

单词 teeter
ttəʳ ˈtitər
Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense teeters, present participle teetering, past tense , past participle teetered
1 VERB 濒临(危险的形势) Teeter is used in expressions such as teeter on the brink and teeter on the edge to emphasize that something seems to be in a very unstable situation or position. 濒临(危险的形势) [emphasis]
  • Three of the hotels are in receivership, and others are teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. [VERB + on]

    3 家宾馆已破产在管,其他几家正在破产的边缘徘徊。

  • His voice teetered on the edge of hysteria. [VERB + on]


  • ...white towns teetering precariously on the edge of cliffs. [VERB on noun]


SYN waver, wobble, seesaw, veer
2 VERB ()步履蹒跚,踉踉跄跄;()摇摇欲坠,东倒西歪 If someone or something teeters, they shake in an unsteady way, and seem to be about to lose their balance and fall over. ()步履蹒跚,踉踉跄跄;()摇摇欲坠,东倒西歪 [Also VERB]
  • Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance. [VERB adv./prep.]


  • He watched the cup teeter on the edge before it fell. [VERB adv./prep.]


SYN wobble, rock, totter, balance
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