

单词 throw
θr θroʊ
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense throws, present participle throwing, past tense threw, past participle thrown
1 VERB ;;; When you throw an object that you are holding, you move your hand or arm quickly and let go of the object, so that it moves through the air. ;;;
  • He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • On one occasion, his father threw a radio at his mother. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • The crowd began throwing stones. [VERB noun]


  • Sophia jumps up and throws down her knitting. [VERB noun with adv.]


  • He threw Brian a rope. [VERB noun noun]


SYN hurl, toss, fling, send
Throw is also a noun.
  • One of the judges thought it was a foul throw.


  • A throw of the dice allows a player to move himself forward.


  • He didn't really know very much about javelin throwing.


2 VERB 急伸,猛动(身体或某部位) If you throw your body or part of your body into a particular position or place, you move it there suddenly and with a lot of force. 急伸,猛动(身体或某部位)
  • She threw her arms around his shoulders. [VERB noun prep.]


  • She threatened to throw herself in front of a train. [VERB pronoun-reflexive]


  • He set his skinny legs apart and threw back his shoulders. [VERB noun with adv.]


3 VERB (随手)抛,丢,扔 If you throw something into a particular place or position, you put it there in a quick and careless way. (随手)抛,丢,扔
  • He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • Why not throw it all in the pot and see what happens? [VERB noun prep./adv.]


SYN toss, fling, chuck [informal] , cast
4 VERB ;; To throw someone into a particular place or position means to force them roughly into that place or position. ;;
  • He threw me to the ground and started to kick. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • The device exploded, throwing Mr Taylor from his car. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


SYN bring down, fell, floor, prostrate
5 VERB 投进(监狱) If you say that someone is thrown into prison, you mean that they are put there by the authorities, especially if this seems unfair or cruel. 投进(监狱)
  • Those two should have been thrown in jail. [be V-ed + in/into]


  • Police should have the power to fine people who hamper rescue efforts. In fact I'd throw them into prison for a night. [V n + in/into]


6 VERB ()甩落,掀掉(骑手) If a horse throws its rider, it makes him or her fall off, by suddenly jumping or moving violently. ()甩落,掀掉(骑手)
  • The horse reared, throwing its rider and knocking down a youth standing beside it. [VERB noun]


SYN dislodge, unseat, upset, overturn
7 VERB 使处境不利;使进展不顺 If a person or thing is thrown into an unpleasant situation or state, something causes them to be in that situation or state. 使处境不利;使进展不顺
  • Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers. [be VERB-ed prep.]


  • Economic recession had thrown millions out of work. [VERB noun prep.]


  • The border dispute has threatened to throw next week's OPEC meeting in Geneva into confusion. [VERB noun prep.]


8 VERB 投下,洒下,抛下(光线或影子) If something throws light or a shadow on a surface, it causes that surface to have light or a shadow on it. 投下,洒下,抛下(光线或影子)
  • The sunlight is white and blinding, throwing hard-edged shadows on the ground. [V n + on/onto]


SYN cast, project, give off, send
9 VERB (怀疑)() If something throws doubt on a person or thing, it causes people to doubt or suspect them. (怀疑)()
  • This new information does throw doubt on their choice. [V n + on/upon]


  • She did not attempt to throw any suspicion upon you. [V n on/upon n]


10 VERB [no cont] 飞快()一眼;迅速()一下 If you throw a look or smile at someone or something, you look or smile at them quickly and suddenly. 飞快()一眼;迅速()一下 [Also V n + at]
  • Emily turned and threw her a suggestive grin. [VERB noun noun]


SYN direct, shoot, cast, give
11 VERB 投入;投身() If you throw yourself, your energy, or your money into a particular job or activity, you become involved in it very actively or enthusiastically. 投入;投身()
  • She threw herself into a modelling career. [V pron-refl + into]


  • They threw all their military resources into the battle. [VERB noun + into]


12 VERB 突然发怒;大发雷霆 If you throw a fit or a tantrum, you suddenly start to behave in an uncontrolled way. 突然发怒;大发雷霆
  • I used to get very upset and scream and swear, throwing tantrums all over the place. [VERB noun]


13 VERB 使吃惊;使迷惑不解 If something such as a remark or an experience throws you, it surprises you or confuses you because it is unexpected. 使吃惊;使迷惑不解
  • The professor rather threw me by asking if I went in for martial arts. [VERB noun]


  • Obviously the puncture threw me a little, but I'm reasonably happy. [VERB noun]


SYN confuse, baffle, faze, astonish
Throw off means the same as throw .throw off throw
  • I lost my first serve in the first set, it threw me off a bit.


14 VERB (一拳) If you throw a punch, you punch someone. (一拳)
  • Everything was fine until someone threw a punch. [VERB noun]


SYN deliver, land
15 VERB (通常在家里)进行,举办(聚会) When someone throws a party, they organize one, usually in their own home. (通常在家里)进行,举办(聚会) [informal]
  • Why not throw a party for your friends? [VERB noun]


SYN organize, give, host, arrange
16 VERB 按,拨动(开关) When someone throws a switch, they turn it on or off. 按,拨动(开关)
  • Prince Edward threw the switch to light the illuminations. [VERB noun]


SYN operate, flick, switch on, click on
17 VERB 故意输掉(比赛) In sports, if a player throws a game or contest, they lose it as a result of a deliberate action or intention. 故意输掉(比赛)
  • ...offering him a bribe to throw the game. [VERB noun]


18 N-COUNT 沙发套;床罩 A throw is a light rug, blanket, or cover for a sofa or bed. 沙发套;床罩
19 PHRASE 单价;每个的价格 If things cost a particular amount of money a throw, they cost that amount each. 单价;每个的价格 [informal]
  • Most applications software for personal computers cost over $500 a throw.

    个人电脑使用的多数应用软件的单价为 500 多美元。

SYN each, for one, apiece, per item
20 PHRASE 投怀送抱;献媚 If someone throws themselves at you, they make it very obvious that they want to begin a relationship with you, by behaving as though they are sexually attracted to you. 投怀送抱;献媚
  • I'll say you started it, that you threw yourself at me.


21 to throw the baby out with the bath water→see: baby  to throw the book at someone→see: book  to throw someone in at the deep end→see: end  to throw down the gauntlet→see: gauntlet  to throw up your hands→see: hand  to throw light on something→see: light  to throw in your lot with someone→see: lot  to throw money at something→see: money  to throw good money after bad→see: money  to throw a spanner in the works→see: spanner  a stone's throw→see: stone  to throw in the towel→see: towel  to throw your weight about→see: weight  to throw a wrench→see: wrench 
Phrasal verbs:
throw aroundthrow asidethrow awaythrow backthrow downthrow inthrow offthrow outthrow togetherthrow up
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse throw with:

throw a ball, throw a pass, throw a pitch, throw a rock/stone 1

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