

单词 lead


Word family noun lead leader leadership leadereneleaderetteleaderboardlead-inleading edgelead timelead-upleadennessleadsmanadjective lead leading leaderlessleadedleadenleadlessleadyverb lead adverbleadenly
Related topics: Cards
lead1 /liːd/ ●●● S1 W1 verb (past tensepst and past participlepp led /led/)  
1 take SB somewhere 把某人带到某处 [intransitiveI, transitiveT usually + adverbadv/prepositionprep]FIRST to take someone somewhere by going in front of them while they follow, or by pulling them gently 带路,领路;引领
lead somebody to/into etc something
 A nurse took her arm and led her to a chair.
 The horses were led to safety.
lead somebody away/down etc
 She was led away from the courtroom in tears.
 The manager led the way through the office.
see thesaurus at take
2 go in front 走在前面 [intransitiveI, transitiveT] to go in front of a line of people or vehicles 〔走在前面〕(…)带头,(…)开路
 A firetruck was leading the parade.
3 be in charge 负责 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]IN CHARGE OF to be in charge of an organization, country, or team, or a group of people who are trying to do something 领导,率领,带领
 He has led the party for over twenty years.
 Some people say she is too old to lead the country (=be in charge of its government).
 Beckham led his team to victory.
lead an investigation/inquiry/campaign
 The investigation will be led by Inspector Scarfe.
 They are leading a campaign to warn teenagers about the dangers of drug abuse.
lead a revolt/rebellion/coup etc
 The rebellion was led by the King’s brother.
lead an attack/assault
 Nelson preferred to lead the attack himself from the front.
 a man who was born to lead
 a communist-led strike
4 cause STH to happen 使某事发生 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]CAUSE to cause something to happen or cause someone to do something 导致,造成
lead to
 the events that led to the start of the First World War
 A degree in English could lead to a career in journalism.
lead somebody into something
 Her trusting nature often led her into trouble.
lead somebody to do something
 What led him to kill his wife?
lead to somebody doing something
 His actions could lead to him losing his job.
5 cause SB to believe STH 使某人相信某事 [transitiveT] to make someone believe something, especially something that is not true 使相信〔尤指不实之事〕
lead somebody to believe/expect/understand something
 He had led everyone to believe that his family was very wealthy.
 The hotel was terrible, and not at all what we had been led to expect.
 Our research led us to the conclusion that the present system is unfair.
6 influence 影响 [transitiveT] to influence someone to make them do something that is wrong 引导,诱导〔某人做坏事〕,影响
lead somebody into something
 His brother led him into a life of crime.
 He’s not a bad boy. He’s just easily led (=it is easy for other people to persuade him to do things that he should not do).
7 be more successful 更加成功 [transitiveT]BEST to be more successful than other people, companies, or countries in a particular activity 领先
lead the world/market/pack/field
 US companies lead the world in biotechnology.
lead the way (=be the first to do something, and show other people how to do it) 处于领先地位
 The Swedes have led the way in data protection.
8 be winning 获胜 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]WIN to be winning a game, competition etc 〔比赛等中〕胜过,领先 OPP lose
 At half-time, Brazil led 1–0.
 With 15 laps to go, Schumacher led the race.
5 The polls showed Clinton leading Bush 55 percent to 34 percent.
n The polls showed Obama leading Romney by 3 percent.
lead by ten points/two goals etc
 Nadal was leading by two sets.
9 path/door etc/门等 [intransitiveI, transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep]JOIN something TOGETHER used to say where a path, wire etc goes or what place is on the other side of a door 通到,通往,通向
lead to/towards
 The path led down to a small lake.
lead from/out of
 the major artery leading from the heart
lead into
 the door leading into the hallway
lead somebody to/into something
 The riverside path leads visitors to a small chapel.
10 life 生活LIFE [transitiveT] if you lead a particular kind of life, that is what your life is like 过〔某种生活〕
lead a normal/quiet/busy etc life
 If the operation succeeds, Carly will be able to lead a normal life.
 He has led a charmed life (=been very fortunate).
lead a life of luxury/poverty etc 过着奢侈/贫困等的生活
lead the life of a ...
 She now leads the life of a recluse.
lead a double life (=deceive people by keeping different parts of your life separate and not letting anyone know the whole truth) 过着双面人的生活〔欺骗别人以隐瞒自己另一部分的生活〕
 Joe had been leading a double life, seeing an ex-model while his wife believed he was on business.
乔过着双面人的生活: 他偷偷地和一名前模特幽会,而他妻子却以为他是在出差。
 They lead a nomadic existence.
11 discussion etc 讨论等 [transitiveT always + adverbadv/prepositionprep] to control the way a discussion, conversation etc develops 引导〔讨论、谈话等〕
 I tried to lead the conversation back to the subject of money.
12. lead somebody up the garden path informal to deliberately deceive someone 〔故意〕欺骗某人
13 lead somebody astray 
a) to encourage someone to do bad or immoral things which they would not normally do 把某人引入歧途
b) to make someone believe something that is not true 误导某人
14 lead nowhere/not lead anywhere to not produce any useful result 没有产生结果,毫无成果
 So far police investigations seem to have led nowhere.
15 lead by example to show the people you are in charge of what you want them to do by doing it yourself 以身作则
 The best managers lead by example.
Examples from the Corpus
16 lead somebody by the nose to influence someone so much that you can completely control everything that they do 牵着某人的鼻子走,使某人完全听命于自己
 Politicians think they can easily lead people by the nose.
Examples from the Corpus
17 this/that leads (me) to something used to introduce a new subject that is connected to the previous one (使我)引出某个问题
 That leads me to my final point. Where are we going to get the money?
那使我想到最后一个问题。 我们到哪里去弄这笔钱?
Examples from the Corpus
18. somebody has their own life to lead used to say that someone wants to be able to live their life independently, without having to do things that other people want them to do 某人有自己的生活要过
19. lead somebody a merry old dance/a right old dance British EnglishBrE to cause a lot of problems or worries for someone 给某人造成许多麻烦;让某人忧心忡忡
20 market-led/export-led etc EFFECT/INFLUENCEmost influenced by the market, by exports etc 由市场主导的/由出口主导的等
 an export-led economic recovery
Examples from the Corpus
21 lead the eye if a picture, view etc leads the eye in a particular direction, it makes you look in that direction 引领目光〔指画、风景等使人朝某个方向看〕
 marble columns that lead the eye upward
Examples from the Corpus
22. card game 纸牌戏 [intransitiveI, transitiveT]DGC to play a particular card as your first card in one part of a card game 首先出(某一张牌)
lead to take a person or animal somewhere by going in front of them while they follow, or by pulling them gently 带领;引领
Rachel led Jo into the kitchen.
She was leading a horse, which seemed to have a bad leg.
take to take someone somewhere with you when you have the transport, know the way, are paying etc 〔某人去某地〕
I took her to see a film.
Matt’s taking me in his car.
guide to take someone through or to a place you know, showing them the way 带路,引导
Ali guided us through the streets to his house on the edge of the town.
show to take someone to a place such as a table in a restaurant or a hotel room and leave them there 带,引〔某人去餐桌、酒店房间等〕
A waitress showed us to our table.
We were shown to our seats near the front of the theatre.
point to show someone which direction to go using your hand or a sign 〔用手或标记〕指〔方向〕
The sign back there pointed this way.
escort to take someone somewhere, protecting them, guarding them, or showing them the way 护送;引导
He was escorted from the court by police.
The president’s car will be escorted by a military convoy.
usher to show someone the way to a room or building nearby, usually as part of your job 〔尤指作为某人的工作〕引入,领入,接入
His housekeeper ushered us into the living room.
shepherd to carefully take someone somewhere – used especially about a group of people 带领〔一群人〕
The police shepherded thousands of people to safety in the cathedral.
direct formal to tell someone where to go or how to get somewhere 给〔某人〕指路
He directed us to a café a few blocks away.
Can you direct me to the station?
23lead off phrasal verbphr v 
a) START DOING somethingto start a meeting, discussion, performance etc by saying or doing something 〔以说或做某事〕开始
 I’d like to lead off by thanking Rick for coming.
 The French team led off with two quick goals in the first five minutes.
lead something ↔ off
 Hal led the evening off with some folk songs.
b) JOIN something TOGETHER lead off (something) if a road, room etc leads off a place, you can go directly from that place along that road, into that room etc 〔路、房间等〕连着,通向(某处)
lead off from something
 He pointed down a street leading off from the square.
 a large room, with doors leading off it in all directions
c) to be the first player to try to hit the ball in an inning (=period of play) in a game of baseball 〔在棒球的一局中〕首先击球
Examples from the Corpus
24lead somebody on phrasal verbphr v to deceive someone, especially to make them think you love them 〔尤指在男女感情上〕欺骗〔某人〕
 He thought she loved him, but in fact she was just leading him on.
Examples from the Corpus
25lead on to something (also lead onto something) phrasal verbphr v especially British EnglishBrE to cause something to develop or become possible at a later time 促使,促成
 Alan Turing’s work led onto the development of modern computers.
Examples from the Corpus
26lead with something phrasal verbphr v 
a) if a newspaper or television programme leads with a particular story, that story is the main one 作为头条新闻
 The ‘Washington Post’ leads with the latest news from Israel.
b) to use a particular hand to begin an attack in boxing, or a particular foot to begin a dance 先出〔指拳击比赛中先出左拳或右拳,或跳舞时先出左脚或右脚〕
 Adam led with his left and punched his opponent on the jaw.
27lead up to something phrasal verbphr v 
a) BEFOREif a series of events or a period of time leads up to an event, it comes before it or causes it 的先导;导致,引起,造成
 the weeks that led up to her death
 the events leading up to his dismissal
b) INTRODUCEto gradually introduce an embarrassing, upsetting, or surprising subject into a conversation 渐渐引入〔令人尴尬、不安或惊讶的话题〕
 She had already guessed what he was leading up to.
Examples from the Corpus
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Theatre, Media, Pets, Daily life, Technology
lead2 ●●○ S3 W2 noun  
1 the lead WINthe first position in a race or competition 领先地位
 She was in the lead from start to finish.
 The Canadians went into the lead after only 30 seconds.
 The goal put Holland into the lead.
 The Bears took the lead for the first time this season.
Examples from the Corpus
2 [singular] the amount or distance by which one competitor is ahead of another 〔数量或距离的〕超前量,领先程度
 The Chicago Bulls had a narrow lead (=were winning by a small number of points).
lead over
 The Socialists now have a commanding lead over their opponents.
3 [singular]EXAMPLE if someone follows someone else’s lead, they do the same as the other person has done 带头作用,榜样
 Other countries are likely to follow the U.S.'s lead.
 The Government should give industry a lead in tackling racism (=show what other people should do).
 The black population in the 1960s looked to Ali for a lead (=looked to him to show them what they should do).
4 take the lead (in doing something) to be the first to start doing something or be most active in doing something 带头(做某事)
 The U.S. took the lead in declaring war on terrorism.
Examples from the Corpus
5 [countableC]INFORMATION a piece of information that may help you to solve a crime or mystery 〔破案或解开谜底的〕线索 SYN clue
 The police have checked out dozens of leads, but have yet to find the killer.
6 APTAM[countableC] the main acting part in a play, film etc, or the main actor 主角;主要演员
play the lead/the lead role 鲍尔斯被选中饰演主角。
 He will play the lead role in ‘Hamlet’.
 Powers was cast in the lead role (=he was chosen to play it).
the male/female lead
 They were having trouble casting the female lead.
 the film’s romantic lead
7 lead singer/guitarist etc the main singer, guitarist etc in a group 主唱/首席吉他手等
lead singer/guitarist etc of/with
 the lead singer of Nirvana
Examples from the Corpus
8 [countableC] British EnglishBrEDHP a piece of rope, leather, or chain for holding or controlling a dog 〔牵狗的〕绳子,皮带,链子 SYN leash
on a lead
 All dogs must be kept on a lead.
9. [countableC] British EnglishBrEDT a wire used to connect a piece of electrical equipment to the power supply 导线,引线,连接线 SYN American English cord jump leads
be in the lead
He was in the lead after the first lap of the race.
have the lead
He has a one-shot lead in the golf tournament.
take the lead (=start being in the lead instead of someone else)
Lewis Hamilton has just taken the lead in the Monaco Grand Prix.
put somebody in the lead (=make someone be in the lead)
Ronaldo’s goal put Portugal in the lead.
give somebody the lead (=make someone be in the lead)
A goal in the 10th minute gave England the lead.
extend/increase/stretch somebody’s lead (=make the lead bigger)
The Australian rugby team extended its lead with a try from Stirling Mortlock.
throw away a lead (=to lose the lead)
Arsenal threw away a two-goal lead.
blow a lead informal (=to lose the lead)
They managed to blow a 22-point lead.
share the lead (=when more than one player or team is in the lead )
At the end of the first round, two golfers share the lead.
a big lead
The Bruins had a big lead at half-time.
a clear lead
The ruling Labour Party has a clear lead in the opinion polls.
a comfortable lead (=a big lead)
The Wildcats had a comfortable lead in the first half.
a commanding lead (=a big lead)
Alonso raced into a commanding lead.
an early lead (=a lead early in a game, election etc)
Liverpool took an early lead with a goal from Steven Gerrard.
a one-shot/two-goal/three point etc lead (=a lead of a specific amount)
Goals by Keane and Lennon gave Tottenham a two-goal lead.
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Elements
lead3 /led/ noun   led
1. pencil.jpg [uncountableU]HCE a soft heavy grey metal that melts easily and is poisonous, used on roofs, or in the past for water pipes. It is a chemical element: symbol Pb 铅〔一种化学元素,符号为Pb
2. [countableC, uncountableU]DAVP the central part of a pencil that makes the marks when you write 铅笔芯
3. go down like a lead balloon informalDON'T LIKE if a suggestion or joke goes down like a lead balloon, people do not like it at all 〔建议或笑话〕没有引起反应
4 [uncountableU] American EnglishAmE old-fashionedSHOOT bullets 子弹
 They filled him full of lead.
5 leads [plural]
a) TBCsheets of lead used for covering a roof 〔盖屋顶用的〕铅片
b) TBBnarrow pieces of lead used for holding small pieces of glass together to form a window 〔固定小块窗玻璃的〕铅框
Examples from the Corpus
From Longman Business Dictionary
leadlead1 /liːd/ verb (past participlepp led /led/) [transitiveT]
1to be in charge of something such as an important activity, a group of people, or an organization
The manager had led a series of projects that improved productivity in his region.
a new management team led by Roger Shute
2to be more successful than other people, companies, or countries in a particular activity or area of business
Printing banknotes is one area where Britain leads the world.
a company that leads the field in software applications
3to happen before something else
Typically, stockmarkets lead the recovery of the real economy by four to six months.
4lead the way to be the first to do something, especially something good or successful, which is likely to encourage others to do the same thing
Large grocery multiples and the oil companies have led the way in retail modelling.
see also -led
leadlead2 noun
1[countableC]MARKETING a piece of information such as a list of telephone numbers that may help someone selling something to find customers
The in-house sales team deals with all telephone sales leads.
2[singular]COMMERCE when you are in front of or better than everyone else you are competing with
The company has a substantial lead over its main competitors.
Origin lead1
Old English lædan





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