God rest his/her soul1 (also God rest him/her) spoken old useADMIRE used to show respect when speaking about someone who is dead 愿上帝让他/她安息〔用于谈及死者时表示敬意〕 → God rest his/her soul at god(16)
2 MXDEADused when you mention the name of someone who is dead 愿上帝保佑他/她的灵魂安息〔在提到已故者的名字时说的话〕 My father, God rest his soul, died here at Vernison Hall. 我的父亲,愿上帝保佑他的灵魂安息,就是在这里——韦尔尼森庄园去世的。
→ God rest his/her soul at soul(3)