1 N-COUNT 旗;旗帜;(尤指)国旗 A flag is a piece of cloth which can be attached to a pole and which is used as a sign, signal, or symbol of something, especially of a particular country. 旗;旗帜;(尤指)国旗
SYN banner, standard, colours, jack
2 N-COUNT (在售旗募捐日出售或在某个位置上作标记用的)小旗,旗状物 A flag is a small piece of paper or cloth attached to a stick or pin which is sold on a flag day or used to mark a particular spot. (在售旗募捐日出售或在某个位置上作标记用的)小旗,旗状物
3 N-COUNT [usually adjective NOUN] 旗帜(新闻用语,代指某个国家、组织或其价值观、权力) Journalists sometimes refer to the flag of a particular country or organization as a way of referring to the country or organization itself and its values or power. 旗帜(新闻用语,代指某个国家、组织或其价值观、权力) [Also + of]
Joining John Whitaker will be his brother Michael also riding under the British flag.
The airport was opened by Canadian troops operating under the flag of the United Nations.
4 VERB 松劲;泄气;疲乏 If you flag or if your spirits flag, you begin to lose enthusiasm or energy. 松劲;泄气;疲乏
SYN weaken, fall, die, fail
5 N-COUNT 同 flagstone A flag is the same as a flagstone . 同 flagstone
7 PHRASE (在国外时)表示并号召拥护自己的国家;(为少数人支持的事业)摇旗呐喊 If you fly the flag, you show that you are proud of your country, or that you support a particular cause, especially when you are in a foreign country or when few other people do. (在国外时)表示并号召拥护自己的国家;(为少数人支持的事业)摇旗呐喊
8 PHRASAL VERB 挥手拦下,招手叫(尤指出租车) If you flag down a vehicle, especially a taxi, you wave at it as a signal for the driver to stop. 挥手拦下,招手叫(尤指出租车)
flag up 引起对…的注意 If you flag up something such as a problem, you bring it to someone's attention. 引起对…的注意
Staff can use the noticeboard to flag up any concerns.
I think there are more important issues and I just wanted to flag that up.
Then raise the scarlet standard high!
Within its folds we'll live or die
Tho' cowards flinch and traitors sneer
We'll keep the red flag flying here James M. Connell The Red Flag
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