

单词 trust
trʌst trʌst
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense trusts, present participle trusting, past tense , past participle trusted
1 VERB 信任;信赖 If you trust someone, you believe that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything to harm you. 信任;信赖 [Also VERB]
  • 'I trust you completely,' he said. [VERB noun]


  • He did argue in a general way that the president can't be trusted. [VERB noun]


SYN believe in, have faith in, depend on, count on
  • After speaking to a group of her most trusted advisers, she turned her anger into action.


2 N-UNCOUNT 信任;信赖 Your trust in someone is your belief that they are honest and sincere and will not deliberately do anything to harm you. 信任;信赖
  • He destroyed me and my trust in men. [+ in]


  • You've betrayed their trust.


  • There's a feeling of warmth and trust here.


SYN confidence, credit, belief, faith
3 VERB 相信(某人会做某事) If you trust someone to do something, you believe that they will do it. 相信(某人会做某事)
  • That's why I must trust you to keep this secret. [VERB noun to-infinitive]


  • They argued that the ruling party could not be trusted to oversee its own removal from power. [VERB noun to-infinitive]


4 VERB 托付;托交 If you trust someone with something important or valuable, you allow them to look after it or deal with it. 托付;托交
  • This could make your superiors hesitate to trust you with major responsibilities. [VERB noun + with]


  • I'd trust him with my life. [VERB noun + with]


SYN entrust, commit, assign, confide [formal]
Trust is also a noun.
  • She was organizing and running a large household, a position of trust which was generously paid.


  • Although I didn't betray a trust, I feel I behaved shabbily.


5 VERB 确信;觉得可靠;放心 If you do not trust something, you feel that it is not safe or reliable. 确信;觉得可靠;放心
  • She nodded, not trusting her own voice. [VERB noun]


  • For one thing, he didn't trust his legs to hold him up. [VERB noun to-infinitive]


  • I still can't trust myself to remain composed in their presence. [VERB pronoun-reflexive to-infinitive]


6 VERB 相信;认为是正确的 If you trust someone's judgment or advice, you believe that it is good or right. 相信;认为是正确的
  • Jake has raised two smashing kids and I trust his judgement… [VERB noun]


  • I blame myself and will never be able to trust my instinct again. [VERB noun]


7 VERB 希望是对的;估计是对的 If you say you trust that something is true, you mean you hope and expect that it is true. 希望是对的;估计是对的 [formal]
  • I trust you will take the earliest opportunity to make a full apology. [VERB that]


  • We trust that he and his department are considering our suggestion. [VERB that]


SYN expect, believe, hope, suppose
8 VERB 坚信;深信;信仰 If you trust in someone or something, you believe strongly in them, and do not doubt their powers or their good intentions. 坚信;深信;信仰 [formal]
  • He was a pastor who trusted in the Lord who lived to preach. [VERB + in]


  • Don't blindly trust in the good faith of any government official. [VERB in noun]


9 N-COUNT [oft in NOUN] (财产)信托,托管 A trust is a financial arrangement in which a group of people or an organization keeps and invests money for someone. (财产)信托,托管
  • You could also set up a trust so the children can't spend any inheritance until they are a certain age…


  • The money will be put in trust until she is 18.

    钱会交付他人托管,直到她年满 18 岁。

10 N-COUNT [oft in names] 信托基金机构;财产托管机构 A trust is a group of people or an organization that has control of an amount of money or property and invests it on behalf of other people or as a charity. 信托基金机构;财产托管机构
  • He had set up two charitable trusts.


  • The National Childbirth Trust has recently conducted a survey of 1,271 new mothers.

    国家生育信托基金会最近对 1,271 位新妈妈做了一个调查。

11 N-COUNT [NOUN n] 公立医院(由政府资助、独立经营) In Britain, a trust or a trust hospital is a public hospital that receives its funding directly from the national government. It has its own board of governors and is not controlled by the local health authority. 公立医院(由政府资助、独立经营)
  • St Mary's Hospital in Paddington became a self-governing trust this week.


12 See also: trusting  unit trust 
13 PHRASE 受托管;被托管 If something valuable is kept in trust, it is held and protected by a group of people or an organization on behalf of other people. 受托管;被托管
  • The British Library holds its collection in trust for the nation. [+ for]


  • Works of art are in trust to us during our lifetime.


14 PHRASE 完全相信;毫不置疑 If you take something on trust after having heard or read it, you believe it completely without checking it. 完全相信;毫不置疑
  • He was adamant that the allegations were untrue, so I took him on trust.


15 tried and trusted→see: tried 
Phrasal verbs:
trust to
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse trust with:

build trust, create trust, learn to trust, place trust in someone 2


mutual trust 2

charitable trust 10


trust your instincts, trust someone's judgment 6

investment trust 9

Trends of trust
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