

单词 high


Word family noun Highness high highthighballhighbinderhighboyhighbrowhighbrowismhighchairhigh commandhigher educationhigher mathematicshigher-uphigh explosivehigh fidelityhigh fivehigh-flierhigh jinkshigh jumphighlandhighlanderhighlighthighlighterhighmanHigh Masshigh priesthigh priestesshigh reliefhighroadhigh schoolhigh seashigh seasonhigh tablehigh teahigh technologyhigh tidehigh treasonhigh-uphigh waterhighwayHighway Codehighwaymanhighway patrolhigh wireadjective high higherhighermosthighishhighmosthighbloodedhigh-bornHigh Churchhigh-classhigh-endhighfalutinhigh-flownhigh-gradehigh-handedhigh-levelhigh-maintenancehigh-mindedhigh-octanehigh-pitchedhigh-poweredhigh-pressurehigh-pricedhigh-principledhigh-profilehigh-rankinghigh-risehigh-riskhigh-soundinghigh-speedhigh-spiritedhigh-techhigh-tensionhighwroughtadverb high highly verbhightail
Related topics: Colours & sounds, Drug culture, Music, Textures, sounds, Measurement
high1 /haɪ/ ●●● S1 W1 adjectiveadj (comparativecomp higher, superlativesupl highest)   hi
1 from bottom to top 从底部到顶部HIGH measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top 高的 OPP low
 This is the highest mountain in Japan.
 The camp was surrounded by a high fence.
100 feet/30 metres etc high
 waves up to 40 metres high
 a ten-foot high statue
 How high is the Eiffel Tower?
chest/waist/knee etc high (=as high as your chest etc) 齐胸//膝等高的
 The grass was knee-high.
Do not use high to describe people, animals, trees, and plants. Use tall: You’re getting very tall (NOT You’re getting very high). | a tall palm tree (NOT a high palm tree)
形容人、动物、树木、植物不要用 high . 要用 tall: You’re getting very tall (不说 You’re getting very high).你长得很高。 | a tall palm tree (不说 a high palm tree) 高高的棕榈树。
2 above ground 在地面以上HIGH in a position that is a long way, or a longer way than usual, above the ground, floor etc 〔离地面〕高的 OPP low
 The apartment had spacious rooms with high ceilings.
 a high shelf
 high altitudes
 The sun was already high in the sky.
 High up among the clouds, we saw the summit of Everest.
3 large number 大量LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT a high amount, number, or level is large, or larger than usual 〔数量、数字、水平〕高的,超乎寻常的 OPP low
 Temperatures remained high for the rest of the week.
 Lower-paid workers often cannot afford the high cost of living in the capital.
high level/degree/rate etc (of something)
 High levels of car use mean our streets are more congested than ever.
 high crime rates
 high interest rates
high price/charge/tax etc
 If you want better public services, you’ll have to pay higher taxes – it’s as simple as that.
 The train was approaching at high speed.
high proportion/percentage etc (of something) (=a very large part of a number) (某物的)高比例/百分比等
 A high proportion of women with children under five work full-time.
see thesaurus at expensive
4 good standard 优良的水准GOOD/EXCELLENT a high standard, quality etc is very good 〔水准、质量等〕高的,好的 OPP low
 a high-performance computer
high quality 各种质优价廉的商品
 a range of high-quality goods at low prices
 Our aim is to provide the highest quality service to all our customers.
high standard (=very good levels of work, achievement, behaviour etc) 高水平
 The general standard of the entries was very high.
 Our guests expect us to maintain high standards.
5 containing a lot 含量高LOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT containing a lot of a particular substance or quality 〔含量〕高的 OPP low
high in something
 Choose foods that are high in fiber and low in calories.
a high sugar/salt/fibre etc content
 Red meat tends to have a high fat content.
6 rank/position 级别/职位HIGH POSITION OR RANK having an important position in society or within an organization 〔在社会或机构中〕职位高的,高级的,重要的 OPP low
 a high rank in the US Navy
 the City’s highest honour
high up (=in a powerful position) 位居高职
 someone high up in the CIA
high office (=an important position) 高位
 Both of them held high office in the Anglican Church.
high society (=rich people of the highest social class) 上流社会
high-class, high-ranking, high-up, → friends in high places at friend1(12)
7 advanced 先进的 [only before noun] advanced and often complicated 先进的
 We can offer all the benefits of the latest high technology.
 the world of high finance
the higher animals/mammals/organisms etc (=animals etc that are more intelligent or advanced than others) 高等动物/哺乳动物/生物等
8 high opinion/regard/praise etc ADMIREstrong approval of someone or something, or an expression of strong approval 高度评价/尊重/赞扬等
 I’ve always had a high opinion of her work.
hold somebody/something in high esteem/regard (=respect them very much) 高度尊重某人/某事
 As an educationalist, he was held in very high esteem.
 Romsey earned high praise from his boss.
Examples from the Corpus
9 high priority  (also high on the list/agenda)IMPORTANT important and needing to be done or dealt with quickly 被列为重要[优先处理]事项
 Most people feel that education needs to be given higher priority.
 Arms control is high on the agenda.
Examples from the Corpus
10 high hopes/expectations HOPEwhen someone hopes or expects that something will be very good or successful 很高的希望/期望
 My expectations of the place were never very high, but I didn’t think it would be this bad.
have high hopes/expectations
 Like many young actors, I had high hopes when I first started out.
Examples from the Corpus
11 sound 声音CHIGH SOUND OR VOICE near or above the top of the range of sounds that humans can hear 〔音调〕高的,尖声的 OPP low
 I always had difficulty reaching the high notes (=when singing).
 a high squeaky voice
12 high point  (also high spot) British EnglishBrEBEST an especially good part of an activity or event 〔活动或事情的〕高潮,最精彩部分
 The visit to the ancient capital city was one of the high points of the tour.
Examples from the Corpus
13 high ground 
a) an area of land that is higher than the area surrounding it 高地
 Villagers herded the livestock to high ground to keep them safe during the floods.
b) a better, more moral, or more powerful position in an argument or competition 〔辩论或比赛中的〕优势,有利条件
 Neither side in this conflict can claim the moral high ground.
Examples from the Corpus
14 high spirits HAPPYfeelings of happiness and energy, especially when you are having fun 欢欣鼓舞,兴高采烈
 It was a bright sunny day and we set off in high spirits.
 I don’t think they intended any harm – it was just high spirits.
Examples from the Corpus
15 happy/excited 高兴的/兴奋的HAPPYEXCITED [not before noun] happy and excited 高兴的;兴奋的
 I was still high from the applause.
16 drugs 毒品 [not before noun]MDD behaving in a strange and excited way as the result of taking drugs 〔吸食毒品后〕极度兴奋的,陶醉的
high on
 Most people there were high on cocaine.
get high (=take a drug to make yourself high) 吸毒以求得快感
 Steve was as high as a kite (=strongly affected by drugs or alcohol).
17 sea/river/HIGH having risen to a high level 〔水位〕高的 OPP low
 The river is at its highest in spring.
high tide
18 it is high time somebody did something TIME/RIGHT OR WRONG TIMEused to say that something should be done now 某人该做某事了
 It’s high time you got a job.
Examples from the Corpus
19 time 时间PERIOD OF TIME the middle or the most important part of a particular period of time 中期的;全盛的
 high summer
high noon (=12 o'clock in the middle of the day) 正午
high season
20. high wind DNa strong wind 大风
Examples from the Corpus
21 high alert a situation in which people are told to be ready because there is a strong possibility of an attack or of something dangerous happening 高度戒备
put/place somebody on high alert
 Troops were put on high alert.
Examples from the Corpus
22 high life/living SPEND MONEYRICHthe enjoyable life that rich and fashionable people have 〔富人及时尚人士的〕奢华生活
 We’re all stuck here, while he’s off living the high life in New York.
Examples from the Corpus
23 high drama/adventure EXCITEDvery exciting events or situations 充满戏剧性的事件/极刺激的历险
 a life with moments of high drama
Examples from the Corpus
24 end/finish/begin etc (something) on a high note to end, finish something etc in a successful way 圆满结束/成功开始(某事)
 The team finished their tour on a high note in Barbados.
25 high principles/ideals GOOD/MORALideas about personal behaviour based on the belief that people should always behave in an honest and morally good way 高尚[崇高]的原则/理想
 a man of high moral principles
Examples from the Corpus
26 high and mighty BOASTtalking or behaving as if you think you are better or more important than other people 盛气凌人的,不可一世的
 Don’t get high and mighty with me.
Examples from the Corpus
27 be/get on your high horse BOASTto give your opinion about something in a way that shows you think you are definitely right and that other people are wrong 自以为是,自高自大
 If she’d get down off her high horse for a moment, she might realize there’s more than one point of view here.
Examples from the Corpus
28. food 食物DFF British EnglishBrE cheese, meat etc that is high is not fresh and has a strong smell or taste 〔奶酪、肉类等〕不新鲜的,馊臭的
29. high days and holidays  British EnglishBrE special occasions 节假日
Examples from the Corpus
30. high complexion/colouring British EnglishBrEDCCCC a naturally pink or red face 红润的脸色
Examples from the Corpus
31. in high dudgeon  formal in an angry or offended way – often used humorously 愤然;怒气冲冲〔常为幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
32 language 语言
a) high style/register British EnglishBrEAL a very formal style of language, especially used in literature 文学语言风格/语域
b) high German/Dutch etc a form of a language used for formal purposes that is often different from the ordinary form used by most people 高地德语/标准荷兰语等
highly, → stink to high heaven at stink1(1)
buildings/mountains etc 建筑物/高山等
high measuring a long distance from the bottom to the top – used about mountains, walls, and buildings 〔山、墙壁、建筑物〕高的
the highest mountain in the world
The castle was surrounded by high walls.
a high cliff
nThe council told the architects the tower was too high.
tall high – used about people, trees, plants, and buildings. Tall is used especially about things that are high and narrow 〔人、树木、植物和建筑物,尤指细长物〕高的,高大的
tall marble columns
A cat was hiding in the tall grass.
a tall modern building
majestic especially written very impressive because of being very big and tall – used about mountains, buildings, trees, and animals 〔山、建筑物、树木、动物〕雄伟的,壮丽的
the majestic mountains of the Himalayas
nThe abbey is noted for its majestic arches, fine doorways and elegant windows.
nThe cathedral looked majestic in the evening light.
soaring [only before noun] especially written used about a building or mountain that looks extremely tall and impressive 〔建筑物或山〕高耸的
a soaring skyscraper
nthe soaring towers of the palace
towering [only before noun] especially written extremely high, in a way that seems impressive but also often rather frightening 高耸的〔常令人害怕〕
The sky was shut out by the towering walls of the prison.
towering trees
lofty [usually before noun] literary very high and impressive – used in literature 巍峨的,高耸的〔用于文学作品〕
the lofty peaks in the far distance
high-rise [usually before noun] a high-rise building is a tall modern building with a lot of floors containing apartments or offices 〔建筑物〕高层的
a high-rise apartment block
nHe works in a high-rise office in New York.
high mountain/building/wall/fence
tall person/tree/plant/building/tower/statue
majestic mountain/building/tree/animal
soaring building/tower/mountain
towering wall/tree/mountain/building
lofty building/mountain/tree/heights
high-rise building
sounds 声音
high-pitched higher than most sounds or voices 声调高的
He has a rather high-pitched voice.
Bats make high-pitched squeaks.
nthe high-pitched whine of a dentist's drill
shrill high and unpleasant 尖锐的,刺耳的
Her voice became more shrill.
The bird has rather a shrill cry.
piercing extremely high and loud, in a way that is unpleasant 尖锐的,刺耳的
a piercing scream
nSuddenly I heard a piercing whistle.
squeaky making very high noises that are not loud 轻声而尖利的,嘎吱作响的
a squeaky gate
squeaky floorboards
a squeaky little voice
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Colours & sounds, Textures, sounds
high2 ●●● S2 W3 adverbadv  
1 above the ground 在地面以上HIGH at or to a level high above the ground, the floor etc 〔离地面〕高高地;在[]高处 OPP low
 He kicked the ball high into the air, over the heads of the crowd.
high above/into etc
 Hotel Miramar is situated high above the bay.
 A ski lift whisks you high into the mountains.
2 value/cost/amount 价值/成本/数量EXPENSIVELOT/LARGE NUMBER OR AMOUNT at or to a high value, cost, amount etc 〔价值、成本、数量等〕高高地 OPP low
 If prices shoot up any higher, no one will be able to afford to live in the area.
 Tom scored higher than anyone else in the class.
3 sound 声音CHIGH SOUND OR VOICE with a high sound 高音调地
 A strange cry rang high into the night.
4 achievement 成就HIGH POSITION OR RANK at or to a high rank or level of achievement, especially within a company 处于[]高的地位[成就] OPP low
 It seems that the higher you rise, the less time you have to actually do your job.
 My parents always encouraged me to aim high.
5 (leave somebody/something) high and dry HELP
a) if someone is left high and dry, they are left without any help or without the things that they need (使某人)孤立无援,陷入困境
b) if a boat, area etc is left high and dry, it is left on land because the water that surrounded it has gone down 〔船〕搁浅;〔地方〕高出水面
 The once-thriving port of Rye was left high and dry as sea levels retreated.
Examples from the Corpus
6 look/search high and low FINDto try to find someone or something by looking everywhere 到处寻找
 We looked high and low for Sandy but couldn’t find her.
Examples from the Corpus
hold your head high at hold1(16), → live high on the hog at live1(26), → be riding high at ride1(6), → run high at run1(28)
Examples from the Corpus
Related topics: Drug culture, School
high3 ●○○ noun [countableC]  
1 number/amount 数字/数量MOST the highest price, number, temperature etc that has ever been recorded, or that has been recorded within a particular period of time 〔价格、数字、温度等的〕最高点,最高水平
 Highs of 40°C were recorded in the region last summer.
a new/record/ten-year etc high
 The price of oil reached a new high this week.
2 excitement 兴奋EXCITED informal a feeling of great happiness or excitement 兴奋感,欢欣,情绪高涨
 They’re bound to be on a high after such an incredible victory.
 the emotional highs and lows of a new romance
3. drugs 毒品MDD a feeling of pleasure or excitement produced by some drugs 〔某些毒品带来的〕快感,飘飘欲仙的感觉
4. weather 天气 an area of high pressure that affects the weather 高(气)压区
5 school 学校SES a short form of high school, used in the name of a school 高中;中学〔用于校名〕
 Benjamin Franklin High
6 from on high POWERfrom someone in a position of authority – used humorously 来自上级的,来自高层的〔幽默用法〕
 An order came from on high.
Examples from the Corpus
7 on high formalRRC
a) at a high temperature as measured by an electric oven etc 用〔电烤炉等的〕高火
 Microwave on high for eight minutes.
b) formal in a high place or heaven 在高处;在天堂
 An angel came from on high.
Examples from the Corpus
-high /haɪ/ suffix [in adjectives]  
HIGHof a particular height 高的
 The wall was about chest-high (=as high as your chest).
 a 7,000 metre-high mountain
From Longman Business Dictionary
highhigh1 /haɪ/ noun [countableC]
the largest amount, figure, value etc in a particular period of time
Advancing stocks again led as 162 issues reached new highs and only 14 dropped to new lows.
historic high intraday high life-of-contract high record high session high
highhigh2 adjectiveadj
1a high amount, number, or level is more than normal, more than average, or more than it was before
high interest rates
Property prices remain high.
A high proportion of female directors are in the 35-to-55 age range.
Sales to rental car companies made up a high percentage of the vehicles sold by General Motors.
There is still a high risk that the US currency will fall back during the year.
2a high position in an organization is an important one
He rose swiftly to high office.
compare low1
highhigh3 adverbadv
at or to a high amount, number, level etc
Prices could go even higher early this year.
Western-educated technocrats high up in powerful bureaucracies
Origin high1
Old English heah

→THESAURUS1high2 adverbadvhigh3 noun-high suffix




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