

单词 grow
gr groʊ
Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense grows, present participle growing, past tense grew, past participle grown
1 VERB 生长;长大;发育 When people, animals, and plants grow, they increase in size and change physically over a period of time. 生长;长大;发育
  • We stop growing at maturity. [VERB]


2 VERB 成活;生长 If a plant or tree grows in a particular place, it is alive there. 成活;生长
  • The station had roses growing at each end of the platform. [VERB]


SYN spring up, shoot up, develop, flourish
3 VERB 栽种;种植 If you grow a particular type of plant, you put seeds or young plants in the ground and look after them as they develop. 栽种;种植
  • I always grow a few red onions. [VERB noun]


  • Lettuce was grown by the Ancient Romans. [VERB noun]


SYN cultivate, produce, raise, farm
4 VERB (毛发、指甲等)变长 When someone's hair grows, it gradually becomes longer. Your nails also grow. (毛发、指甲等)变长
  • Then the hair began to grow again and I felt terrific. [VERB]


5 VERB 留长(头发或指甲);蓄(胡须) If someone grows their hair, or grows a beard or moustache, they stop cutting their hair or shaving so that their hair becomes longer. You can also grow your nails. 留长(头发或指甲);蓄(胡须)
  • I'd better start growing my hair. [VERB noun]


6 VERB 成长;长大;成熟 If someone grows mentally, they change and develop in character or attitude. 成长;长大;成熟
  • They began to grow as persons. [VERB]


7 V-LINK 变得;变成;长成 You use grow to say that someone or something gradually changes until they have a new quality, feeling, or attitude. 变得;变成;长成
  • I grew a little afraid of the guy next door. [VERB adj.ive]


  • He's growing old. [VERB adj.ive]


  • He grew to love his work. [VERB to-infinitive]


SYN become, get, turn, come to be
8 VERB 增加;增强;增大 If an amount, feeling, or problem grows, it becomes greater or more intense. 增加;增强;增大
  • The number of unemployed people in Poland has grown by more than a quarter in the last month. [VERB]


  • Opposition grew and the government agreed to negotiate. [VERB]


  • ...a growing number of immigrants. [VERB-ing]


9 VERB 成长为;发展为 If one thing grows into another, it develops or changes until it becomes that thing. 成长为;发展为
  • The boys grew into men. [VERB + into]


  • This political row threatens to grow into a full blown crisis. [VERB + into]


10 VERB (观点、计划等)产生于,源于 If something such as an idea or a plan grows out of something else, it develops from it. (观点、计划等)产生于,源于
  • The idea for this book grew out of conversations with Philippa Brewster. [V + out of]


SYN originate, spring, arise, stem
11 VERB (经济或公司)增长,扩大,发展 If the economy or a business grows, it increases in wealth, size, or importance. (经济或公司)增长,扩大,发展 [business]
  • The economy continues to grow. [VERB]


  • ...a fast growing business. [VERB-ing]


SYN improve, advance, progress, succeed
12 VERB 扩大,壮大,发展(公司等) If someone grows a business, they take actions that will cause it to increase in wealth, size, or importance. 扩大,壮大,发展(公司等) [business]
  • To grow the business, he needs to develop management expertise and innovation across his team. [VERB noun]


13 V-ERG (晶体)产生;使(晶体)形成 If a crystal grows, or if a scientist grows it, it forms from a solution. (晶体)产生;使(晶体)形成
  • ...crystals that grow in cavities in the rock. [VERB]


  • We tried to grow some copper sulphate crystals with our children. [VERB noun]


14 See also: grown 
Usage Note :
  • Be careful not to confuse the verbs grow up and bring up. Grow up is an intransitive verb, and describes the process of becoming an adult. I grew up in rural southern England. Bring up is a transitive verb, and describes the process of looking after and socializing a child. ...we both felt the town was the perfect place to bring up a family. Note then, that parents do not 'grow up' their children, they 'bring them up'.

    不要混淆grow upbring upgrow up是不及物动词,描述长大成人的过程:I grew up in rural southern England(我在英格兰南部乡村长大)。bring up是及物动词,描述的是养育孩子并使之适应社会的过程:We both felt the town was the perfect place to bring up a family(我们俩都觉得这个小镇是养儿育女的理想之地)。注意:父母养育子女不能说 grow up,只能说bring them up

Phrasal verbs:
grow apartgrow away fromgrow intogrow ongrow outgrow out ofgrow up
ThesaurusWord Partnership
Thesaurusgrow Also look up:

develop, mature 1 6

germinate, spring up, thrive 2

cultivate, plant, produce 3

heighten, intensify 8

Word PartnershipUse grow with:

continue to grow 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 11

try to grow 3 5 12


grow older 1 7

grow bored, grow closer, grow louder, grow silent 7


grow food 3

Trends of grow
View usage for:All yearsLast 10 yearsLast 50 yearsLast 100 yearsLast 300 years




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