

单词 fly
fl flaɪ
Word forms: plural , 3rd person singular present tense flies, present participle flying, past tense flew, past participle flown
1 N-COUNT 苍蝇 A fly is a small insect with two wings. There are many kinds of flies, and the most common are black in colour. 苍蝇
2 VERB ;飞行;飞翔 When something such as a bird, insect, or aircraft flies, it moves through the air. ;飞行;飞翔 [Also VERB]
  • The planes flew through the clouds. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • The bird flew away. [VERB prep./adv.]


SYN take wing, soar, glide, take to the air
3 VERB (乘飞机)飞行,航行 If you fly somewhere, you travel there in an aircraft. (乘飞机)飞行,航行
  • He flew to Los Angeles. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • He flew back to London. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • Mr Baker flew in from Moscow. [VERB prep./adv.]


SYN jet, travel by plane, go by air, travel in an aircraft
4 VERB 驾驶(飞机) When someone flies an aircraft, they control its movement in the air. 驾驶(飞机)
  • Parker had successfully flown both aircraft. [VERB noun]


  • He flew a small plane to Cuba. [VERB noun prep./adv.]


  • His inspiration to fly came even before he joined the Army. [VERB]


SYN pilot, control, operate, steer
  • ...a flying instructor.


5 VERB 空运(乘客或货物) To fly someone or something somewhere means to take or send them there in an aircraft. 空运(乘客或货物)
  • It may be possible to fly the women and children out on Thursday. [VERB noun adv./prep.]


  • The relief supplies are being flown from a warehouse in Pisa. [be VERB-ed adv./prep.]


SYN airlift, send by plane, take by plane, take in an aircraft
6 VERB 飞舞;飘荡 If something such as your hair is flying about, it is moving about freely and loosely in the air. 飞舞;飘荡
  • His long, uncovered hair flew back in the wind. [VERB adv./prep.]


  • She was running down the stairs, her hair flying. [VERB]


7 V-ERG ();(旗帜)飘扬 If you fly a flag or if it is flying, you display it at the top of a pole. ();(旗帜)飘扬
  • They flew the flag of the African National Congress. [VERB noun]


  • A flag was flying on the new military HQ. [VERB]


SYN flutter, wave, float, flap
8 VERB 疾驰;飞跑 If you say that someone or something flies in a particular direction, you are emphasizing that they move there with a lot of speed or force. 疾驰;飞跑 [emphasis]
  • She flew to their bedsides when they were ill. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • I flew downstairs. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • There are bullets flying around your head. [VERB prep./adv.]


SYN rush, race, shoot, career
9 VERB 匆忙离开;赶紧走 If you tell someone that you must fly, you are indicating that you have to leave in a great hurry. 匆忙离开;赶紧走
  • I must fly or I'll miss my plane. [VERB]


  • I'll have to fly. [VERB]


SYN leave, disappear, get away, depart
10 VERB (故事、谣言等)传开,传播 If stories or rumours are flying around a place, they are being discussed a great deal and by a lot of people within a short period of time. (故事、谣言等)传开,传播
  • Rumours had been flying around the workrooms all morning. [VERB prep./adv.]


  • Rumours were flying about possible deals. [VERB]


11 N-COUNT (裤子的)前裆开口 The front opening on a pair of trousers is referred to as the fly, or in British English the flies. It usually consists of a zip or row of buttons behind a band of cloth. (裤子的)前裆开口
12 N-COUNT (作钓饵的)假蝇 In fishing, a fly is a model of a small winged insect that is used as a bait. (作钓饵的)假蝇
13See also:flying  tsetse fly 
14 PHRASE 心地善良;心肠软 If you say that someone wouldn't hurt a fly or wouldn't harm a fly, you are emphasizing that they are very kind and gentle. 心地善良;心肠软 [emphasis]
  • Ray wouldn't hurt a fly.


  • ...a lovely girl, who would not have harmed a fly.


15 PHRASE 攻击;侮辱 If you let fly, you attack someone, either physically by hitting them, or with words by insulting them. 攻击;侮辱
  • A simmering row ended with her letting fly with a stream of obscenities.


SYN attack, assault, criticize, assail
16 PHRASE [PHRASE after verb] 匆忙地;赶紧地 If you do something on the fly, you do it quickly without thinking about it or planning it in advance, especially while something else is happening. 匆忙地;赶紧地 [informal]
  • It was all pretty much done on the fly.


17 PHRASE (…)打翻在地;(使)重重地摔在地上 If you send someone or something flying or if they go flying, they move through the air and fall down with a lot of force. (…)打翻在地;(使)重重地摔在地上
  • The blow sent the young man flying.


18 PHRASE 不为人察觉的观察者 If you say that you would like to be a fly on the wall in a situation that does not involve you, you mean that you would like to see or hear what happens in that situation. 不为人察觉的观察者
  • What I'd give to be a fly on the wall when Davis finds out what's happened to his precious cargo.


19See also:fly-on-the-wall 
20 to fly the coop→see: coop 
21 as the crow flies→see: crow 
22 . to fly in the face of→see: face 
23 . to fly the flag→see: flag 
24 . to fly off the handle→see: handle 
25 . a fly in the ointment→see: ointment 
26 pigs might fly→see: pig 
27 sparks fly→see: spark 
28 time flies→see: time 
29 PHRASAL VERB 攻击;侮辱 If you fly at someone, you attack them, either physically by hitting them, or with words by insulting them. 攻击;侮辱
  • She flew at him for making a very anti-British remark.


SYN attack, assault, criticize, assail
30 PHRASAL VERB 突然爆发(坏脾气);突然陷入(恐慌) If you fly into a bad temper or a panic, you suddenly become very angry or anxious and show this in your behaviour. 突然爆发(坏脾气);突然陷入(恐慌)
  • Losing a game would cause him to fly into a rage.


Phrasal verbs:
fly atfly into
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