

单词 head
hed hɛd
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense heads, present participle heading, past tense , past participle headed
  • Head is used in a large number of expressions which are explained under other words in the dictionary. For example, the expression ‘off the top of your head’ is explained at‘top’.

    head 可以用于很多短语中,这些短语的释义列在本词典中其他词条下。例如,短语 off the top of your head 的释义就列在词条 top 之下。

1 N-COUNT (人的)头,头部 Your head is the top part of your body, which has your eyes, mouth, and brain in it. (人的)头,头部
  • She turned her head away from him.


  • He took a puff on his pipe and shook his head.


SYN skull, crown, pate, bean [US , Canadian , slang]
You can also use head as a measure of distance, equal to the length of a person's or animal's head.头(长度单位,相当于人或动物头的长度)
  • The third gorilla was taller by a head.


2 N-COUNT 头脑;心智;才智 You can use head to refer to your mind and your mental abilities. 头脑;心智;才智
  • I can't get that song out of my head.


  • ...an exceptional analyst who could do complex maths in his head.


3 N-SING (队伍中的)领头位置;队首;排头 The head of a line of people or vehicles is the front of it, or the first person or vehicle in the line. (队伍中的)领头位置;队首;排头
  • ...the head of the queue. [+ of]


  • We took our place at the head of the convoy.


SYN front, beginning, top, first place
4 VERB 排在(队列等)的最前面 If someone or something heads a line or procession, they are at the front of it. 排在(队列等)的最前面
  • The parson, heading the procession, had just turned right towards the churchyard. [VERB noun]


SYN lead, precede, be the leader of, be or go first
5 VERB 之首;名列首位 If something heads a list or group, it is at the top of it. 之首;名列首位
  • Running a business heads the list of ambitions among the 1,000 people interviewed by Good Housekeeping magazine. [VERB noun]


SYN top, lead, crown, cap
6 N-SING 顶部;上端 The head of something is the highest or top part of it. 顶部;上端
  • ...the head of the stairs. [+ of]


  • Every day a different name was placed at the head of the chart. [+ of]


SYN top, crown, summit, height
7 N-COUNT (细长物体的)头部,顶端 The head of something long and thin is the end which is wider than or a different shape from the rest, and which is often considered to be the most important part. (细长物体的)头部,顶端
  • There should be no exposed screw heads.


  • Keep the head of the club the same height throughout the swing.


  • ...a flower head.


8 N-COUNT (中小学的)校长 The head of a school is the teacher who is in charge. (中小学的)校长 [mainly British]
  • She is full of admiration for the head and teachers.


SYN head teacher, principal, headmaster or headmistress
9 N-COUNT (公司、组织的)负责人,领导人,首脑,长,主任 The head of a company or organization is the person in charge of it and in charge of the people in it. (公司、组织的)负责人,领导人,首脑,长,主任
  • Heads of government from more than 100 countries gather in Geneva tomorrow. [+ of]


  • ...the head waiter.


SYN leader, president, director, manager
10 VERB 掌管;主管;负责 If you head a department, company, or organization, you are the person in charge of it. 掌管;主管;负责
  • ...Michael Williams, who heads the department's Office of Civil Rights. [VERB noun]


  • ...the ruling Socialist Party, headed by Dr Franz Vranitzky. [VERB-ed]


SYN be in charge of, run, manage, lead
11 N-COUNT 脓头 The head of an infected spot is its white or yellow centre. 脓头
12 N-COUNT [usually singular] (啤酒表层的)泡沫;酒头 The head on a glass of beer is the layer of small bubbles that form on the top of the beer. (啤酒表层的)泡沫;酒头
13 N-PLURAL [num N of n] (表示牲畜的数目)头 You can use head to say how many animals of a particular type a farmer has. For example, if they have fifty head of cattle, they have fifty cows. (表示牲畜的数目)头
14 N-COUNT [usually singular] 头痛 If you have a bad head, you have a headache. 头痛 [British, informal]
  • I had a terrible head and was extraordinarily drunk.


15 ADV [be ADVERB, ADVERB after verb] (硬币的)有人头像的一面,正面 If you toss a coin and it comes down heads, you can see the side of the coin which has a picture of a head on it. (硬币的)有人头像的一面,正面
  • 'We might toss up for it,' suggested Ted. 'If it's heads, then we'll talk.'.


  • Heads or tails?


16 VERB 朝着(某一地点)行进(美国英语中亦作 are headed If you are heading for a particular place, you are going towards that place. In American English, you can also say that you are headed for a particular place. 朝着(某一地点)行进(美国英语中亦作 are headed
  • He headed for the bus stop. [VERB + for]


  • ...an Iraqi vessel heading for the port of Basra. [VERB for noun]


  • It is not clear how many of them will be heading back to Saudi Arabia tomorrow. [VERB adv./prep.]


  • She and her child boarded a plane headed to where her family lived. [VERB-ed]


  • He could just as well have hitched a ride on a train or a truck headed west. [VERB-ed]


17 VERB 很可能要遭受,会招致(美国英语中亦作 is headed for If something or someone is heading for a particular result, the situation they are in is developing in a way that makes that result very likely. In American English, you can also say that something or someone is headed for a particular result. 很可能要遭受,会招致(美国英语中亦作 is headed for [Also V + towards]
  • The latest talks aimed at ending the civil war appear to be heading for deadlock. [VERB + for]


  • He said anyone giving orders without respecting the wishes of his people is heading for disaster. [V for/towards n]


  • The centuries-old ritual seems headed for extinction. [V-ed + for]


18 VERB [usually passive] 标题为 If a piece of writing is headed a particular title, it has that title written at the beginning of it. 标题为
  • One chapter is headed, 'Beating the Test'.


19 VERB (足球比赛中)用头顶(球) If you head a ball in football, you hit it with your head in order to make it go in a particular direction. (足球比赛中)用头顶(球) [Also VERB n]
  • He headed the ball across the face of the goal. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


20 See also: heading 
21 PHRASE 每人/人均 You use a head or per head after stating a cost or amount in order to indicate that that cost or amount is for each person in a particular group. 每人/人均
  • This simple chicken dish costs less than £1 a head.


  • Ethiopia, for instance uses the equivalent of just twenty kilos of oil per head a year.


22 PHRASE [VERB and NOUN inflect] 让人生气;让人沮丧 If something or someone does your head in, they make you angry or frustrated. 让人生气;让人沮丧 [British, informal]
  • Living with my parents is doing my head in.


SYN depress, dishearten, frustrate, discourage
23 PHRASE 从头到脚;全身 From head to foot means all over your body. 从头到脚;全身 [emphasis]
  • Colin had been put into a bath and been scrubbed from head to foot.


SYN from top to toe, completely, all over, entirely
24 PHRASE 擅长 If you have a head for something, you can deal with it easily. For example, if you have a head for figures, you can do arithmetic easily, and if you have a head for heights, you can climb to a great height without feeling afraid. 擅长
  • I don't have a head for business.


  • ...an extraordinarily effective organiser with a remarkable head for figures.


25 PHRASE 充分理解并接受;打定(主意) If you get a fact or idea into your head, you suddenly realize or think that it is true and you usually do not change your opinion about it. 充分理解并接受;打定(主意)
  • Once they get an idea into their heads, they never give up.


26 PHRASE 终于明白 If you say that someone has got something into their head, you mean that they have finally understood or accepted it, and you are usually criticizing them because it has taken them a long time to do this. 终于明白
  • Managers have at last got it into their heads that they can no longer accept inefficient operations.


27 PHRASE [VERB and NOUN inflect] 自由行动;不加约束 If you give someone their head, you allow them to do what they want to do, without trying to advise or stop them. 自由行动;不加约束
  • He recognised ability and gave people their heads.


28 PHRASE (酒)使人感到醉,上头 If alcoholic drink goes to your head, it makes you feel drunk. (酒)使人感到醉,上头
  • That wine was strong, it went to your head.


29 PHRASE (赞扬或成功)冲昏的头脑,使骄傲自满 If you say that something such as praise or success goes to someone's head, you are criticizing them because you think that it makes them too proud or confident. (赞扬或成功)冲昏的头脑,使骄傲自满
  • Ford is definitely not a man to let a little success go to his head.


30 PHRASE 深陷情网 If you are head over heels or head over heels in love, you are very much in love. 深陷情网
  • I was very attracted to men and fell head over heels many times.


SYN completely, thoroughly, utterly, intensely
31 PHRASE 保持镇静/张皇失措 If you keep your head, you remain calm in a difficult situation. If you lose your head, you panic or do not remain calm in a difficult situation. 保持镇静/张皇失措
  • She was able to keep her head and not panic.


  • She lost her head and started screaming at me.


SYN stay calm, stay cool, remain unruffled, keep your shirt on [informal]
32 PHRASE 停止;结束 If you knock something on the head, you stop it. 停止;结束 [British, informal]
  • When we stop enjoying ourselves we'll knock it on the head.


33 PHRASE (表示强调)大笑/大声尖叫 Phrases such as laugh your head off and scream your head off can be used to emphasize that someone is laughing or screaming a lot or very loudly. (表示强调)大笑/大声尖叫 [emphasis]
  • He carried on telling a joke, laughing his head off.


34 PHRASE [NOUN inflects, usually verb-link PHRASE] (吸毒后)昏头昏脑的,神志不清的 If you say that someone is off their head, you mean that they have taken so many drugs that they do not know what they are doing. (吸毒后)昏头昏脑的,神志不清的 [mainly British, informal]
35 PHRASE 昏了头的;愚蠢的 If you say that someone is off their head, you think that their ideas or behaviour are very strange, foolish, or dangerous. 昏了头的;愚蠢的 [mainly British, informal, disapproval]
  • He's gone completely off his head.


36 PHRASE 倒过来想;从全新的角度理解 If you stand an idea or argument on its head or turn it on its head, you think about it or treat it in a completely new and different way. 倒过来想;从全新的角度理解
  • Their relationship turned the standard notion of marriage on its head.


37 PHRASE 超过的理解力 If something such as an idea, joke, or comment goes over someone's head, it is too difficult for them to understand. 超过的理解力
  • I admit that a lot of the ideas went way over my head.


38 PHRASE 未与商量地;(尤指)越级 If someone does something over another person's head, they do it without asking them or discussing it with them, especially when they should do so because the other person is in a position of authority. 未与商量地;(尤指)越级
  • He was reprimanded for trying to go over the heads of senior officers.


39 PHRASE (不好的事情)再次出现,重新抬头 If you say that something unpleasant or embarrassing rears its ugly head or raises its ugly head, you mean that it occurs, often after not occurring for some time. (不好的事情)再次出现,重新抬头
  • There was a problem which reared its ugly head about a week after she moved back in.


  • The scourge of racial tyranny should never again be allowed to raise its ugly head.


40 PHRASE 倒立;竖蜻蜓 If you stand on your head, you balance upside down with the top of your head and your hands on the ground. 倒立;竖蜻蜓
41 PHRASE 理解;弄明白 If you say that you cannot make head nor tail of something or you cannot make head or tail of it, you are emphasizing that you cannot understand it at all. 理解;弄明白 [informal]
  • I couldn't make head nor tail of the damn film.


42 PHRASE 突然决定(做某事,尤指古怪或愚蠢的事);心血来潮 If somebody takes it into their head to do something, especially something strange or foolish, they suddenly decide to do it. 突然决定(做某事,尤指古怪或愚蠢的事);心血来潮
  • He suddenly took it into his head to go out to Australia to stay with his son.


43 PHRASE 到了危急关头;到达关键点 If a problem or disagreement comes to a head or is brought to a head, it becomes so bad that something must be done about it. 到了危急关头;到达关键点
  • These problems came to a head in September when five of the station's journalists were sacked.


44 PHRASE [VERB inflects] 严厉训斥 If you bang peoples' heads together or knock their heads together, you tell them off severely for doing something wrong or for not doing something they were asked to do. 严厉训斥 [mainly British]
  • It is now high time he banged his colleagues' heads together.


45 PHRASE 集体商讨;集思广益 If two or more people put their heads together, they talk about a problem they have and try to solve it. 集体商讨;集思广益
  • So everyone put their heads together and eventually an amicable arrangement was reached.


SYN consult, confer, discuss, deliberate
46 PHRASE (尤指在生意方面)勉强逃脱困境 If you keep your head above water, you just avoid getting into difficulties; used especially to talk about business. (尤指在生意方面)勉强逃脱困境
  • We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good.


47 PHRASE 有人会遭殃,有人会(因此)受到惩罚(尤指被解雇) If you say that heads will roll as a result of something bad that has happened, you mean that people will be punished for it, especially by losing their jobs. 有人会遭殃,有人会(因此)受到惩罚(尤指被解雇)
  • The group's problems have led to speculation that heads will roll.


Phrasal verbs:
head offhead up
Thesaurushead Also look up:

brain, mind 2

beginning, front 3

director, leader 9


lead 4 5 10

command, control, govern, manage 10

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