

单词 make up for something

make up for something

make up for something
phrasal verbphr v 
a) EQUALto make a bad situation better, or replace something that has been lost 弥补,补偿〔不良情况或失去之物〕 SYN compensate
 The team will be anxious to make up for a disappointing start to the season.
 I don’t eat breakfast but I make up for it at lunch.
 The good days more than make up for the bad ones.
b) EQUALto have so much of one quality that it is not important that you do not have much of another one 〔太多的某一品质〕弥补〔另一品质的不足〕
 What Jay lacked in experience, he made up for in enthusiasm.
 Caroline doesn’t have a natural talent for music but she makes up for it with hard work.
c) to do something to show that you are sorry for doing something that upset or annoyed someone 弥补〔给别人造成的不快〕
 I’m sorry I was late. To make up for it, let me treat you to a meal.
d) make up for lost time
i. WORK HARDto work more quickly, or at times when you do not usually work, because something has prevented you from doing the work before 弥补失去的时间
 We rehearsed all day Saturday, to make up for lost time.
ii. ENTHUSIASTICto do a lot of something in an eager way because you have not had a chance to do it before 弥补〔早先没有机会做的事〕
 Palin didn’t travel much as a young man but he’s certainly made up for lost time now.
Examples from the Corpus
make up for something at make1(PHRASAL VERB)




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