事物) Now that the war was over they could pick up the threads of their lives again. 战争已经结束,他们可以重新开始生活了。 v) pick your feet up spoken used to tell someone to walk properly or more quickly 好好走路;快点走 Examples from the Corpus pick up• Do you want me to come back and pick you guys up?• He's hoping to pick up a few bargains at the sales.• I picked up a few words of Turkish when I was in Istanbul.• I picked up a stomach bug on holiday in Turkey.• Hi, I've come to pick up a suit I left on Tuesday.• I told Virginia I'd pick her up about 8:00.• I feel like I spend all my time picking up after the kids.• After the phone had rung twice, Joyce picked it up and said hello.• Brendan has a cold. He must have picked it up at school.• Financial commentators think we'll see the economy starting to pick up early next year.• Can you pick some milk up from the shop on your way home?• Come on Bob, pick up! I know you're there.• At present the hotel is almost empty, but I'm sure things will start to pick up in the spring.• I arranged to pick up Mr Clarke and take him to his accommodation.• "Where's Diana?" "She just left to pick up the kids from school."• Could you pick up the newspapers and magazines for me?• I'll pick up the tickets on my way home from work.• A lifeboat picked them up two miles from the coast.• Help me pick these things up. We have company coming.• It's just a little thing I picked up when I was in Kathmandu. pick yourself up• A team in such a position is likely to find it hard to pick itself up.• Shaken and deafened, I picked myself up.• I crashed to the ground, picked myself up, and began staggering around the car to the other side.• Carol picked herself up and dusted herself off.• He picked himself up and staggered down a corridor.• Think of the toddler learning to walk and how often he falls down only to pick himself up and try again.• Although he picked himself up and walked away, he knew something was wrong.• I fell, picked myself up, lurched forward another yard or two, then fell again.• However, Grimm was already picking himself up, swearing, dusting himself off, retrieving his cap. things are picking up• Well, things are picking up again. pick up speed/steam• Of course, good melody will sound fine at any tempo, so play slowly and gradually pick up speed.• The object thereupon begins to expand, and it will rapidly pick up speed.• The black-out protest is expected to pick up steam after the president signs the bill.• As they picked up speed along the main tarmac road it was already 3 a.m.• The coach picked up speed as it rattled and jolted down to Forty-second Street.• Indications the economy may be picking up steam hurt bonds by sparking concern inflation may accelerate, eroding bonds' fixed payments.• If the economy is picking up steam, the recovery may be nipped in the bud by renewed Fed tightening. pick up the bill/tab (for something)• After its shareholder equity turned negative last year, parent Dasa started picking up the bills.• But remember - raid your savings now and Santa won't pick up the bill.• Often, the book publisher, not the author, picks up the tab.• When the check comes, the lobbyists almost always pick up the tab.• In addition, my company will pick up the tab for all legal and moving expenses.• I wonder to myself as I pick up the tab for breakfast.• The company's picking up the bill for my trip to Hawaii.• There is a growing, often unstated, anticipation that the private sector will pick up the bill for public services.• Everything depended on contributors picking up the bill in ten, twenty or thirty years. pick up the pieces (of something)• It has already made behind-the-scenes preparations to share the job of picking up the pieces.• This hopefully will cause them a fixture congestion around April/May with us hopefully been able to pick up the pieces.• Whimper like a whipped puppy, Jay, have a drink and pick up the pieces.• The town is beginning to pick up the pieces after the worst mass shooting in U.S. history.• As proved by history, women are the ones who have to pick up the pieces in the aftermath of war.• Then the red mists cleared and she sank to her knees, picking up the pieces, moaning softly.• I picked up the pieces myself.• In her motherly concerned way, she was cosseting him as he tried to pick up the pieces of his life.• In the more stable area people were returning to pick up the pieces of their lives. pick up the threads (of something)• She gradually started to pick up the threads of her life.• The good thing is that he's trying to pick up the threads of his life again.• Enough to do picking up the threads of his own life. pick your feet up• Ronnie, stop shuffling and pick your feet up. → pick up at pick1(PHRASAL VERB) |
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