

单词 than
ðən ðæn ðən ðæn
1 PREP (用于形容词、副词的比较级之后,连接比较对象) You use than after a comparative adjective or adverb in order to link two parts of a comparison. (用于形容词、副词的比较级之后,连接比较对象)
  • The radio only weighs a few ounces and is smaller than a cigarette packet.


  • Indian skins age far more slowly than American or Italian ones.


Than is also a conjunction.
  • He wished he could have helped her more than he did.


  • Sometimes patients are more depressed six months later than when they first hear the bad news.

    有时,病人 6 个月后比最初听到坏消息时情绪更低落。

2 PREP (数目、数量、价值等)…(多、少、重要或次要等) You use than when you are stating a number, quantity, or value approximately by saying that it is above or below another number, quantity, or value. (数目、数量、价值等)…(多、少、重要或次要等)
  • They talked on the phone for more than an hour.


  • ...the three-match Test series in England, starting in less than two months time.


  • Head teachers yesterday demanded a nine per cent rise, more than twice the rate of inflation.

    校长们昨天要求增加 9% 的工资,这个比例是通货膨胀率的两倍多。

3 CONJ-COORD 与其说,而不是(连接对比的对象,以表示优先考虑等) You use than in order to link two parts of a contrast, for example in order to state a preference. 与其说,而不是(连接对比的对象,以表示优先考虑等)
  • The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations.


  • I would rather stare at a clear, star-filled sky than a TV set.


  • I would sooner give up sleep than miss my evening class.


4 easier said than done→see: easy  less than→see: less  more than→see: more  more often than not→see: often  other than→see: other  rather than→see: rather 
Usagethan and then
Than and then are often confused. Use than to make a comparison. The unemployment rate is lower now than it was last year. Then means 'at that time' or 'next'. There were a lot more unemployed people then. Slice the skin off the fruit and then cut it into quarters.
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