

单词 straight
strt streɪt
Word forms: comparative straighter, superlative straightest, plural straights
1 ADJ-GRADED 直的;笔直的 A straight line or edge continues in the same direction and does not bend or curve. 直的;笔直的
  • Keep the boat in a straight line.


  • Using the straight edge as a guide, trim the cloth to size.


  • His teeth were perfectly straight.


  • There wasn't a single straight wall in the building.


SYN level, even, right, square
Straight is also an adverb.
  • Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.


  • Turn right and just basically walk straight, right over the river.


2 ADJ-GRADED [usually ADJ n] (头发)直的,不卷曲的 Straight hair has no curls or waves in it. (头发)直的,不卷曲的
  • Grace had long straight dark hair which she wore in a bun.


3 ADV 笔直地;径直地 You use straight to indicate that the way from one place to another is very direct, with no changes of direction. 笔直地;径直地
  • The ball fell straight to the feet of Klinsmann.


  • He finished his conversation and stood up, looking straight at me.


  • Straight ahead were the low cabins of the motel.


SYN directly, precisely, exactly, as the crow flies
4 ADV 立刻;马上 If you go straight to a place, you go there immediately. 立刻;马上
  • As always, we went straight to the experts for advice.


  • We'll go to a meeting in Birmingham and come straight back.


SYN immediately, directly, promptly, instantly
5 ADJ-GRADED [ADJ n] 直截了当的;直率的;坦诚的 If you give someone a straight answer, you answer them clearly and honestly. 直截了当的;直率的;坦诚的
  • What a shifty arguer he is, refusing ever to give a straight answer.


Straight is also an adverb.
  • I lost my temper and told him straight that I hadn't been looking for any job.


6 ADJ [ADJ n] 连续的;不间断的 Straight means following one after the other, with no gaps or intervals. 连续的;不间断的
  • They'd won 12 straight games before they lost.


SYN successive, consecutive, continuous, through
Straight is also an adverb.
  • He called from Weddington, having been there for 31 hours straight.

    他从韦丁顿打电话过来时已在那儿呆了整整 31 个小时了。

7 ADJ [ADJ n] 只涉及两人(或两物);(选择)非此即彼的 A straight choice or a straight fight involves only two people or things. 只涉及两人(或两物);(选择)非此即彼的
  • It's a straight choice between low-paid jobs and no jobs.


  • Each has several times beaten the other in a straight fight.


SYN straightforward [British] , clear, simple, routine
8 ADJ-GRADED 正经的;正统的;规矩本分的 If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are normal and conventional, for example in their opinions and in the way they live. 正经的;正统的;规矩本分的
  • Dorothy was described as a very straight woman, a very strict Christian who was married to her job.


SYN conventional, conservative, orthodox, traditional
9 ADJ [usually verb-link ADJ] 异性恋的;非同性恋的 If you describe someone as straight, you mean that they are heterosexual rather than homosexual. 异性恋的;非同性恋的 [informal]
  • His sexual orientation was a lot more gay than straight.


  • Marty of New York describes herself as a straight female.


SYN heterosexual
Straight is also a noun.
  • ...a standard of sexual conduct that applies equally to gays and straights.


10 ADJ [ADJ n] (尤指酒精饮料)纯的,不掺水的 A straight drink, especially an alcoholic drink, has not had another liquid such as water added to it. (尤指酒精饮料)纯的,不掺水的
  • ...a large straight whiskey without ice.


  • Children should not drink fruit juices straight.


11 N-COUNT (赛道的)直道(部分) On a racetrack, a straight is a section of the track that is straight, rather than curved. (赛道的)直道(部分)
  • Our cars were clearly too slow along the straights.


  • I went to overtake him on the back straight on the last lap.


12See also:home straight 
13 PHRASE 弄清楚;明确 If you get something straight, you make sure that you understand it properly or that someone else does. 弄清楚;明确 [spoken]
  • You need to get your facts straight.


  • Let's get things straight. I didn't lunch with her.


14 PHRASE 改过自新;改邪归正;重新做人 If a criminal is going straight, they are no longer involved in crime. 改过自新;改邪归正;重新做人
SYN reform, turn over a new leaf, make a new start, get back on the straight and narrow
15 PHRASE 走正路;过正当的生活 If something keeps people on the straight and narrow, it helps to keep them living an honest or healthy life. 走正路;过正当的生活
  • All her efforts to keep him on the straight and narrow have been rewarded.


16 a straight face→see: face  to set the record straight→see: record 
Word Partnership
Word PartnershipUse straight with:

straight line, straight nose 1

second/third straight loss/victory/win, second/third straight season/year 6


drive straight, keep going straight, look straight, point straight 3

Trends of straight
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