

单词 heart


Word family noun heart heartlessness heartiness heartikinheartletheartlingheartacheheart attackheartbeatheartbreakheartbreakerheartburnheartburningheart diseaseheart failureheartlandheart-lung machineheart-searchingheartseedheartsicknessheartsinkheartwaterheartwoodadjective hearteneddisheartened hearteningdisheartening heartless hearty heartedheartsomeheartbreakingheartbrokenheartfeltheartsickheart-to-heartheartwarmingverb heartendishearten adverb heartily heartlessly hearteninglydishearteningly heartly
Related topics: Biology, Shapes, patterns, Plants, Food, Human
heart1 /hɑːt $ hɑːrt/ ●●● S1 W1 noun   hart
1 body organ 人体器官 [countableC]HBBODY the organ in your chest which pumps blood through your body 心(脏)
 Regular exercise is good for the heart.
 Can you hear my heart beating?
 Her cheeks were hot and her heart was pounding.
 My heart raced. Were we going to land safely?
 Daniel had no history of heart problems.
 She suffers from a rare heart condition.
 His breathing and heart rate were now normal.
4  See picture of 见图 HUMAN5 see picture at 见图 human1
2 emotions/love 感情/ [countableC]EMOTIONAL the part of you that feels strong emotions and feelings 心,内心;感情
 His heart was full of anger and grief.
 The plight of the refugees had tugged at the nation’s heart.
 The doctor had an extremely kind heart.
 She could hardly speak for the ache in her heart.
 It would break Kate’s heart (=make her extremely sad) to leave the lovely old house.
 He left the country with a heavy heart (=great sadness).
 Edith loved her boy with all her heart and soul.
 I was still pretty innocent then when it came to affairs of the heart (=matters relating to love and sex).
 a woman with a heart of gold (=very kind character)
 Sometimes I think he’s got a heart of stone (=very cruel character).
 I’m glad I followed my heart rather than my head for once.
 My father told me never to let my heart rule my head.
kind-hearted/cold-hearted/hard-hearted etc (=having a kind, unkind, cruel etc character) 好心肠的/冷酷无情的/硬心肠的等
 He thinks of himself as a warm-hearted and caring human being.
3 your chest 胸部 [countableC usually singular]BODY the part of your chest near your heart 胸部近心处,心口处
 He put his hand on his heart.
4. CFshape 形状 [countableC] a shape used to represent a heart 心形
5 from the (bottom of your) heart REAL/NOT FALSE OR ARTIFICIALwith great sincerity and strength of feeling 从内心;真心地
 Leonard spoke from the heart.
 I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
 She sang the songs straight from the heart.
Examples from the Corpus
6 in your heart (of hearts) SUREif you know, feel, or believe something in your heart, you are secretly sure about it although you may not admit it 在心底里,在内心深处
 In her heart she knew she would never go.
 Deep in his heart, he wanted Laura back.
Examples from the Corpus
7 important part of STH 某事物的重要部分MAIN [singular] the most important or central part of a problem, question etc 中心,核心;关键
the heart of something
 difficult issues at the heart of science policy
 We must get to the heart of the problem.
8 encouragement 鼓励 [uncountableU] confidence and courage 信心;勇气
 This inspiring service gave us new heart.
 We mustn’t lose heart when people complain.
 We’ve got to take a bit of heart from the fact that we won.
9 at heart CHARACTER/PERSONALITYif you are a particular kind of person at heart, that is the kind of person that you really are even though you may appear or behave differently 本质上,心底里;实际上
 He may be a working class boy at heart, but his lifestyle has been transformed.
 Let’s face it, we’re all romantics at heart.
have somebody’s (best) interests at heart at interest1(5), → young at heart at young1(5)
Examples from the Corpus
10 the centre of an area 地区的中心 [countableC]MIDDLE the middle part of an area furthest from the edge 中心(地区)
in the heart of something
 a house in the heart of London
at the heart of something
 an old house at the heart of an ancient forest
11 close/dear to somebody’s heart LIKE somebody OR somethingLIKE/SIMILARvery important to someone 为某人所爱[重视]
 The president liked to go to Williamsburg, a place close to his heart.
 Money is dear to Kathleen’s heart.
Examples from the Corpus
12 the hearts and minds of somebody the thoughts, emotions, and attitudes a group of people have about a particular subject, which is a combination of their strong emotional feelings and their calm and sensible thoughts 某类人的感情和思想
 The president must try to win the hearts and minds of the voters.
13 by heart REMEMBERwhen you know something by heart, you remember all of it exactly 单凭记忆;能背诵
 After a few days of phoning Stephanie, he knew her number by heart.
 Actors have to learn their lines by heart.
14 somebody’s heart sinks used to say that someone suddenly lost hope and began to feel unhappy 某人的心沉了下去
 Her heart sank when she saw the number of books she had to read.
Examples from the Corpus
15 with all your heart VERYwith all your strength, energy, or emotion 全心全意地,真心实意地
 He hates Los Angeles with all his heart.
 We sang the hymn with all our hearts.
Examples from the Corpus
16 take something to heart UPSETto consider what someone says to you very seriously, often because it upsets you 把某事放在心上;为某事耿耿于怀
 Anne took his criticisms very much to heart.
 We took Stephen’s warnings to heart.
Examples from the Corpus
17 somebody’s heart goes out to somebody SYMPATHIZEused to say that someone feels a lot of sympathy towards another person 某人非常同情某人
 My heart goes out to the families of the victims.
Examples from the Corpus
18 card games 纸牌游戏
a) [countableC]DGC a heart shape printed in red on a playing card 红心(形)
b) hearts [plural]DGC the suit (=set) of playing cards that have these shapes on them 红桃牌〔总称〕
 the ace of hearts
c) [countableC]DGC one of the cards in this set 一张红桃(纸牌)
 Have you got any hearts?
19 do something to your heart’s content OFTENto do something as much as you want 痛快地[尽情地]做某事
 She had lazed around the pool to her heart’s content.
 The dog can run to its heart’s content out there.
20 somebody’s heart misses/skips a beat used to say that someone suddenly feels a moment of fear or excitement 某人心跳停顿了一下〔表示突然感到惊恐或兴奋〕
 His heart missed a beat as he saw the body of a small child at the water’s edge.
21 set your heart on something to want something very much 非常想得到某物,渴望得到某物
 His father bought him the bike he had set his heart on.
 She had set her heart on becoming a hairdresser.
Examples from the Corpus
22 a man/woman etc after my own heart LIKE somebody OR somethingsomeone who likes the same things or behaves in the same way that you do 和我趣味相投[情投意合]的男人/女人等
 Geoff really is a man after my own heart.
23 cry/sing etc your heart out if you cry, sing etc your heart out, you do it with all your energy or emotion 号啕大哭/放声歌唱等
 He found me crying my heart out and was so kind.
eat your heart out at eat(4), → pour your heart out at pour
Examples from the Corpus
24 your heart’s desire/everything your heart could desire ALL/EVERYTHINGthe one thing you want most, or everything that you could possibly want 最渴望的事/一切可能的愿望
 To have a baby was her heart’s desire.
25 not have the heart to do something CAN'Tto be unable to do something because it will make someone unhappy 不忍心做某事
 I didn’t have the heart to tell her that her beautiful vase was broken.
Examples from the Corpus
26 somebody’s heart isn’t in it WANTused to say that someone does not really want to do something 某人的心不在此事上〔指并非真心想做某事〕
 She’s getting bored with the job and her heart’s not in it.
Examples from the Corpus
27 do something out of the goodness of your heart to do something out of kindness, not because you have been asked or expect a reward 出于好意做某事
 All these people were helping us out of the goodness of their hearts.
Examples from the Corpus
28 take somebody to your heart if people take someone to their hearts, they like them very much 非常喜爱某人
 The fans have taken Hudson to their hearts.
Examples from the Corpus
29 vegetable 蔬菜 [countableC]HBPDF the firm middle part of some vegetables 菜心
 artichoke hearts
30. give/lose your heart to somebody to start to love someone very much 爱上某人
Examples from the Corpus
31. my heart was in my mouth FRIGHTENEDused to say that you suddenly felt very afraid 我的心都快跳出来了〔指突然感到害怕〕
32 somebody’s heart is in the right place informalKIND used to say that someone is really a kind person and has the right feelings about something important 某人心地是善良的,某人的用心是好的
 I don’t think his idea will work, though his heart’s in the right place.
Examples from the Corpus
33. it does your heart good to see/hear something HAPPYused to say that something makes you feel happy 很高兴看到/听到某事物
34 somebody’s heart leaps literarySAD/UNHAPPY used to say that someone suddenly feels happy and full of hope 某人的心怦怦乱跳〔指突然感到高兴、充满希望〕
 ‘I couldn’t live without you, ’ he said and Jane’s heart leapt.
35 be in good heart formalHAPPY to feel happy and confident 情绪高昂;兴高采烈
 The team are in good heart and ready for the season’s matches.
Examples from the Corpus
36. have a heart! NICEused to tell someone not to be too strict or unkind – used humorously 发发善心吧!做做好事吧!〔幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
37. know the way to somebody’s heart HAPPYto know the way to please someone – used humorously 知道如何讨好某人〔幽默用法〕
Examples from the Corpus
38. my heart bleeds (for somebody) SYMPATHIZE#used to say that you do not really feel any sympathy towards someone (某人)真可怜 〔反语,表示并非真的同情某人〕
Examples from the Corpus
a broken heart at broken2(9), → cross my heart at cross1(11), → have a change of heart at change2(1), → sick at heart at sick1(9), → strike at the heart of something at strike1(7), → wear your heart on your sleeve at wear1(8), → win somebody’s heart at win1(3)
COLLOCATIONSMeaning 1: the organ in your chest which pumps blood through your body 心(脏)
somebody’s heart beats 某人的心跳动
Her heart was beating fast.
somebody’s heart pounds/thuds/thumps (=it beats very strongly) 某人的心怦怦地跳
He reached the top, his heart pounding.
somebody’s heart races (=it beats very fast) 某人的心急速跳动
nWas there someone in the alley? Joe’s heart began to race.
heart + NOUN
heart trouble/problems 心脏病
You should not take this medication if you have heart problems.
heart disease 心脏病
Smoking increases the risk of heart disease.
a heart condition (=something wrong with your heart) 心脏(疾)病
The baby was born with a heart condition.
somebody’s heart rate (=the number of times someone’s heart beats per minute) 某人的心率
nYour heart rate increases as you exercise.
healthy 健康的
Eating oily fish can help maintain a healthy heart.
a bad/weak heart (=an unhealthy heart) 不健康的/衰弱的心脏
nThe effort proved too much for her weak heart.
nCOLLOCATIONSMeaning 2: the part of you that feels strong emotions and feelings 心,内心;感情
a good/kind heart (=a kind character)
My father had a good heart.
a big heart (=a kind and generous character)
She may be only small, but she has a big heart.
a soft heart (=a kind and sympathetic character)
Julia’s soft heart had been touched by Minnie’s grief.
a cold/hard heart (=used about someone who does not feel sympathy for other people)
It takes a hard heart not to be moved by these images of suffering.
a heavy heart (=feeling very sad)
She made her way to the hospital with a heavy heart.
a light heart (=feeling happy)
Paul left for home with a light heart.
a broken heart (=feeling very sad because of a problem in love)
I wonder how many broken hearts Carlo was responsible for.
break somebody’s heart (=make someone feel very sad)
It broke my heart to see him so sick.
follow your heart (= do what your emotions want you to do)
Go for it. Follow your heart. Who cares what everyone else thinks?
somebody’s heart aches (=to feel very sad)
It made his heart ache to look at her
heart and soul (=all your feelings)
She loved Peter with all her heart and soul.
affairs of the heart (=matters relating to love)
I had little experience of affairs of the heart.
somebody’s heart rules their head (=someone makes decisions based on emotions rather than careful thought)
He has never been one to let his heart rule his head.
a heart of gold (=a very kind character)
She was rather brisk in manner but with a heart of gold.
a heart of stone (=a very cruel character)
You’d have to have a heart of stone not to feel sorry for them.
be in good heart (=to be happy and confident)
The team was in good heart, despite their loss this weekend.
be sick at heart (=to feel very unhappy)
He was too sick at heart to know what to say.
Examples from the Corpus
heart2n verb [transitiveT] informal  
nto like something or someone very much – used especially on the Internet and in magazines
 We heart this cute little dress.
Origin heart
Old English heorte





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