Pronounced /ʌn'juːzd/ for meaning 1, and /ʌn'juːst/ for meaning 2. 义项1读作/ʌn'juːzd/,义项2读作/ʌn'juːst/。
1 ADJ [ADJ n, ADJ after verb, verb-link ADJ] 未用过的;未使用的 Something that is unused has not been used or is not being used at the moment. 未用过的;未使用的
...unused containers of food and drink.
The insurance on his BMW has run out, and the car stands unused.
SYN new, untouched, remaining, fresh
2 ADJ-GRADED 不习惯的;不熟悉的 If you are unused to something, you have not often done it or experienced it before, so it feels unusual and unfamiliar to you. 不习惯的;不熟悉的
SYN unaccustomed to, new to, unfamiliar with, not up to
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