1 PHRASAL VERB-ERG (使)犹豫;(使)退缩 If you hold back or if something holds you back, you hesitate before you do something because you are not sure whether it is the right thing to do. (使)犹豫;(使)退缩 [Also VERB PREPOSITION n (not pron)]
2 PHRASAL VERB 阻挡;阻止 To hold someone or something back means to prevent someone from doing something, or to prevent something from happening. 阻挡;阻止
Stagnation in home sales is holding back economic recovery. [VERB PREP. noun]
Jake wanted to wake up, but sleep held him back. [VERB noun PREP.]
SYN restrain, check, curb, control
3 PHRASAL VERB 储备;保留 If you hold something back, you keep it in reserve to use later. 储备;保留 [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
4 PHRASAL VERB 隐瞒 If you hold something back, you do not include it in the information you are giving about something. 隐瞒 [Also VERB PREPOSITION n (not pron)]
SYN withhold, hold in, suppress, stifle
5 PHRASAL VERB 抑制住,忍住(眼泪、笑声等) If you hold back something such as tears or laughter, or if you hold back, you make an effort to stop yourself from showing how you feel. 抑制住,忍住(眼泪、笑声等) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
She kept trying to hold back her tears. [VERB PREP. noun]
He could no longer hold back convulsive laughter. [VERB PREP. noun (not pronoun)]
I was close to tears with frustration, but I held back. [VERB PREP.]