单词 | light | ||||||||
释义 | light laɪt laɪt Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense lights, present participle lighting, past tense , past participle lit, past tense , past participle lighted, comparative lighter, superlative lightest
BRIGHTNESS OR ILLUMINATION 光亮;照明The form lit is the usual past tense and past participle, but the form lighted is also used. 过去式和过去分词形式通常用lit,但亦使用lighted。 1 N-UNCOUNT [oft the NOUN] 光;光线;光亮 Light is the brightness that lets you see things. Light comes from sources such as the sun, moon, lamps, and fire. 光;光线;光亮
SYN brightness, illumination, luminosity, luminescence 2 N-COUNT 发光体;光源;(电)灯 A light is something such as an electric lamp which produces light. 发光体;光源;(电)灯
SYN lamp, bulb, torch, candle 3 N-PLURAL 交通信号灯;红绿灯 You can use lights to refer to a set of traffic lights. 交通信号灯;红绿灯
4 VERB 照亮;照耀 If a place or object is lit by something, it has light shining on it. 照亮;照耀
SYN illuminate, light up, brighten, lighten 5 ADJ-GRADED (清晨或黄昏)天色亮的 If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day. (清晨或黄昏)天色亮的
6 ADJ-GRADED (自然)光线充足的 If a room or building is light, it has a lot of natural light in it, for example because it has large windows. (自然)光线充足的
SYN bright, brilliant, shining, glowing lightness
7 V-ERG 点燃;点着 If you light something such as a cigarette or fire, or if it lights, it starts burning. 点燃;点着
SYN ignite, inflame, fire, torch 8 N-SING (火柴、打火机等)点火物 If someone asks you for a light, they want a match or cigarette lighter so they can start smoking. (火柴、打火机等)点火物 [informal]
SYN match, spark, flame, lighter 9 N-COUNT 角度;(事物呈现的)状态 If something is presented in a particular light, it is presented so that you think about it in a particular way or so that it appears to be of a particular nature. 角度;(事物呈现的)状态
SYN aspect, approach, attitude, context 10 N-SING [the NOUN of n] 影响 You can refer to the type of influence that something has on situations, people, or things as the light of that situation, person, or thing. 影响 [written]
11 N-PLURAL [prep poss N] 眼光;(个人的)观点,标准 You say that something is done or is acceptable according to someone's lights when you mean that it is done or is acceptable according to their own ideas and standards. 眼光;(个人的)观点,标准 [formal]
12 N-SING [usu N in n] 眼神;目光 If there is a light in someone's eyes, there is an expression in their eyes that shows you the mood they are in or what they are thinking about. 眼神;目光 [literary]
13 See also: lighter lighting bright lights night light pilot light red light 14 PHRASE 显露;揭露;为人所知 If something comes to light or is brought to light, it becomes obvious or is made known to a lot of people. 显露;揭露;为人所知
15 PHRASE 开始明白 If light dawns on you, you begin to understand something after a period of not being able to understand it. 开始明白
16 PHRASE 黎明;破晓 First light is the time in the early morning when light first appears and before the sun rises. 黎明;破晓 [literary]
17 PHRASE 准许;许可 If someone in authority gives you a green light, they give you permission to do something. 准许;许可
18 PREP-PHRASE 鉴于;由于;根据 If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information. 鉴于;由于;根据
19 PHRASE [verb-link PHRASE, PHRASE after verb] 很快入睡;立即失去知觉 If someone goes out like a light, they fall asleep or become unconscious very quickly or immediately. 很快入睡;立即失去知觉 [informal]
20 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 重见天日 If you say that an object sees the light of day or sees the light, you mean that it is taken out of the place where it is stored. 重见天日
21 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 问世;为公众所知 If something sees the light of day at a particular time, it comes into existence or is made known to the public at that time. 问世;为公众所知
22 PHRASE 明白过来;领悟 If someone sees the light, they finally realize something or change their attitude or way of behaving to a better one. 明白过来;领悟
23 PHRASE 点燃;点着 If you set light to something, you make it start burning. 点燃;点着 [mainly British]
in AM, use 美国英语用 set fire to 24 PHRASE 使(某事)显得非常清楚;使人了解(某事) To shed light on ,throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it. 使(某事)显得非常清楚;使人了解(某事)
25 PHRASE 隧道尽头的曙光;黑暗尽头的希望 When you talk about the light at the end of the tunnel, you are referring to the end of the difficult or unpleasant situation that you are in at the moment. 隧道尽头的曙光;黑暗尽头的希望
26 all sweetness and light→see: sweetness
Quotations And God said, Let there be light; and there was light Bible: Genesis Word Link
Trends of light View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years NOT GREAT IN WEIGHT, AMOUNT, OR INTENSITY 重量、数量或强度不大1 ADJ-GRADED 轻的;不重的 Something that is light does not weigh very much, or weighs less than you would expect it to. 轻的;不重的
SYN insubstantial, thin, delicate, lightweight lightness
2 ADJ-GRADED 少量的;程度轻的;强度低的 Something that is light is not very great in amount, degree, or intensity. 少量的;程度轻的;强度低的
SYN weak, soft, gentle, moderate lightly
3 ADJ [ADJ n] (设备、机器等)轻型的,轻便的 Light equipment and machines are small and easily moved, especially because they are not heavy. (设备、机器等)轻型的,轻便的
4 ADJ-GRADED (土壤)松软的,轻质的 Soil that is light is easy to dig, because it has a loose texture and is not sticky or solid. (土壤)松软的,轻质的
5 ADJ-GRADED (颜色)淡的,浅的 Something that is light is very pale in colour. (颜色)淡的,浅的
SYN pale, fair, faded, blonde Light is also a combining form.(亦可用于构词)
6 ADJ-GRADED [ADJ n] (睡眠)不深的;(人)容易惊醒的 A light sleep is one that is easily disturbed and in which you are often aware of the things around you. If you are a light sleeper, you are easily woken when you are asleep. (睡眠)不深的;(人)容易惊醒的
7 ADJ-GRADED (声音、嗓音等)轻柔的 A light sound, for example someone's voice, is pleasantly quiet. (声音、嗓音等)轻柔的
8 ADJ-GRADED (餐食)少量的,易消化的 A light meal consists of a small amount of food, or of food that is easy to digest. (餐食)少量的,易消化的
SYN digestible, small, restricted, modest lightly
9 ADJ-GRADED (食物)清淡的,易消化的 Food that is light has a delicate flavour and is easy to digest. (食物)清淡的,易消化的
10 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] 不费力的;轻松的 Light work does not involve much physical effort. 不费力的;轻松的
SYN undemanding, easy, simple, moderate 11 ADJ-GRADED (行为后果、处罚等)轻微的,不严重的 If you describe the result of an action or a punishment as light, you mean that it is less serious or severe than you expected. (行为后果、处罚等)轻微的,不严重的
SYN insignificant, small, minute, tiny lightly
12 ADJ-GRADED 轻捷的;轻盈的;用力小的 Movements and actions that are light are graceful or gentle and are done with very little force or effort. 轻捷的;轻盈的;用力小的
13 See also: lighter Thesaurus
UNIMPORTANT OR NOT SERIOUS 不重要;不严肃1 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] (书、音乐、电影等)消遣性的,娱乐性的,轻松的 If you describe things such as books, music, and films as light, you mean that they entertain you without making you think very deeply. (书、音乐、电影等)消遣性的,娱乐性的,轻松的
SYN light-hearted, pleasing, funny, entertaining 2 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] (说话方式)随意的,不严肃的 If you say something in a light way, you sound as if you think that something is not important or serious. (说话方式)随意的,不严肃的
SYN carefree, happy, bright, lively lightly
3 ADJ-GRADED (通常用于否定句)轻微的,不重要的 If you say that something is not a light matter, you mean that it should be treated or considered as being important and serious. (通常用于否定句)轻微的,不重要的
4 PHRASE 轻视;对…不在乎;视…为微不足道 If you make light of something, you treat it as though it is not serious or important, when in fact it is. 轻视;对…不在乎;视…为微不足道
5 See also: lighter to make light work of→see: work |
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