1 VERB 紧握;抓牢 If you grip something, you take hold of it with your hand and continue to hold it firmly. 紧握;抓牢
2 N-COUNT [oft poss NOUN] 紧握;抓牢 A grip is a firm, strong hold on something. 紧握;抓牢
SYN clasp, hold, grasp, handclasp [US]
3 N-SING 掌握;支配;控制 Someone's grip on something is the power and control they have over it. 掌握;支配;控制
The president maintains an iron grip on his country. [+ on]
Tony Blair last night tightened his grip on Labour mps with new powers to root out troublemakers.
SYN control, rule, influence, command
4 VERB 强烈地影响 If something grips you, it affects you very strongly. 强烈地影响
5 VERB [usually passive] 吸引;迷住 If you are gripped by something such as a story or a series of events, your attention is concentrated on it and held by it. 吸引;迷住
SYN engross, fascinate, absorb, entrance
6 N-UNCOUNT 防滑;抓地力 If things such as shoes or car tyres have grip, they do not slip. 防滑;抓地力
SYN hold, purchase, friction, traction
7 N-COUNT 手提包;旅行袋 A grip is a bag that is smaller than a suitcase, and that you use when you are travelling. 手提包;旅行袋
8 PHRASE 认真考虑并着手处理 If you get to grips with a problem or if you come to grips with it, you consider it seriously, and start taking action to deal with it. 认真考虑并着手处理
9 PHRASE (使自己)镇定下来;控制住(自己) If you get a grip on yourself, you make an effort to control or improve your behaviour or work. (使自己)镇定下来;控制住(自己)
10 PHRASE 受制于;受…的深刻影响 If a person, group, or place is in the grip of something, they are being severely affected by it. 受制于;受…的深刻影响
11 PHRASE 效率降低;失去信心;驾驭不住 If you lose your grip, you become less efficient and less confident, and less able to deal with things. 效率降低;失去信心;驾驭不住
12 PHRASE 了解形势;理解现状 If you say that someone has a grip on reality, you mean they recognize the true situation and do not have mistaken ideas about it. 了解形势;理解现状
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