1 N-COUNT 有身份的人;绅士 A gentleman is a man who comes from a family of high social standing. 有身份的人;绅士
2 N-COUNT 有教养的人;彬彬有礼的人;君子 If you say that a man is a gentleman, you mean he is polite and educated, and can be trusted. 有教养的人;彬彬有礼的人;君子
3 N-COUNT; N-VOC (对人礼貌的称呼)先生 You can address men as gentlemen, or refer politely to them as gentlemen. (对人礼貌的称呼)先生 [politeness]
This way, please, ladies and gentlemen.
It seems this gentleman was waiting for the doctor.
4 PHRASE (口头的)君子协定,绅士协定 A gentleman's agreement or a gentlemen's agreement is an informal agreement in which people trust one another to do what they have promised. The agreement is not written down and does not have any legal force. (口头的)君子协定,绅士协定
It is almost a definition of a gentleman to say that he is one who never inflicts pain Cardinal Newman The Idea of a University
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