

单词 jump
ʌmp dʒʌmp
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense jumps, present participle jumping, past tense , past participle jumped
1 VERB 跳;跃;跳跃 If you jump, you bend your knees, push against the ground with your feet, and move quickly upwards into the air. 跳;跃;跳跃
  • I jumped over the fence. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • They came into the front hall, stamping their boots and jumping up and down to knock the snow off. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • I'd jumped seventeen feet six in the long jump, which was a school record. [VERB noun]


  • Whoever heard of a basketball player who doesn't need to jump? [VERB]


SYN leap, dance, spring, bound
Jump is also a noun.
  • She was taking tiny jumps in her excitement.


2 VERB 跳下;跃出 If you jump from something above the ground, you deliberately push yourself into the air so that you drop towards the ground. 跳下;跃出 [Also VERB]
  • He jumped out of a third-floor window. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • She has jumped from an aeroplane four times. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • I jumped the last six feet down to the deck. [VERB noun]


3 VERB 跳过,跃过,跨越(栅栏等) If you jump something such as a fence, you move quickly up and through the air over or across it. 跳过,跃过,跨越(栅栏等)
  • He jumped the first fence beautifully. [VERB noun]


SYN vault, clear, hurdle, go over
4 VERB 快速移动;一跃而起 If you jump somewhere, you move there quickly and suddenly. 快速移动;一跃而起
  • Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • She jumped to her feet and ran downstairs. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • 'I'll do it, Eleanor,' Angus said, jumping up. [VERB prep./adv.]


SYN spring, bound, leap, bounce
5 VERB (因害怕或吃惊)猛地一跳,突然一跳 If something makes you jump, it makes you make a sudden movement because you are frightened or surprised. (因害怕或吃惊)猛地一跳,突然一跳
  • The phone shrilled, making her jump. [VERB]


SYN recoil, start, jolt, flinch
6 VERB (数量或水平)突升,激增 If an amount or level jumps, it suddenly increases or rises by a large amount in a short time. (数量或水平)突升,激增 [Also V + to]
  • Sales jumped from $94 million to over $101 million. [VERB + from]

    销售额从9, 400万美元激增到了1.0 1亿美元。

  • The number of crimes jumped by ten per cent last year. [VERB + by]


  • Shares in Euro Disney jumped 17p. [VERB amount]


SYN increase, rise, climb, escalate
Jump is also a noun.
  • ...a big jump in energy conservation.


7 VERB 插(队);不按顺序排(队) If someone jumps a queue, they move to the front of it and are served or dealt with before it is their turn. 插(队);不按顺序排(队) [British]
  • The prince refused to jump the queue for treatment at the local hospital. [VERB noun]


SYN miss, avoid, skip [informal] , omit
8 VERB 突然袭击;出其不意地攻击 If someone jumps on you or jumps you, they attack you suddenly or unexpectedly. 突然袭击;出其不意地攻击 [informal] [mainly US, informal]
  • A week later, the same guys jumped on me on our own front lawn. [VERB on noun]


  • Two guys jumped me with clubs in the carpark. [VERB noun]


SYN attack, assault, assail, set upon
9 VERB [no cont] 迫不及待地接受,欣然应承(建议或机会) If you jump at an offer or opportunity, you accept it quickly and eagerly. 迫不及待地接受,欣然应承(建议或机会)
  • Members of the public would jump at the chance to become part owners of the corporation. [VERB + at]


10 VERB 毫不犹豫地批评;立即责备 If someone jumps on you, they quickly criticize you if you do something that they do not approve of. 毫不犹豫地批评;立即责备
  • A lot of people jumped on me about that, you know. [VERB + on]


11 See also: bungee jumping  high jump  long jump  queue-jumping  show jumping  triple jump 
12 PHRASE 占先;胜过;优于 If you get a jump on something or someone or get the jump on them, you gain an advantage over them. 占先;胜过;优于 [US]
  • Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze.


  • The idea is to get the jump on him.


13 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 非常激动;欣喜若狂;暴跳如雷 If you say that someone is jumping up and down, you mean they are very excited, happy, or angry about something. 非常激动;欣喜若狂;暴跳如雷
  • I don't think a lot of people will jump up and down and say 'thank heavens'..


  • Everybody still jumps up and down about being rid of tyrants.


14 to jump on the bandwagon→see: bandwagon  to jump bail→see: bail  to jump to a conclusion→see: conclusion  to jump the gun→see: gun  to jump for joy→see: joy  to jump out of one's skin→see: skin 
Phrasal verbs:
jump injump out
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurusjump Also look up:

bound, hop, leap, lunge 1

dive, leap, parachute 2

hurdle 3

startle 5

increase, rise, shoot up 6

Word PartnershipUse jump with:

big jump 1 6


jump to your feet 4

jump in prices, jump in sales 6

Trends of jump
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