

单词 land
lænd lænd
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense lands, present participle landing, past tense , past participle landed
1 N-UNCOUNT 土地;田地;(尤指)耕作用地,建筑用地 Land is an area of ground, especially one that is used for a particular purpose such as farming or building. 土地;田地;(尤指)耕作用地,建筑用地
  • Good agricultural land is in short supply.


  • ...160 acres of land.


  • ...a small piece of grazing land.


SYN property, grounds, estate, acres
2 N-COUNT (属于某人的)地产,地皮 You can refer to an area of land which someone owns as their land or their lands. (属于某人的)地产,地皮
  • Their home is on his father's land.


  • His lands were poorly farmed.


3 N-SING 农耕;农村生活 If you talk about the land, you mean farming and the way of life in farming areas, in contrast to life in the cities. 农耕;农村生活
  • Living off the land was hard enough at the best of times.


SYN countryside, farming, farmland, rural districts
4 N-UNCOUNT [oft the NOUN] 陆地;大地 Land is the part of the world that consists of ground, rather than sea or air. 陆地;大地
  • It isn't clear whether the plane went down over land or sea.


  • ...a stretch of sandy beach that was almost inaccessible from the land.


SYN ground, earth, dry land, terra firma
5 N-COUNT 国度;国土 You can use land to refer to a country in a poetic or emotional way. →see usage note at: country 国度;国土
  • Her husband's body lies buried 2,000 miles away in a strange land.


  • ...blessed lands of sun and sea and olive trees.


  • ...America, land of opportunity.


  • ...this land of free speech.


6 VERB 落下;跌落 When someone or something lands, they come down to the ground after moving through the air or falling. 落下;跌落
  • He was sent flying into the air and landed 20ft away. [VERB]


  • Three mortar shells had landed close to a crowd of people. [VERB]


SYN come to rest, come down, l& [text messaging]
7 V-ERG (使)着陆;(使)登陆;抵达 When someone lands a plane, ship, or spacecraft, or when it lands, it arrives somewhere after a journey. (使)着陆;(使)登陆;抵达
  • The jet landed after a flight of just under three hours. [VERB]


  • He landed his troops on the western shore. [VERB noun]


  • The crew finally landed the plane on its belly on the soft part of the runway. [VERB noun]


SYN arrive, dock, put down, moor
8 VERB (尤指船只)卸(货) To land goods somewhere means to unload them there at the end of a journey, especially by ship. (尤指船只)卸(货) [mainly British]
  • The vessels will have to land their catch at designated ports. [VERB noun]


  • ...a five-man gang which landed the huge shipment on the Cornwall coast. [VERB noun]


9 V-ERG (使)落入;(使)陷于 If you land in an unpleasant situation or place or if something lands you in it, something causes you to be in it. (使)落入;(使)陷于 [informal]
  • He landed in a psychiatric ward. [VERB + in]


  • This is not the first time his exploits have landed him in trouble. [VERB noun + in]


SYN cause to be, lead, bring, l& [text messaging]
10 VERB 使遭遇(困境) If someone or something lands you with a difficult situation, they cause you to have to deal with the difficulties involved. 使遭遇(困境) [mainly British, informal]
  • The other options simply complicate the situation and could land him with more expense. [VERB noun + with]


SYN saddle, trouble, burden, encumber
11 VERB 意外到来;突然冒出 If something lands somewhere, it arrives there unexpectedly, often causing problems. 意外到来;突然冒出 [informal]
  • Two days later the book had already landed on his desk. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • This was the weekend that the war finally landed on their doorstep. [VERB prep./adv.]


12 VERB 抓到,钓到(鱼) If you land a fish, you succeed in catching it and getting it out of the water. 抓到,钓到(鱼)
  • One angler landed fish of 10 lb and 9 lb on the same day. [VERB noun]


13 VERB 搞到;弄到;捞到 If you land something that is difficult to get and that many people want, you are successful in getting it. 搞到;弄到;捞到 [informal]
  • He landed a place on the graduate training scheme. [VERB noun]


  • His flair with hair soon landed him a part-time job at his local barbers. [VERB noun noun]


SYN gain, get, win, score [slang]
14 V-ERG 击;打 If someone lands a blow or punch or if their blow or punch lands, they hit someone. 击;打 [Also VERB n]
  • De Leon landed a punch on the Italian's mouth after the end of the eleventh round. [VERB noun prep.]


  • I could hear the blows landing as he appealed for help. [VERB]


SYN deliver, hit, apply, impose
15 to land on your feet→see: foot 
Phrasal verbs:
land up
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurusland Also look up:

acreage, area, country 1


arrive, touch down; (ant.) take off 6 7

Word PartnershipUse land with:

acres of land, area of land, desert land, land development, land management, land ownership, parcel of land, piece of land, plot of land, strip of land, tract of land, land use 1 2


agricultural land, fertile land, flat land, grazing land, private land, public land, undeveloped land, vacant land, vast land 1 2


buy land, own land, sell land 1 2

Trends of land
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