1 ADJ [usually ADJ n] 双行的;双向的 Two-way means moving or working in two opposite directions or allowing something to move or work in two opposite directions. 双行的;双向的
The bridge is now open to two-way traffic.
Two-way trade between the two countries increased by more than forty per cent last year…
去年,两国间的双向贸易增长了 40% 多。
They were spied on via a two-way mirror.
2 ADJ [ADJ n] (无线电)收发两用的 A two-way radio can send and receive signals. (无线电)收发两用的
3 ADJ [ADJ n] (帮助、学习)双方的,相互的,彼此的 If there is two-way help or learning, two people or groups are both helping each other or both learning from each other. (帮助、学习)双方的,相互的,彼此的