1 N-COUNT [usually plural] 股票;证券 Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid. 股票;证券 [business]
...the buying and selling of stocks and shares.
As stock prices have dropped, so too has bank capital.
2 N-UNCOUNT [usually poss NOUN] (公司的)股本,股份 A company's stock is the amount of money which the company has through selling shares. (公司的)股本,股份 [business]
Two years later, when Compaq went public, their stock was valued at $38 million.
康柏公司两年后上市时,他们的股本为 3,800 万美元。
The Fisher family holds 40% of the stock.
费希尔家族持有 40%的股份。
SYN property, capital, assets, funds
3 VERB [no cont] (商店)存(货),储备 If a shop stocks particular goods, it keeps a supply of them to sell. (商店)存(货),储备
SYN sell, supply, handle, keep
4 N-UNCOUNT (商店的)全部存货,库存 A shop's stock is the total amount of goods which it has available to sell. (商店的)全部存货,库存
SYN goods, merchandise, wares, range
5 VERB 在…中储备(或贮存) If you stock something such as a cupboard, shelf, or room, you fill it with food or other things. 在…中储备(或贮存) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store. [VERB noun]
Some families stocked their cellars with food and water. [VERB noun + with]
The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup. [be VERB-ed]
SYN fill, supply, provide with, provision
Stock up means the same as
stock .
stock up 同 stock -
I had to stock the boat up with food.
Customers travel from hundreds of miles away to stock up their deep freezes.
Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes.
6 N-COUNT 贮存;储备 If you have a stock of things, you have a supply of them stored in a place ready to be used. 贮存;储备
7 N-SING 供应量;储备量;现有量 The stock of something is the total amount of it that is available in a particular area. 供应量;储备量;现有量 [mainly British]
8 N-UNCOUNT 出身;种族;家系 If you are from a particular stock, you are descended from a particular group of people. 出身;种族;家系 [formal]
SYN lineage, descent, extraction, ancestry
9 N-PLURAL (尤指经过特殊饲养的)家畜,牲畜 Stock are cattle, sheep, pigs, or other animals which are kept by a farmer, usually ones which have been specially bred. (尤指经过特殊饲养的)家畜,牲畜
SYN livestock, cattle, beasts, domestic animals
10 ADJ [ADJ n] (回答、说法或做事方式)老一套的,陈腐的 A stock answer, expression, or way of doing something is one that is very commonly used, especially because people cannot be bothered to think of something new. (回答、说法或做事方式)老一套的,陈腐的
My boss had a stock response — 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it!'.
National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.
SYN hackneyed, standard, usual, set
11 N-MASS 高汤;原汤 Stock is a liquid, usually made by boiling meat, bones, or vegetables in water, that is used to give flavour to soups and sauces. 高汤;原汤
12 N-PLURAL (旧时惩罚犯人用的)手足枷 In former times, the stocks were an instrument of punishment. A criminal's hands and legs were locked into holes in a wooden frame while people threw things at them. (旧时惩罚犯人用的)手足枷
13 See also: stocking laughing stock rolling stock
14 PHRASE 有货/缺货 If goods are in stock, a shop has them available to sell. If they are out of stock, it does not. 有货/缺货
15 PHRASE 作出整体估量;全面分析 If you take stock, you pause to think about all the aspects of a situation or event before deciding what to do next. 作出整体估量;全面分析
It was time to take stock of the situation.
I was forty, the age when people take stock and change their lives.
SYN review the situation, weigh up, appraise, estimate
16 lock, stock, and barrel→see: barrel
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