1ADJ 愿意(做…)的 If you are prepared to do something, you are willing to do it if necessary. 愿意(做…)的
Are you prepared to take industrial action?.
Members of the KGB service were only prepared to take orders from the President.
SYN willing, minded, able, ready
2ADJ 准备好的;有准备的 If you are prepared for something that you think is going to happen, you are ready for it. 准备好的;有准备的
Police are prepared for large numbers of demonstrators. [+ for]
I'm well prepared for a 12-round fight.
3ADJ [ADJ n]预先准备好的;事先做好的 You can describe something as prepared when it has been done or made beforehand, so that it is ready when it is needed. 预先准备好的;事先做好的
He ended his prepared statement by thanking the police.