1 N-COUNT 茧;(昆虫的)卵袋 A cocoon is a covering of silky threads that the larvae of moths and other insects make for themselves before they grow into adults. 茧;(昆虫的)卵袋
2 N-COUNT 茧状包裹物 If you are in a cocoon of something, you are wrapped up in it or surrounded by it. 茧状包裹物
3 N-COUNT 给人安全感的环境;保护层 If you are living in a cocoon, you are in an environment in which you feel protected and safe, and sometimes isolated from everyday life. 给人安全感的环境;保护层
...her innocent desire to envelop her beloved in a cocoon of love.
Even though we're living together we walk around in this cocoon of silence.
You cannot live in a cocoon and overlook these facts.
4 VERB 把…保护起来;把…隔绝开来 If something cocoons you from something, it protects you or isolates you from it. 把…保护起来;把…隔绝开来 [Also V n + in]
There is nowhere to hide when things go wrong, no organisation to cocoon you from blame. [VERB noun + from]
The playwright cocooned himself in a world of pretence. [V pron-refl + in]
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