

单词 stock
stɒk stɑk
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense stocks, present participle stocking, past tense , past participle stocked
1 N-COUNT [usually plural] 股票;证券 Stocks are shares in the ownership of a company, or investments on which a fixed amount of interest will be paid. 股票;证券 [business]
  • ...the buying and selling of stocks and shares.


  • As stock prices have dropped, so too has bank capital.


2 N-UNCOUNT [usually poss NOUN] (公司的)股本,股份 A company's stock is the amount of money which the company has through selling shares. (公司的)股本,股份 [business]
  • Two years later, when Compaq went public, their stock was valued at $38 million.

    康柏公司两年后上市时,他们的股本为 3,800 万美元。

  • The Fisher family holds 40% of the stock.

    费希尔家族持有 40%的股份。

SYN property, capital, assets, funds
3 VERB [no cont] (商店)(),储备 If a shop stocks particular goods, it keeps a supply of them to sell. (商店)(),储备
  • The shop stocks everything from cigarettes to recycled loo paper. [VERB noun]


SYN sell, supply, handle, keep
4 N-UNCOUNT (商店的)全部存货,库存 A shop's stock is the total amount of goods which it has available to sell. (商店的)全部存货,库存
  • We took the decision to withdraw a quantity of stock from sale.


SYN goods, merchandise, wares, range
5 VERB 中储备(或贮存) If you stock something such as a cupboard, shelf, or room, you fill it with food or other things. 中储备(或贮存) [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • I worked stocking shelves in a grocery store. [VERB noun]


  • Some families stocked their cellars with food and water. [VERB noun + with]


  • The kitchen cupboard was stocked with tins of soup. [be VERB-ed]


SYN fill, supply, provide with, provision
Stock up means the same as stock .stock up stock
  • I had to stock the boat up with food.


  • Customers travel from hundreds of miles away to stock up their deep freezes.


  • Start planning for Christmas now by stocking up the freezer with some festive dishes.


6 N-COUNT 贮存;储备 If you have a stock of things, you have a supply of them stored in a place ready to be used. 贮存;储备
  • I keep a stock of cassette tapes describing various relaxation techniques.


  • Stocks of ammunition were running low.


7 N-SING 供应量;储备量;现有量 The stock of something is the total amount of it that is available in a particular area. 供应量;储备量;现有量 [mainly British]
  • ...the stock of accommodation available to be rented.


8 N-UNCOUNT 出身;种族;家系 If you are from a particular stock, you are descended from a particular group of people. 出身;种族;家系 [formal]
  • We are both from working class stock.


  • ...blacks, Asians and people of Mediterranean stock.


SYN lineage, descent, extraction, ancestry
9 N-PLURAL (尤指经过特殊饲养的)家畜,牲畜 Stock are cattle, sheep, pigs, or other animals which are kept by a farmer, usually ones which have been specially bred. (尤指经过特殊饲养的)家畜,牲畜
  • I am carefully selecting the breeding stock.


  • His herd of 170 dairy cattle and 200 young stock are kept on the land.


SYN livestock, cattle, beasts, domestic animals
10 ADJ [ADJ n] (回答、说法或做事方式)老一套的,陈腐的 A stock answer, expression, or way of doing something is one that is very commonly used, especially because people cannot be bothered to think of something new. (回答、说法或做事方式)老一套的,陈腐的
  • My boss had a stock response — 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it!'.


  • National security is the stock excuse for keeping things confidential.


SYN hackneyed, standard, usual, set
11 N-MASS 高汤;原汤 Stock is a liquid, usually made by boiling meat, bones, or vegetables in water, that is used to give flavour to soups and sauces. 高汤;原汤
12 N-PLURAL (旧时惩罚犯人用的)手足枷 In former times, the stocks were an instrument of punishment. A criminal's hands and legs were locked into holes in a wooden frame while people threw things at them. (旧时惩罚犯人用的)手足枷
13 See also: stocking  laughing stock  rolling stock 
14 PHRASE 有货/缺货 If goods are in stock, a shop has them available to sell. If they are out of stock, it does not. 有货/缺货
  • Check that your size is in stock.


  • Lemon and lime juice were both temporarily out of stock.


15 PHRASE 作出整体估量;全面分析 If you take stock, you pause to think about all the aspects of a situation or event before deciding what to do next. 作出整体估量;全面分析
  • It was time to take stock of the situation.


  • I was forty, the age when people take stock and change their lives.


SYN review the situation, weigh up, appraise, estimate
16 lock, stock, and barrel→see: barrel 
Phrasal verbs:
stock up
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