

单词 lapse
læps læps
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense lapses, present participle lapsing, past tense , past participle lapsed
1 N-COUNT [usually adjective NOUN] 闪失;过失;失检 A lapse is a moment or instance of bad behaviour by someone who usually behaves well. 闪失;过失;失检 [Also + in]
  • On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.


SYN decline, fall, drop, descent
2 N-COUNT (一时的)疏忽,大意,开小差 A lapse of something such as concentration or judgment is a temporary lack of that thing, which can often cause you to make a mistake. (一时的)疏忽,大意,开小差
  • I had a little lapse of concentration in the middle of the race. [+ of]


  • He was a genius and because of it you could accept lapses of taste.


  • The incident was being seen as a serious security lapse.


SYN mistake, failing, fault, failure
3 VERB 陷入,进入(某种安静或静止状态) If you lapse into a quiet or inactive state, you stop talking or being active. 陷入,进入(某种安静或静止状态)
  • She muttered something unintelligible and lapsed into silence. [VERB + into]


  • Doris Brown closed her eyes and lapsed into sleep. [VERB into noun]


4 VERB (通常指短暂地)进入,陷入(某种说话或行事方式) If someone lapses into a particular way of speaking, or behaving, they start speaking or behaving in that way, usually for a short period. (通常指短暂地)进入,陷入(某种说话或行事方式)
  • She lapsed into a little girl voice to deliver a nursery rhyme. [VERB into noun]


  • Teenagers occasionally find it all too much to cope with and lapse into bad behaviour. [VERB + into]


SYN slip, fall, decline, sink
Lapse is also a noun.
  • Her lapse into German didn't seem peculiar. After all, it was her native tongue.


5 N-SING (时间的)间隔 A lapse of time is a period that is long enough for a situation to change or for people to have a different opinion about it. (时间的)间隔
  • ...the restoration of diplomatic relations after a lapse of 24 years. [+ of]


  • There is usually a time lapse between receipt of new information and its publication. [+ between]


SYN interval, break, gap, passage
6 VERB (时间)流逝,消逝,推移 If a period of time lapses, it passes. (时间)流逝,消逝,推移
  • New products and production processes are transferred to the developing countries only after a substantial amount of time has lapsed. [VERB]


7 VERB 结束;终止 If a situation or legal contract lapses, it is allowed to end rather than being continued, renewed, or extended. 结束;终止
  • Her membership of the Labour Party has lapsed. [VERB]


  • Ford allowed the name and trademark to lapse during the Eighties. [VERB]


SYN end, stop, run out, expire
8 VERB 停止信教;背弃信仰;脱离宗教关系 If a member of a particular religion lapses, they stop believing in it or stop following its rules and practices. 停止信教;背弃信仰;脱离宗教关系
  • I lapsed in my 20s, returned to it, then lapsed again, while writing the life of historical Jesus. [VERB]


  • She calls herself a lapsed Catholic. [VERB-ed]


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