单词 | hold | ||||
释义 | hold hoʊld hoʊld Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense holds, present participle holding, past tense , past participle held
PHYSICALLY TOUCHING, SUPPORT-ING, OR CONTAINING 身体接触;支承;容纳1 VERB 拿着;握住;托住 When you hold something, you carry or support it, using your hands or your arms. 拿着;握住;托住
SYN carry, keep, grip, grasp Hold is also a noun.
2 N-UNCOUNT (紧紧的)拿,握 Hold is used in expressions such as grab hold of ,catch hold of, and get hold of, to indicate that you close your hand tightly around something, for example to stop something moving or falling. (紧紧的)拿,握
3 VERB (通常为表示喜爱或安慰而)拥抱,抱住 When you hold someone, you put your arms round them, usually because you want to show them how much you like them or because you want to comfort them. (通常为表示喜爱或安慰而)拥抱,抱住 [Also VERB n]
SYN embrace, grasp, clutch, hug 4 VERB 用力使(某人)不得动弹 If you hold someone in a particular position, you use force to keep them in that position and stop them from moving. 用力使(某人)不得动弹 [Also VERB n]
5 N-COUNT (使某人不得动弹的)抓住,夹住 A hold is a particular way of keeping someone in a position using your own hands, arms, or legs. (使某人不得动弹的)抓住,夹住
6 VERB (常指疼伤痛而)按住,捂住 When you hold a part of your body, you put your hand on or against it, often because it hurts. (常指疼伤痛而)按住,捂住
7 VERB 使(身体部位)保持(某种姿势) When you hold a part of your body in a particular position, you put it into that position and keep it there. 使(身体部位)保持(某种姿势) [Also V n adj]
8 VERB 把…固定住 If one thing holds another in a particular position, it keeps it in that position. 把…固定住
9 VERB 存放;盛放;装 If one thing is used to hold another, it is used to store it. 存放;盛放;装
10 N-COUNT [oft n NOUN] (船、飞机等的)货舱,行李舱 In a ship or aeroplane, a hold is a place where cargo or luggage is stored. (船、飞机等的)货舱,行李舱
11 VERB 储备;储存 If a place holds something, it keeps it available for reference or for future use. 储备;储存
12 VERB [no cont] 容纳得下 If something holds a particular amount of something, it can contain that amount. 容纳得下
SYN accommodate, take, contain, seat 13 VERB 大量喝(酒)而不醉 If you can hold your drink, you are able to drink large quantities of alcohol without becoming ill or getting drunk. 大量喝(酒)而不醉
14 VERB (车辆)抓(地) If a vehicle holds the road well, it remains in close contact with the road and can be controlled safely and easily. (车辆)抓(地) [Also VERB n]
15 See also: holding Thesaurus
Trends of hold View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years HAVING OR DOING 拥有;做
1 VERB [no cont] 持有,怀有(观点、信念等) Hold is used with words and expressions indicating an opinion or belief, to show that someone has a particular opinion or believes that something is true. 持有,怀有(观点、信念等)
2 VERB [no passive] 带给人,使人感到(害怕、神秘等) Hold is used with words such as 'fear' or 'mystery' to indicate someone's feelings towards something, as if those feelings were a characteristic of the thing itself. 带给人,使人感到(害怕、神秘等)
3 VERB 担任(职务);掌握(权力);负有(责任) Hold is used with nouns such as 'office', 'power', and 'responsibility' to indicate that someone has a particular position of power or authority. 担任(职务);掌握(权力);负有(责任)
SYN occupy, have, fill, maintain 4 VERB 持有(许可、票证等);拥有(学位等) Hold is used with nouns such as 'permit', 'degree', or 'ticket' to indicate that someone has a particular document that allows them to do something. 持有(许可、票证等);拥有(学位等)
SYN possess, have, own, bear 5 VERB 举行(聚会、会议、会谈、选举、审判等) Hold is used with nouns such as 'party', 'meeting', 'talks', 'election', and 'trial' to indicate that people are organizing a particular activity. 举行(聚会、会议、会谈、选举、审判等)
6 V-RECIP 进行(谈话、采访、会商等) Hold is used with nouns such as 'conversation', 'interview', and 'talks' to indicate that two or more people meet and discuss something. 进行(谈话、采访、会商等)
SYN conduct, convene, have, call 7 VERB 持有(股份、股票等) Hold is used with nouns such as 'shares' and 'stock' to indicate that someone owns a particular proportion of a business. 持有(股份、股票等)
8See also:holding 9 VERB 占有(领先地位、优势等) Hold is used with words such as 'lead' or 'advantage' to indicate that someone is winning or doing well in a contest. 占有(领先地位、优势等)
10 VERB 吸引住(注意力);保持(兴趣) Hold is used with nouns such as 'attention' or 'interest' to indicate that what you do or say keeps someone interested or listening to you. 吸引住(注意力);保持(兴趣)
11 VERB 认定(…负有责任);归(咎)于 If you hold someone responsible, liable, or accountable for something, you will blame them if anything goes wrong. 认定(…负有责任);归(咎)于
CONTROLLING OR REMAINING 控制;保持1 VERB 关押;扣留 If someone holds you in a place, they keep you there as a prisoner and do not allow you to leave. 关押;扣留
SYN detain, arrest, confine, imprison 2 VERB (军队、暴乱人群等)占据,控制 If people such as an army or a violent crowd hold a place, they control it by using force. (军队、暴乱人群等)占据,控制
3 N-SING (因握有某人把柄或掌握权力而形成的)控制力,支配力 If you have a hold over someone, you have power or control over them, for example because you know something about them you can use to threaten them or because you are in a position of authority. (因握有某人把柄或掌握权力而形成的)控制力,支配力
SYN control, authority, influence, pull [informal] 4 VERB [no passive] (接电话时让对方)稍等,不要挂断 If you ask someone to hold, or to hold the line, when you are answering a telephone call, you are asking them to wait for a short time, for example so that you can find the person they want to speak to. (接电话时让对方)稍等,不要挂断
5 VERB 代接(电话)并向受话人转告通话内容 If you hold telephone calls for someone, you do not allow people who phone to speak to that person, but take messages instead. 代接(电话)并向受话人转告通话内容
6 V-ERG (使)保持(在一定价值或水平) If something holds at a particular value or level, or is held there, it is kept at that value or level. (使)保持(在一定价值或水平) [Also VERB]
7 VERB 持续发出(声音、音符) If you hold a sound or musical note, you continue making it. 持续发出(声音、音符)
8 VERB 延迟;推迟 If you hold something such as a train, a lift, or an elevator, you delay it. 延迟;推迟
9 VERB (提议、邀请等)有效 If an offer or invitation still holds, it is still available for you to accept. (提议、邀请等)有效
10 VERB (好形势)保持不变,持续 If a good situation holds, it continues and does not get worse or fail. (好形势)保持不变,持续
SYN continue, last, remain, stay 11 VERB (论点、理论等)站得住脚,成立 If an argument or theory holds, it is true or valid, even after close examination. (论点、理论等)站得住脚,成立
SYN apply, exist, be the case, stand up Hold up means the same as hold .hold up 同 hold
12 VERB (在重压下)保持不倒,支撑住 If part of a structure holds, it does not fall or break although there is a lot of force or pressure on it. (在重压下)保持不倒,支撑住
13 VERB (法规等)适用,有效 If laws or rules hold, they exist and remain in force. (法规等)适用,有效
14 VERB 坚持(观点或信念) If you say that you hold to a particular opinion or belief, you are stating firmly that you continue to have that opinion or belief. 坚持(观点或信念) [formal]
15 VERB 遵守,恪守(承诺或高尚的行为准则) If you hold to a promise or to high standards of behaviour, you keep that promise or continue to behave according to those standards. 遵守,恪守(承诺或高尚的行为准则) [formal]
16 VERB 使遵守,使恪守(承诺或高尚的行为准则) If someone or something holds you to a promise or to high standards of behaviour, they make you keep that promise or those standards. 使遵守,使恪守(承诺或高尚的行为准则)
PHRASES 短语1 PHRASE (尤指当众)滔滔不绝地说 If you hold forth on a subject, you speak confidently and for a long time about it, especially to a group of people. (尤指当众)滔滔不绝地说
SYN speak, go on, discourse, lecture 2 PHRASE (通常指好不容易)得到,获得 If you get hold of an object or information, you obtain it, usually after some difficulty. (通常指好不容易)得到,获得
3 PHRASE 领会;弄懂 If you get hold of a fact or a subject, you learn about it and understand it well. 领会;弄懂
4 PHRASE 设法和…取得联络 If you get hold of someone, you manage to contact them. 设法和…取得联络
5 CONVENTION 停下;慢着 If you say 'Hold it', you are telling someone to stop what they are doing and to wait. 停下;慢着
6 PHRASE 延迟;暂缓;搁置 If you put something on hold, you decide not to do it, deal with it, or change it now, but to leave it until later. 延迟;暂缓;搁置
7 PHRASE (面对攻击、反对等)顶住,坚持住 If you hold your own, you are able to resist someone who is attacking or opposing you. (面对攻击、反对等)顶住,坚持住
8 PHRASE 与…相匹敌;不比…逊色 If you can do something well enough to hold your own, you do not appear foolish when you are compared with someone who is generally thought to be very good at it. 与…相匹敌;不比…逊色
9 PHRASE 不动 If you hold still, you do not move. 不动
10 PHRASE 完全控制;彻底影响 If something takes hold, it gains complete control or influence over a person or thing. 完全控制;彻底影响
11 PHRASE 抓紧;抓牢;扶好(以站稳) If you hold tight, you put your hand round or against something in order to prevent yourself from falling over. A bus driver might say 'Hold tight!' to you if you are standing on a bus when it is about to move. 抓紧;抓牢;扶好(以站稳)
12 PHRASE 暂不行动 If you hold tight, you do not immediately start a course of action that you have been planning or thinking about. 暂不行动
13 to hold something at bay→see: bay to hold your breath→see: breath can't hold a candle to→see: candle to hold something in check→see: check to hold court→see: court to hold fast→see: fast to hold the fort→see: fort what the future holds→see: future to hold your ground→see: ground to hold your peace→see: peace to hold someone to ransom→see: ransom to hold sway→see: sway to hold your tongue→see: tongue PHRASAL VERBS 短语动词
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