

单词 temperature
temprətʃəʳ ˈtɛmpərətʃər ˈtɛmprətʃər ˈtɛmpərtʃər ˈtɛmpətʃər
Word forms: plural temperatures
1 N-VAR 温度;气温 The temperature of something is a measure of how hot or cold it is. 温度;气温
  • The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade.

    阴凉处的温度骤升至100 多度。

  • The temperature of the water was about 40 degrees.

    水温大约 40 度。

  • Coping with severe drops in temperature can be very difficult.


2 N-UNCOUNT [oft poss NOUN] 体温 Your temperature is the temperature of your body. A normal temperature is about 37˚ centigrade. 体温
  • His temperature continued to rise alarmingly.


3 N-COUNT [usually singular] (特定场合的)氛围,情绪 You can use temperature to talk about the feelings and emotions that people have in particular situations. (特定场合的)氛围,情绪
  • There's also been a noticeable rise in the political temperature.


4 PHRASE 室温;常温 If something is at room temperature, its temperature is neither hot nor cold. 室温;常温
  • Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature.


5 PHRASE 发烧 If you are running a temperature or if you have a temperature, your temperature is higher than it usually is. 发烧
  • He began to run an extremely high temperature.


  • Little Constance had a temperature that day.


6 PHRASE 的体温 If you take someone's temperature you use an instrument called a thermometer to measure the temperature of their body in order to see if they are ill. 的体温
  • He will probably take your child's temperature too.


Usage Note :
  • In Britain, two different scales are commonly used for measuring temperature. On the Celsius (formerly Centigrade) scale, water freezes at zero degrees and boils at 100 degrees. On the Fahrenheit scale, water freezes at 32 degrees and boils at 212 degrees. Celsius is the scale which is officially used for talking about the weather. Fahrenheit is considered more old-fashioned, but is still widely used. In the United States, the Fahrenheit scale is almost always used. If you want to emphasize how cold it is, you are more likely to use Celsius, as the numbers are lower. Conversely, if you want to emphasize how warm it is, you are more likely to use Fahrenheit. The first of the following examples shows a temperature in Celsius and the second shows a temperature in Fahrenheit. The temperature has been down to minus seven... With temperatures in the 70s, sun lovers have been flocking to resorts.

    在英国,测量温度普遍采用两种不同的标准。根据摄氏温标(以前称 Centigrade),水 0 度结冰,100 度沸腾;根据华氏温标,水 32 度结冰,212 度沸腾。正式谈论天气时使用摄氏温标。华氏温标被认为较为过时,不过使用仍很广泛。在美国,几乎总是用华氏温标。要想强调天冷,更有可能用摄氏温标,因为摄氏温标表示出的温度更低。相反,如果强调暖和,更可能用华氏温标。以下例子第一个用了摄氏度数,第二个用了华氏度数:The temperature has been down to minus seven (温度已经降到零下7)With temperatures in the 70s, sun lovers have been flocking to resorts (温度达到七十多度,喜爱阳光的人纷纷涌向度假胜地)

Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse temperature with:

average temperature, high/low temperature, normal temperature 1


reach a temperature 1


changes in/of temperature, temperature increase, ocean temperature, rise in temperature, room temperature, surface temperature, water temperature 1

body temperature 2

Trends of temperature
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