1 ADJ [ADJ n] 寄养的;代养的 Foster parents are people who officially take a child into their family for a period of time, without becoming the child's legal parents. The child is referred to as their foster child. 寄养的;代养的
2 VERB 寄养;代养 If you foster a child, you take it into your family for a period of time, without becoming its legal parent. 寄养;代养
SYN bring up, mother, raise, nurse
3 VERB 促进;鼓励;培养 To foster something such as an activity or idea means to help it to develop. 促进;鼓励;培养
He said that developed countries had a responsibility to foster global economic growth to help new democracies. [VERB noun]
Its cash crisis has been fostered by declining property values. [VERB noun]
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