1 ADJ-GRADED 像家一样舒适的 If you describe a room or house as homely, you like it because you feel comfortable and relaxed there. 像家一样舒适的 [mainly British, approval]
I wanted a homely room but I wanted it to look smart, too.
We try and provide a very homely atmosphere.
SYN comfortable, welcoming, friendly, domestic
in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 homey
2 ADJ-GRADED (食物)简单的,普通的,家常的 Homely food is simple and ordinary. (食物)简单的,普通的,家常的 [mainly British]
SYN plain, simple, natural, ordinary
3 ADJ-GRADED (女子)热情亲切的,家庭主妇型的 If you describe a woman as homely, you mean that she has a warm, comforting manner and looks like someone who would enjoy being at home and running a family. (女子)热情亲切的,家庭主妇型的 [British]
4 ADJ-GRADED 相貌平平的 If you say that someone is homely, you mean that they are not very attractive to look at. 相貌平平的 [US]
SYN unattractive, plain, ugly, not striking
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