1 N-VAR 云;云团 A cloud is a mass of water vapour that floats in the sky. Clouds are usually white or grey in colour. 云;云团
...the varied shapes of the clouds.
The sky was almost entirely obscured by cloud.
...the risks involved in flying through cloud.
SYN mist, fog, haze, obscurity
2 N-COUNT (烟雾、尘土等的)一团 A cloud of something such as smoke or dust is a mass of it floating in the air. (烟雾、尘土等的)一团
SYN billow, mass, shower, puff
3 VERB 把…搞糊涂;使难以理解;使无法正确判断 If you say that something clouds your view of a situation, you mean that it makes you unable to understand the situation or judge it properly. 把…搞糊涂;使难以理解;使无法正确判断
Perhaps anger had clouded his vision, perhaps his judgment had been faulty. [VERB noun]
In his latter years religious mania clouded his mind. [VERB noun]
SYN confuse, obscure, distort, impair
4 VERB 破坏;给…蒙上阴影 If you say that something clouds a situation, you mean that it makes it unpleasant. 破坏;给…蒙上阴影
5 V-ERG (眼神或脸色)阴沉,忧郁;使看起来阴沉(或忧郁) If your eyes or face cloud or if sadness or anger clouds them, your eyes or your face suddenly show sadness or anger. (眼神或脸色)阴沉,忧郁;使看起来阴沉(或忧郁) [literary] [Also VERB]
Trish's face clouded with disappointment. [VERB with noun]
As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes. [VERB noun]
Cloud over means the same as
cloud .
cloud over 同 cloud 6 V-ERG (镜子)模糊不清;(使)起雾 If glass clouds or if moisture clouds it, tiny drops of water cover the glass, making it difficult to see through. (镜子)模糊不清;(使)起雾
The mirror clouded beside her cheek. [VERB]
I run the water very hot, clouding the mirror. [VERB noun]
7 PHRASE [VERB and NOUN inflect] 心不在焉;耽于空想 If you say that someone has their head in the clouds, you are criticizing them because they are ignoring or are unaware of the problems associated with a situation. 心不在焉;耽于空想 [informal, disapproval]
8 PHRASE 极为快乐;乐不可支 If you say that someone is on cloud nine, you are emphasizing that they are very happy. 极为快乐;乐不可支 [informal, emphasis]
9 PHRASE [verb-link PHRASE, PHRASE after verb] 遭嫌弃;被贬低 If someone is under a cloud, people have a poor opinion of them because of something they have done. 遭嫌弃;被贬低
10 every cloud has a silver lining→see: silver lining
Phrasal verbs: - cloud over
I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'er vales and hills William Wordsworth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud
Word Partnership | Use cloud with: |
ADJ. | black/dark cloud, white cloud 1 |
N. | cloud of dust, cloud of smoke 2 |
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