

单词 free
fr fri
Word forms: comparative freer, superlative freest, 3rd person singular present tense frees, present participle freeing, past tense , past participle freed
1 ADJ 免费的 If something is free, you can have it or use it without paying for it. 免费的
  • The seminars are free, with lunch provided.


  • ...a free brochure with details of gift vouchers.


SYN complimentary, for free [informal] , for nothing, unpaid
2 free of charge→see: charge 
3 ADJ-GRADED [oft ADJ to-infinitive] 自由的;不受约束的;没有限制的 Someone or something that is free is not restricted, controlled, or limited, for example by rules, customs, or other people. 自由的;不受约束的;没有限制的
  • The government will be free to pursue its economic policies.


  • The elections were free and fair.


  • Economists argued that freer markets would quickly revive the region's economy.


  • He fears that until state subsidies are removed, Russia will never have a truly free press.


  • Dogs were allowed to roam free and 48 sheep were killed.


SYN allowed, permitted, unrestricted, unimpeded
  • They cast their votes freely and without coercion on election day.


  • Merchandise can now circulate freely among the EU countries.


4 VERB 使摆脱;使去掉 If you free someone of something that is unpleasant or restricting, you remove it from them. 使摆脱;使去掉
  • It will free us of a whole lot of debt. [V n of/from n]


  • The 30-year-old star is trying to free himself from his recording contract. [V n + of/from]

    这位30 岁的明星正试图从他的唱片合约中脱身。

SYN clear, deliver, disengage, cut loose
5 ADJ [ADJ n, verb-link ADJ, ADJ after verb] (人身)自由的;不受监禁(或奴役) Someone who is free is no longer a prisoner or a slave. (人身)自由的;不受监禁(或奴役)
  • He walked from the court house a free man.


  • More than ninety prisoners have been set free so far under a government amnesty.

    目前已有 90 多名犯人因为一项政府特赦获得自由。

6 VERB 使人身自由;解放;释放 To free a prisoner or a slave means to let them go or release them from prison. 使人身自由;解放;释放
  • Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners. [VERB noun]


  • The act had a specific intent, to protect freed slaves from white mobs. [VERB-ed]


7 ADJ ;摆脱了 If someone or something is free of or free from an unpleasant thing, they do not have it or they are not affected by it. ;摆脱了
  • ...a future far more free of fear. [+ of/from]


  • She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles.


  • The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes.


8 ADJ () A sum of money or type of goods that is free of tax or duty is one that you do not have to pay tax on. ()
9See also:duty-free  interest-free  tax-free 
10 VERB 使解脱出来;使空出来 To free someone or something means to make them available for a task or function that they were previously not available for. 使解脱出来;使空出来 [Also VERB n PREPOSITION]
  • Toolbelts free both hands and lessen the risk of dropping hammers. [VERB noun]


  • His deal with Disney will run out shortly, freeing him to pursue his own project. [VERB noun to-infinitive]


  • There were more civilians working for the police, freeing officers from desk jobs. [V n + from/of/for]


Free up means the same as free .free up free
  • It can handle even the most complex graphic jobs, freeing up your computer for other tasks.


11 ADJ 空闲的;有空的;不上班的;不在忙的 If you have a free period of time or are free at a particular time, you are not working or occupied then. 空闲的;有空的;不上班的;不在忙的
  • She spent her free time shopping.


  • I used to write during my free periods at school.


  • I am always free at lunchtime.


SYN non-working, leisure, unemployed, idle
12 ADJ 不在用的;无人使用的;未被占用的 If something such as a table or seat is free, it is not being used or occupied by anyone, or is not reserved for anyone to use. 不在用的;无人使用的;未被占用的
  • There was only one seat free on the train.


  • They took the only free table, which was just inside the door.


SYN available, extra, empty, spare
13 ADJ [verb-link ADJ] 松开的;脱开的;未缚住的;未固定的 If you get something free or if it gets free, it is no longer trapped by anything or attached to anything. 松开的;脱开的;未缚住的;未固定的
  • The severe conditions hampered attempts to pull the vessel free of the rig.


  • He pulled his arm free, and strode for the door.


  • The shark was writhing around wildly, trying to get free.


14 VERB 松开;解开;使不再缚住(或固定) If you free someone or something, you remove them from the place in which they have been trapped or become fixed. 松开;解开;使不再缚住(或固定)
  • It took firemen two hours to cut through the drive belt to free him. [VERB noun]


  • He managed to free one hand to ward off a punch. [VERB noun]


SYN disentangle, extricate, disengage, detach
15 ADJ [ADJ n] (手或胳膊)空着的,闲着的 When someone is using one hand or arm to hold or move something, their other hand or arm is referred to as their free one. (手或胳膊)空着的,闲着的
  • He snatched up the receiver and his free hand groped for the switch on the bedside lamp.


  • She checked her fall with her free arm.


16 ADJ-GRADED [verb-link ADJ with n] 慷慨的;大手大脚的;过分给予的 If you say that someone is free with something such as advice or money, you mean that they give a lot of it, sometimes when it is not wanted. 慷慨的;大手大脚的;过分给予的 [disapproval]
  • They weren't always so free with their advice.


  • They would often be free with criticism, some of it unjustified.


SYN generous, willing, liberal, eager
17 PHRASE 请随意;不必拘谨 You say 'feel free' when you want to give someone permission to do something, in a very willing way. 请随意;不必拘谨 [informal, formulae]
  • Go right ahead. Feel free.


  • If you have any questions at all, please feel free to ask me.


18 PHRASE 义务地;无偿地;免费地 If you do something or get something for free, you do it without being paid or get it without having to pay for it. 义务地;无偿地;免费地 [informal] [informal]
  • I wasn't expecting you to do it for free.


  • Why waste £50 when you could get it for free?


19 PHRASE (表达批评意见时用于强调)不管怎样 You say that you will express a critical opinion about something for free when you want to emphasize how strongly you feel about it. (表达批评意见时用于强调)不管怎样
  • I'll tell you one thing for free: I can't stand him.


20 to give someone a free hand→see: hand 
21 PHRASAL VERB 开放,放开(市场、经济或体系) To free up a market, economy, or system means to make it operate with fewer restrictions and controls. 开放,放开(市场、经济或体系)
  • ...policies for freeing up markets and extending competition.


Phrasal verbs:
free up
Free at last, Free at last
Thank God Almighty
I'm Free at last
Martin Luther King Jr. Spiritual, quoted on his tomb
The free way of life proposes ends, but it does not prescribe means Robert F. Kennedy The Pursuit of Justice
I am condemned to be free Jean-Paul Sartre L'Être et le néant
The thoughts of a prisoner - they're not free either. They keep returning to the same things Alexander Solzhenitsyn One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Thesaurusfree Also look up:

complimentary 1

independent, unattached, unrestricted 3

available, unoccupied, vacant 12


emancipate, let go, liberate 4 6

disentangle, unshackle 14

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