

单词 there
ðʳ ðəʳ ðɛə ðɛr
Pronounced /ðə, strong ðeə/ for meanings 1 and 2, and /'ðeə/ for meanings 3 to 20. 义项12读作 /ðə, 强读 ðeə/,义项320在句中作重读。
1 PRON (作动词 be 的主语,表示存在与否或引起注意) There is used as the subject of the verb 'be' to say that something exists or does not exist, or to draw attention to it. (作动词 be 的主语,表示存在与否或引起注意)
  • There are roadworks between Camblesforth and Carlton.


  • Are there some countries that have been able to tackle these problems successfully?.


  • There were differences of opinion, he added, on very basic issues.


  • There's nothing in this room; there's not a single chair, there's no bed, and not a single shelf.


  • There's no way we can afford to buy a house at the moment.


  • There's no question she is the best comedienne in this country.


Usage Note :
  • There is normally followed by a plural form of the verb be when it is used to introduce a count noun in the plural. There were policemen everywhere. However, when it introduces a series of nouns in the singular, linked by and, a singular form of the verb be is normally used. There is a time and a place for everything... There was a street fair and an old-fashioned brass band. Take care not to confuse there and their.

    there 用来引导可数名词复数时,后面通常跟动词 be 的复数形式:There were policemen everywhere (到处都是警察)。然而,当引导一系列用 and 连接的单数名词时,其后通常用 be 的单数形式:There is a time and a place for everything (任何事物都有存在的时间和空间)There was a street fair and an old-fashioned brass band (正好有一场街头游乐会,还有一支老式铜管乐队在演奏)。注意不要混淆 there their

2 PRON (用在某些动词前表示某事物存在、发展或可见,动词的单复数取决于其后的名词) You use there in front of certain verbs when you are saying that something exists, develops, or can be seen. Whether the verb is singular or plural depends on the noun which follows the verb. (用在某些动词前表示某事物存在、发展或可见,动词的单复数取决于其后的名词)
  • There remains considerable doubt over when the intended high-speed rail link will be complete.


  • There appeared no imminent danger.


  • There rose before us the great pyramid of Gaza.


  • There developed a practice that came to a tragic and terrible end.


3 CONVENTION (用于 hello hi 之后作为问候语) There is used after 'hello' or 'hi' when you are greeting someone. (用于 hello hi 之后作为问候语)
  • 'Hello there,' said the woman, smiling at them. — 'Hi!' they chorused.


  • Oh, hi there. You must be Sidney.


4 ADV [be ADVERB, ADV to-inf] 存在地;现有地;可得到地 If something is there, it exists or is available. 存在地;现有地;可得到地
  • The group of old buildings on the corner by the main road is still there today.


  • The book is there for people to read and make up their own mind. [+ for]


  • Nothing will be spent until he has made sure the money is there to pay for it.


5 ADV [be ADVERB] [ADVERB with verb, n ADVERB] 那儿(指已经提及的地方) You use there to refer to a place which has already been mentioned. 那儿(指已经提及的地方)
  • The next day we drove the 33 miles to Siena (the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there) for the Palio.

    第二天,我们驱车 33 英里来到锡耶纳参加赛马节(此地的阿尔希诺山庄是个好地方,值得一去)

  • 'Come on over, if you want.' — 'How do I get there?'.


  • It's one hell of a train trip, about five days there and back.

    这趟旅行来回坐了大约 5 天火车,受的那个罪就别提了。

  • What if Spain reacts to the similar economic pressures which are appearing over there?


6 ADV [ADV with be] [ADVERB after verb] 那儿,那边(表示用手指向的或目视的地方) You use there to indicate a place that you are pointing to or looking at, in order to draw someone's attention to it. 那儿,那边(表示用手指向的或目视的地方)
  • There it is, on the corner over there.


  • There she is on the left up there.


  • The toilets are over there, dear.


  • You'll find the details there.


7 ADV (用于 there he was there we were 等表达方式中,用以概括故事或为了制造特殊效果放慢故事的节奏) You use there in expressions such as 'there he was' or 'there we were' to sum up part of a story or to slow a story down for dramatic effect. (用于 there he was there we were 等表达方式中,用以概括故事或为了制造特殊效果放慢故事的节奏) [spoken]
  • So there we were with Amy and she was driving us crazy.


  • I looked, and there he was, riding a horse, with a double barreled shotgun on his shoulder.


8 ADV [ADV with be] 在吗(电话用语) You use there when speaking on the telephone to ask if someone is available to speak to you. 在吗(电话用语)
  • Hello, is Gordon there please?


9 ADV [ADVERB after verb] 在那一点上(指别人谈话中的某个观点) You use there to refer to a point that someone has made in a conversation. 在那一点上(指别人谈话中的某个观点)
  • Death is terrible. I agree with you there.


  • I think you're right there John.


  • Can I just stop you there sir?.


  • If you'll excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, we'd better leave it there.


10 ADV 那里,那儿(指活动、过程已经达到的阶段) You use there to refer to a stage that has been reached in an activity or process. 那里,那儿(指活动、过程已经达到的阶段)
  • We are making further investigations and will take the matter from there.


  • And there we end this edition of Science in Action.


  • And there we have a question that most women would find uncomfortable to answer. Do we really want the men to be at home?


11 ADV [be ADVERB, ADVERB after verb] (表示取得圆满成功) You use there to indicate that something has reached a point or level which is completely successful. (表示取得圆满成功)
  • We had hoped to fill the back page with extra news; we're not quite there yet.


  • Life has not yet returned to normal but we are getting there.


12 ADV 别无他法;无计可施;只能这样了 You can use there in expressions such as there you go or there we are when accepting that an unsatisfactory situation cannot be changed. 别无他法;无计可施;只能这样了 [spoken]
  • I'm the oldest and, according to all the books, should be the achiever, but there you go.


  • It's the wages that count. Not over-generous, but there you are.


  • 'They didn't seem to know anything about it.' — 'Oh well there we are.'


13 ADV 我讲的没错吧;我说对了吧 You can use there in expressions such as there you go and there we are when emphasizing that something proves that you were right. 我讲的没错吧;我说对了吧 [spoken, emphasis]
  • You see? There you go. That's why I didn't mention it earlier. I knew you'd take it the wrong way.


  • 'There you are, you see!' she exclaimed. 'I knew you'd say that!'.


  • Victoria Street, that's the name of the street. There we are, look.


14 PHRASE 话说回来;再说了;不过 You use there again to introduce an extra piece of information which either contradicts what has been said or gives an alternative to it. 话说回来;再说了;不过
  • At 18 stone, I can't run around the way I used to. There again, some people say I never did.


  • I mean small cars are the answer surely. Or there again a good system of public transport might do the same thing.


15 PHRASE 又来了;又来这套 Phrases such as there you go again are used to show annoyance at someone who is repeating something that has annoyed you in the past. 又来了;又来这套 [spoken]
  • 'There you go again, upsetting the child!' said Shirley.


  • 'There you go again, Dad, with your silly words.' — 'Sorry, son.'.


  • Careful, there I go again, getting sentimental.


16 PHRASE 就这样定了;别说了 You can add 'so there' to what you are saying to show that you will not change your mind about a decision you have made, even though the person you are talking to disagrees with you. 就这样定了;别说了 [informal]
  • 'Take That' are the best group in the whole world. So there.


  • I think that's sweet, so there.


17 PHRASE 立即;立刻 If something happens there and then or then and there, it happens immediately. 立即;立刻
  • Many felt that he should have resigned there and then.


  • There and then he made his decision.


  • A friend of Pip's invited them then and there to his college ball that night.


18 CONVENTION 好了,好了(用于安慰他人,尤其是儿童) You say 'there there' to someone who is very upset, especially a small child, in order to comfort them. 好了,好了(用于安慰他人,尤其是儿童) [spoken]
  • 'There, there,' said Mum. 'You've been having a really bad dream.'


19 CONVENTION 给你;拿去吧 You say 'there you are' or 'there you go' when you are offering something to someone. 给你;拿去吧 [spoken, formulae]
  • Nora picked up the boy, and gave him a biscuit. 'There you are, Lennie, you take the nice biscuit.'


20 PHRASE (尤指困难时)帮助,支持 If someone is there for you, they help and support you, especially when you have problems. (尤指困难时)帮助,支持 [informal]
  • Despite what happened in the past I want her to know I am there for her.


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